
Проблемы здоровья молодёжи. A-level/B2 Russian
The document outline major health problems of the Russian youth using the most recent statistics (2024-2025) and analysis the trends and factors contributing to those issues.
The text is followed by 4 comprehension and vocabulary exercises related to the topic of health to help remember the key facts and practise relevant words and phrases.
The material is developed with Russian A-level Edexcel specification in mind but is appropriate for anyone studying Russian towards B2 level.

Russian A-level/B1-2: Жизнь в Москве и пригороде
This 7-page worksheet is based on authentic texts and is focused on discussing life in Moscow and its suburbs.
The worksheet contains:
an article discussing a move from Moscow to a smaller town.
nformation card on the town of Noginsk.
a variety of personal opinions and readers’ experiences of living in Moscow and out of town.
comprehension questions, multiple choice exercise, word search exercise, fill in a table exercise

Short Stories in Simple Russian. A2/GCSE
A collection of short entertaining stories (150-200 words) in simple Russian on a variety of topics - holidays, travels, transport, life in a big city, meeting new people, environment, school, exams, choosing a career, meals, Olympics, festivals.
Each story is followed by a variety of exercises - from vocabulary search, multiple choice comprehension tests to comprehension question and questions for a wider discussion.
The stories are divided into 5 major themes to reflect Edexcel Russian specification:
Identity and Culture
Local area, Holiday and Travel
Future aspirations, Study and work
International and Global Dimensions

Volunteering - texts, video, vocab: Russian GCSE, A-level, A2/B1
This resource is created with GCSE topic in mind and covers a subtheme Volunteering of Edexcel theme ‘International&Global dimensions’.
The worksheet is aimed at higher-tier learners.
The resource can also be used in preparation for A-level Russian (Life of young Russians, Big cities topics) when discussing how young people spend their time and what can be done to improve the quality of life in big cities, how young people be engaged in public life and social activities, what the government / citizens are doing to tackle social issues in Moscow and St.-Petersburg.
The resource is appropriate for any learners studying the topic of social issues, the environment and volunteering at strong A2 level towards B1.
The worksheet contains:
a text about 5 ideas for volunteering.
vocabulary and comprehension exercises
video ‘How I became a volunteer’ + comprehension questions
match the pairs vocabulary exercise.

Проблемы современной молодёжи. А2/GCSE Russian
This 4-page resource focuses on problems young people are faced with today.
It contains:
brief description of main issues
pictures to enable speaking about problems
short statements on school stress and comprehension questions
4 short texts about young people’s problems
3 essay questions for independent writing practise.
The texts can be used to practise translation skills and a stimulus for further discussion.
The pictures can be adapted to practise picture-based discussion in the run-up to a speaking exam (GCSE).
The worksheet is created with Edexcekl GCSE Russian specification in mind and contains vocabulary included in the required GCSE minimum vocabulary list.

GCSE/A2 RUSSIAN: Celebrations & Holidays exam style tasks practice + text
This 5-page pdf is dedicated to the topic Holidays, Festivals, Celebrations of a broader Topic 1 of Russian GCSE Identity and Culture. The file is also appropriate for anyone learning Russian at A2 level and looking to expand and practise vocabulary on the above topics.
The file contains:
*3 exam- style picture-based cards with questions for discussion.
Two role play cards on the topic of celebrations/festivals
Text “День матери в России” and comprehension questions

Moscow vs St-Petersburg: career prospects, environment, transport, culture. A-level B1/B2 level
This 12-page resource is developed to reflect a topic of life in modern Russian cities and can be used when discussing Theme 3 ‘Изменения в жизни большого города’ of Edexcel A-level Russian.
The resource is focused on a comparative analysis of Moscow and St-Petersburg. The aspects covered include:
Brief overview of life in both cities
Ecological situation
Work opportunities
Accomodation and the cost of living
Cultural life
The text speaks about the changes that both Moscow and St-Petersburg have been undergoing recently and how these changes affect the citiens’ lives.
The resource contains 7 comprehension and vocabulary exercises (comprehension questions, true or false, multiple choice, fill in the missing word, fill in the correct preposition, make up phrases, find Russian equivalents in the text).
Answers are provided.

Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper - b
Russian GCSE listening practice (Edexcel examboards).
The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 14 exam style listening questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, filling in the gaps from the word lists provided, answering questions in English and Russian).
The following topics are included:
Holidays, tourist information and directions
School life & routine
School rules and pressures
Work, careers and volunteering / future plans
House & Home
Daily routines
Relationships with family and friends
Environmental issues
Travel and transport
Places in town
Information and communication technology
Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise
**Answers and transcripts are provided on separate pages **

Russian GCSE practice: READING exam test paper (b)
GCSE reading practice (Edexcel exam board).
Please, note, this is not an EDEXCEL past paper. This is an original resource created to eeflect the exam specification and the tasks in an exam paper.
The test contains 10 exam style reading questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, answering questions in English and Russian) and a paragraph for translation into English…
The following topics are included:
Food and drink: restaurants, fast food preferences
Holidays, hotels, issues
School life & routine
School rules and pressures
Work, careers and volunteering / future plans
Daily routines
Celebrations, traditions
Relationships with family and friends
Environmental issues
Travel and transport
Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise
Answers are provided on a separate page to enable independent work

Russian GCSE: READING exam-style practice test paper
GCSE reading practice (Edexcel exam board).
The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 10 exam style reading questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, answering questions in English and Russian) and a paragraph for translation into English…
The following topics are included:
Food and drink: restaurants, fast food preferences
Holidays, hotels, issues
School life & routine
School rules and pressures
Work, careers and volunteering / future plans
Daily routines
Celebrations, traditions
Relationships with family and friends
Environmental issues
Travel and transport
Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise
Answers and transcripts are provided on a separate page to enable independent work
Please, note that it is not a past Edexcel paper, but an original resource created to Edexcel standards and with the specification in mind.

Russian GCSE practice: LISTENING test paper
GCSE listening practice (Edexcel examboards).
The test is created to reflect Edexcel exam paper and contains 14 exam style listening questions (multiple choice, choosing correct answers, filling in the gaps from the word lists provided, answering questions in English and Russian).
The following topics are included:
Food and drink: restaurants, fast food preferences
Life in the town and rural life
Holidays, tourist information and directions
School life & routine
School rules and pressures
Work, careers and volunteering / future plans
House & Home
Daily routines
Celebrations, birthdays
Relationships with family and friends
Environmental issues
Travel and transport
Media – TV and film
Information and communication technology
Hobbies, interests, sports and exercise
**Answers and transcripts are provided on separate pages **

Russian Grammar: Adverbial Participles in context of A-level theme 'Moscow&St. Petersburg'
This worksheet is aimed at practicing forming and using past and present forms of adverbial participles (деепричастия) in the context of Russian A-level theme ‘Москва и Санкт-Петербург. Изменения в жизни большого города’.
The verbs used and the sentences are all on the subject of Moscow and St Petersburg: social problems, reconstruction, environmental problems
The worksheet contains 6 exercises (Participles/verb formation, transforming sentences using simple and compound conjunctions, completing sentence, choosing the right form, translation).
4 pages of exercises .
A separate answer sheet to enable independent work.

GCSE Russian - General Conversation questions & model answers
GCSE Russian general conversation questions, with two sets of model answers, for each of the 5 Edexcel themes (all subtopics within each theme are covered).
Alternative models answers are written in a humorous way with a view to evoke an emotive response and hopefully have some fun whilst learning the essentials.
Students can adapt the model answers to write their own individualised answers as part of their preparation for the GCSE speaking exam.
38 pages.

Russian: films, hobbies. Level B1+
This 3-page worksheet (plus separate page with answers) is inspired by a review of a recent Netflix documentary Skywalker about a Russian couple who made their name as extreme skywalkers!
The text can be used to work on such topics as films, hobbies and modern Russian society (one of Russian Edexcel A-level themes) and helps expand the vocabulary, specifically descriptive adjectives and verbs as well as some set expressions.
The text is followed by four vocabulary exercises (word search, true/false, synonyms match, Eng-Rus verbs match) and a set of general questions for discussion.

Russian pronouns drills (A1-GCSE level)
This 12-page resource was created with Russian GCSE specification in mind.
The exercises were created to practise use of personal pronouns in all cases and cover key case meanings (e.g. У меня есть, Dative + можно, нельзя, age, Accusative with verbs of motion, Prepositional with location and O, etc.)
The sentences contain vocabulary related to the GCSE themes (daily life, travelling and tourism, school, environment).
They can also be used as a starting point for speaking practise (students could be asked to make up similar sentences related to their school, hotel bookings, family, etc).
A separate exercise to practise gender forms of the pronoun ВЕСЬ.
A separate exercise to practise Prespositional adjectives endings along with pronouns.

Russian: travel, holidays, hotel vocabulary & Genitive case (GCSE level)
This 9 page pdf is suitable for beginners and GCSE learners (holidays, travel, tourist transactions subtopics) and provides handy words and phrases to talk about travel and holidays, types of holidays, hotel facilities and leisure activities, dealing with bookings and problems.
Practise Genitive case (in particular plural endings) in the context of sightseeing, tourism, attractions with a table of endings and grammar exercises.
A variety of activities includes: * match the pairs * fill in the gaps * multiple choice * prompts to enable talking on a theme * arrange the sentences in the correct order and re-enact dialogues *Word search * Read holidays adverts, choose the best holiday offer * Reading comprehension * Listening comprehension (recording is provided).
A separate sheet with answers to enable independent work.

Russian: summer and holidays vocabulary
This 9 page pdf provides handy words and phrases to talk about summer holidays, summer and leisure activities, items your need in your holiday luggage.
A variety of activities from multiple choice, word search, spin the wheel to practising verb endings ensures you’re not bored whilst learning and practising new words and phrases!
Suitable for beginners and GCSE learners (holidays, travel, weather subtopics)

Неделя как неделя: book review& comprehension exercises, case revision with key sentences and quote
This worksheet was designed to combine a quick cases drill (adjectives, pronouns and nouns in all cases) using the sentences related to the novel.
All sentences are taken from the novel with the view of helping students memorise some of them and use them in an essay on one of the key themes or characters.
The worksheet also contains a personal review of the book by a modern day working mother. The review text can be used to develop a further discussion on the subject of family values, work vs family, role of women in modern day Russia. The text is followed by 4 comprehension and vocabulary exercises.
9 pages plus answers to all the exercises

Queen of Spades: noun & adjectives cases revision with key sentences and quotes
This worksheet was designed to combine a quick cases drill (adjectives and nouns in all cases) using the sentences related to the novel.
The sentences were written in such a way so that they could be used in an essay on one of the key themes or characters. Some sentences also include quotes from the text.
There is a also a separate exercise to put the quotes from the novel in a chronological order. Each quote could be used to practise a PEEL structure and as a stimulus for refreshing the knowledge of the content of the novel (e.g. remember the scene the quote was used in).
Answers to the cases exercises are included.
7 pages plus answers.

A-level Russian: ПЕРЕСТРОЙКА: исходы и мнения. Texts and exercises
This 7-page worksheet is designed to help with revising the topic and work on essential vocabulary. The texts are selected with a view to refresh the key ideas of perestroika and the issues with the policy implementation and its outcomes.
The exercises include:
-fill in the gaps
-word search translation activity
comprehension questions
-matching the cause to effect
The texts can be used to replicate exam-style listening questions.