Eight page booklet : define keywords, create a factfile about an African country, a SPAG exercise about the continent, a short piece of research about the UN's work in Africa, an opinion piece about whether or not the UK still owes a moral debt to Africa for colonialism, a page to decorate an outline map of Africa with traditional patterns and finally a page to show how modern music is related to African rhythms
Eight page booklet : define keywords, Latitude/Longitude map skills, a SPAG exercise about Russia, space for pupils to analyse Russia's citizenship policy, a moral dilemma based on renewing the UK's nuclear weapons, a page to write about the pupil's photo of Russia and finally a chance to research and design a Russian doll
Eight page booklet : define economic keywords, a page to research a billionaire, a SPAG exercise about entrepreneurs, a page to draw a picture reacting to the lyrics of 'Imagine', a moral dilemma based on finding a winning lottery ticket, a self-assessment of attitudes to wealth and poverty and finally a page of religious quotes regarding wealth which need pupil comments