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I went part time to spend more time with my toddler, the resources I make are designed to help you get some work-life balance and spend more time with your toddler/partner/cat. Everything I make is designed to be ready to use, and make your life as easy as possible, while providing your students with the best chance to shine. I aim to reduce your marking load, give your students immediate feedback and give you lessons that are ready to go, all you need to do is a tiny bit of photocopying.




I went part time to spend more time with my toddler, the resources I make are designed to help you get some work-life balance and spend more time with your toddler/partner/cat. Everything I make is designed to be ready to use, and make your life as easy as possible, while providing your students with the best chance to shine. I aim to reduce your marking load, give your students immediate feedback and give you lessons that are ready to go, all you need to do is a tiny bit of photocopying.
Oxidation Number- 20 Multiple Choice Questions. For 2015 A-Level chemistry

Oxidation Number- 20 Multiple Choice Questions. For 2015 A-Level chemistry

The A-levels start with 20 multiple choice questions, so to get students use to them I’m going to set 20 a week, using EdPuzzle to mark them for me. There is a video working through the answers here https://youtu.be/jAV6P2eY5Eg The Edpuzzle video has overlaid questions, which pauses the video to allow students to answer, it gives instant feedback and then I work through the answer before moving on to the next question. If you use the link you can assign it to your own classes and get the results. https://edpuzzle.com/media/558a9b785fd7a44633a2fbb5 This is a taster for similar style premium content. To adjust for guessing (if I'm feeling mean) I use this... FS = R - W/(C - 1), FS "corrected" or formula score R number of items answered right W number of items answered wrong C number of choices per item (same for all items).
Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table, Formative Assessment for GCSE Inc. Edpuzzle link.

Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table, Formative Assessment for GCSE Inc. Edpuzzle link.

Every week I set my students I set my students 20 multiple choice question on Edpuzzle, They answer the question, and then I walk them though the answer, this gives them immediate formative feedback before they move on to the next question. The work is then marked automatically, so I can keep up with my schools every 3 week reporting schedule and still have a life. This is a sample for the premium products. It covers mass and atomic numbers, and how to use the periodic table to work out the number of protons, neutrons and electrons. My students are responding well to this arrangement and I have weekly tracking points. The link on Edpuzzle can be easily assigned to your own class, edited and if needed correct (because everyone makes mistakes, and even though there is no scientific evidence to show that 'baby brain' exists I get very little sleep and find the mil in the mug cupboard on a regular basis) All feedback welcome!
Intermolecular forces, muliptle choice Formative Assessment Inc. Edpuzzle link.

Intermolecular forces, muliptle choice Formative Assessment Inc. Edpuzzle link.

The new exam start with 20 multiple choice questions. Every week I set my students I set my students 20 multiple choice question on Edpuzzle, They answer the question, and then I walk them though the answer, this gives them immediate formative feedback before they move on to the next question. The work is then marked automatically, so I can keep up with my schools every 3 week reporting schedule and still have a life. This is shorter then normal with only 10 questions. My students are responding well to this arrangement and I have weekly tracking points. The link on Edpuzzle can be easily assigned to your own class, edited and if needed correct (because everyone makes mistakes, and even though there is no scientific evidence to show that 'baby brain' exists I get very little sleep and find the mil in the mug cupboard on a regular basis) All feedback welcome!
AQA P2.6 and P2.7 Flipped/Independent  Learning booklet, whole topics.

AQA P2.6 and P2.7 Flipped/Independent Learning booklet, whole topics.

This is a booklet I use to teach my class these topics, it is a collection of resources by other excellent TES authors collated into a booklet. I just hand this over (after a long lecture on responsibility and ownership of learning) and I spend the lessons with people who need help. Those who are more capable can fly ahead and start revision for June. I have used this over several years, it has always been very successful, occasionally you need to remind students to stay on track, but otherwise lessons are focused and enjoyable to teach. Covering; Marie Curie (1867 -1934) Background radiation The Discovery of the Nucleus Nuclear Reactions Radioactivity Maths Modelling radioactive decay Half-Life Graphs Half-Life Maths Using radioactivity – selecting the appropriate source Carbon Dating Dating rocks Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion Evidence for the Big Bang – Red Shift Using telescopes to look into space The Life Cycle of a Star
'Tweaking' AQA's 2015 A-Level Chemistry Practical booklet

'Tweaking' AQA's 2015 A-Level Chemistry Practical booklet

The new A-Level booklet from AQA has 12 suggested practicals, not all of them work very well. I have gone through the booklet and done all of the practicals, these are the notes I made as I was going through to help the other teachers and technicians in my school. I hope you find them helpful. I also recorded each practical as a revision aid for my students https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxkbSWenXKXp3i8gRXvpM3FMC36yTe1U1
Distance - time and Velocity -  time graphs and calculations.  Flipped SOLO lesson.

Distance - time and Velocity - time graphs and calculations. Flipped SOLO lesson.

This was a lesson I was observed and judged to be outstanding. Before the lesson; the week before I set the home-work of watching and making notes from two videos ( https://youtu.be/7OEL6bupk8A and https://youtu.be/ZTwy8BYOhCs) In the lesson, there were 5 activities At the start of the lesson students used one colour of post-it notes to indicate on the arrow where they were and at the end another colour to show the progress they had made. (Postits were up for the whole lesson) Coloured cups were on tables so students could easily indicate who needed help and who didn't This is the ultimate in differentiation, on one table I had students doing basis and extension work on the same table. 1-using textbooks 2-matching activity found on TES 3-badger task (not included due to copyright) 4-Edouzle calculations (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/distance-time-and-velocity-time-formative-assessment-for-gcse-inc-edpuzzle-link-and-asnwers-11151926 ) 5-Extension from TAP
QUANTITATIVE CHEMISTRY. AQA C1-Topic 3 Quick Fire Questions. GCSE 9-1 Combined Science or Chemistry

QUANTITATIVE CHEMISTRY. AQA C1-Topic 3 Quick Fire Questions. GCSE 9-1 Combined Science or Chemistry

For ease of downloading this also comes in a whole GCSE bundle, and as part of a ready made revision pack. This resource is a small part of a large set including a range of self-assessment of specification statements, revision questions and homework sheets.  Enjoy!! Whole Revision Pack https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-revision-pack-9-1-spec-inc-biology-chemistry-and-physics-at-higher-and-foundation-11734781 Quick-fire questions bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/quick-fre-revision-assessment-questions-for-aqa-gcse-combined-science-or-biology-chemistry-physics-11562057  Specification Statements bundle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/student-self-assessment-for-aqa-gcse-combined-and-separate-science-biology-chemistry-and-physics-11562050 Circuit symbol flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/circuit-symbol-flashcards-11537920  Units flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-gcse-physics-units-flashcards-for-new-9-1-spec-11539907  Ions flashcards https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/formula-of-common-ions-flascards-11535915