We All Fall Down by Eric Walters is a novel about a Grade 9 boy who goes to "job shadow" his dad at the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001. Then the unexpected happens...
Included are vocabulary words by chapter (1-15) for the novel.
Use these vocabulary words prior to reading each chapter for discussion.
Students can also find the part of speech and meaning for some words, using a dictionary and the sheet provided.
Included as well are 2 acrostic templates. One with "Will Fuller", the main character and the other with the novel title.
Students could use the vocabulary words to assist them with completing the acrostics.
There are also 48 vocabulary matches, (answer sheet included) which includes sentence writing as well.
Students could match the word with the meaning by using the novel or a dictionary as reference.
Total Pages 15
A creative way for the students to recap their knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary words found in the novel, The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton.
Includes 3 vocabulary matches with answer sheets.
Use each vocabulary match sheet before or after completing the
novel chapters.
The vocabulary matches could be used as a quick assessment tool as well!
Enjoy the audiobook on YouTube!
Total Pages 7
Get your students warmed up to the new year with these,
reflection activities!
Activity sheets come with lines and without.
Younger, ESL or Special Ed students can draw the ideas instead of writing them on the sheets without the lines.
Activities print well in Black and White too!
Great to put up around your classroom, once completed, to remind students of wishes and goals!
If you purchase this resource, you will receive an updated version with the new year. Just re-download and it’s yours again, for FREE!
They will be reflecting on,
What they wish for…
What they would like to change…
What they want to learn…
What they are looking forward to…
Pgs. 9
If you had to choose between getting a dog or a cat, which would you prefer?
Which would your students prefer?
In this journal activity, students will make a choice between two pets and give reasons why.
Students will write informative/explanatory texts while examining a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
They will also learn how to draw a dog and a cat!
Includes an easy to follow lesson plan.
Prints well in grayscale setting too!
Includes pages with U.S. and non U.S. spelling.
Pgs. 7
How about some Halloween Patterning Fun?
Have your students participate in Halloween and Math at the same time!
A great way to keep your students learning math on a busy and fun day!
A fun way to review Patterning!
10 pages.
How about some Halloween Patterning Fun?
In French!
Have your students participate in Halloween and Math at the same time!
A great way to keep your students learning math on a busy and fun day!
A fun way to review Patterning!
Two extra sheets have been added to reflect the two different ways of saying "Happy Halloween!" & "Trick or Treat!"
10 pages.
Get your students excited about the upcoming winter sporting events.
This FRENCH resource includes:
-"Sports d'hiver" acrostic
-"Sports d'hiver" word make
- Favorite winter sport write up and draw
- Mascot creation
- Medal designing
- Sports match up (match picture with sport)
- Brochure to complete Athlete Biography
13 Pages.
Get your students excited about the upcoming soccer games with these French, fun and educational resources.
-world soccer quick fact sheet
-3 acrostic templates
-word search with answer sheet
-soccer vocabulary match sheet (answers included)
-sentence writing sheet
-a word make with answer sheet
-country and flag match with answer sheet
-design a flag, rough draft and good copy sheets
-design a cup, rough draft and good copy sheets
19 pages.
Get your students excited about the upcoming soccer games with these fun and educational resources.
<strong> 16 pages.
-world soccer quick fact sheet
-2 acrostic templates
-word search with answer sheet
-soccer vocabulary match sheet (answers included)
-soccer word make sheet
-soccer crossword puzzle with answer sheet
-sentence writing sheets
-design a flag
-create a soccer diamante poem
Try out these FREE sample pages with your students!
Included are sample pages from our complete booklet,
My Writing Journeys-Junior Grades ( UK & Australia). Click here...My Writing Journeys-Junior Grades ( UK & Australia)
Please note: We also carry a U.S. Version in our store. Click here... My Writing Journeys -U.S.
These activities are suitable for students in Grades 4-6.
An excellent accompaniment to the Daily 5 Program!
Cross-curricular topics too!
Includes a variety of "writing forms".
Each two-page activity includes "word wall" words for each activity. Great for word study. Also contains graphic organizers and an art/drawing section.
Some topics/activities could be linked to Health, Science and Visual Arts.
Total Pages 9
This activity is a creative way for your students to connect with one of their favorite story characters.
Activity contains a drawing section as well.
Bonus: Story Book Character Traits sheet
Prior to completing this activity, brainstorm with the students all the different traits that a character could have.
Pgs. 3
Included are 2 FREE sample activities-3 pages each- from our complete Primary Grade journal book.
These activities could be used by students in Grades 1-3, depending on their level and ability.
Practice vocabulary words related to the topic/theme.
Work on graphic organizers as a class or group.
Write and then draw about the engaging topic.
Includes printing practice pages too!
These activities are user friendly and they could be used in many different ways.
Some teachers are using them as a daily morning warm up or part of their existing language program.
My Writing Journeys Primary Grades
Click here: My Writing Journeys PRIMARY GRADES
Total Pages 8
Just in time to start thinking about Christmas!
Included are templates that could be used for stories and poetry.
Also included are ready to use acrostic, diamante and cinquain templates.
Students can colo(u)r the fun template frames as well!
Once completed, templates could be framed to make a quick gift for someone special at Christmas.
Pgs. 22
A great way to officially welcome Spring is through poetry.
Included are 4 poetry template sheets that your students will enjoy working on.
2- different designs to choose from,
Diamante (great for reviewing adjectives and verbs)
Hello Spring...Goodbye Winter
Good Bye Rain...Hello Sunshine (great for reviewing verbs and the importance of rain and sun)
SPRING word make
Total Pages 11