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AQA GCSE Equation Quiz

AQA GCSE Equation Quiz

A quiz containing all of the equations that students need to know for the current AQA GCSE PHysics specification. The questions are written in the same style that AQA uses when they are asking students to recall equations in exams and the answer sheet gives equations in the same form as they are give on the specification. If you like this, check out my 30 equation quizes and learning log. A set of thirty five question quizes for low-stakes testing and a learning log for students to record how they are doing in learning their equations. I use these from the start of the GCSE course so that recall of all equations is done by the time students get to the end of the course.
AQA GCSE Equation Quizzes

AQA GCSE Equation Quizzes

30 quizzes on equations for AQA GCSE Physics for** low-stakes testing**. Each quiz is five random questions written in the style that students will see on AQA exams. I have provided these as pdfs - each page has two identical quizzes to halve your photocopying - and power point slides. There is also a learning log for students to colour in as they go. Green for got it right and red for got it wrong, so that students can track your progress, and you can show it to Ofsted/ISI to demonstrate progress too. Instructinos on how to use the learning log are included, as well as the full list of 22 questions. YouTube and TikTok: @physicswithkate