Complete lessons which are ready to go! Closely linked to new exam specifications with objective, outcomes and clearly linked tasks and past exam questions for peer and self assessment.
Complete lessons which are ready to go! Closely linked to new exam specifications with objective, outcomes and clearly linked tasks and past exam questions for peer and self assessment.
Ensure you embed appropriate think time into lessons with this fun think time, ppt timer.
From 3 seconds to 1 minutes the clouds count down. Add prompts such as key words into the thought clouds to differentiate.
Simply copy and paste keeping sources formatting.
Allowing think time is shown to increase the length and correctness of responses, the number of I don't know and no answer responses decreases and volunteered, appropriate answers also increases. Teachers who embed think time in lessons show questioning strategies which tend to be more varied and flexible and decrease the quantity and increase the quality and variety of their questions. This leads to asking additional questions that require more complex information processing and higher-level thinking on the part of students.
Find more fun resources for free at
Ensure you embed appropriate think time into lessons with this fun think time, ppt timer. From 3 seconds to 2 minutes the clouds slowly float out of the screen. Add prompts such as key words into the thought clouds to differentiate. Simply copy and paste keeping sources formatting.
Allowing think time is shown to increase the length and correctness of responses, the number of “I don’t know” and no answer responses decreases and volunteered, appropriate answers also increases. Teachers who embed think time in lessons show questioning strategies which tend to be more varied and flexible and decrease the quantity and increase the quality and variety of their questions. This leads to asking additional questions that require more complex information processing and higher-level thinking on the part of students.
Find more great resources for free at
Calming powerPoint class room timer the apples slowly fall from the tree over a 1 minute period, ideal for short or long tasks, assessments or even tidy up time. Very visual.
Apple tree powerPoint timer. 60 slides one for each of 1 - 60 minutes.
Time on Task is proven to Increase Focus & Productivity.
Easily transferred into lesson ppt's, simply copy and paste the slide you want keeping source formatting.
Feedback is very important to us and we really appreciate you taking the time to leave it, so we will use our response to your feedback to share any £3 TES vouchers that we receive.
Enter VALUEDCUSTOMER, at the checkout to get this resource for free. Expires midnight Sunday 22 October.
OCR gateway chemistry. New spec C2.1 lessons and learning mats.
Save money and time with this bundle of new spec lessons and learning mats.
Find free fun resources at
Positive feedback means the world to us. We will use our reply to your feedback to share TES voucher codes and other promotions when they become available.
Code: 'MEGA-MAY’ – for new buyers to enter at checkout
The code will give NEW buyers to Tes* 100% off a resource up to the value of £3 ($3.97 in USD). It expires at 23.59 BST on Wednesday 31 May 2017, or after 20,000 redemptions (whichever is sooner
Imposing monolith timers to assist with behaviour management in controlled assessments and mock exams.
Margin markers allow you to quickly mark book whilst still giving timely feedback at a relevant point in students work. Their design ensures that marking for literacy is more than obvious in any book scrutiny and they can save you hours of time in marking. Students should show they have responded to your feedback by overwriting capital letters and you can then just tick. Quickly showing a feedback loop and marking for literacy.
Print onto stickers (30 per page) or A4 paper and stick into margin. Margin marking keeps printimg costs to a minimum.
Feedback is always welcome and we will use our response to distribute voucher codes as they become available. A small selection of free teaching resources is also available at
Code: 'MEGA-MAY’ – for new buyers to enter at checkout
The code will give NEW buyers to Tes* 100% off a resource up to the value of £3 ($3.97 in USD). It expires at 23.59 BST on Wednesday 31 May 2017, or after 20,000 redemptions (whichever is sooner
Key stage 3 planning - 1 page concise planning with lesson title and outcomes.
Planning for B1.3 OCR Biology / combined science. Respiration, carbohydrates, lipids & proteins.
Includes objectives and outcomes for three lessons to cover B1.3. Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration and carbohydrates lipids and proteins. All lessons and learning mats for this unit are available in our shop on TES.