
Supply Teacher/Cover Supervisor Bundle
There are a range of resources in this bundle which can be delivered to students of many abilities from 11-16. Some resources are also applicable to A-Level students. They cover; study skills, English and a range of PSHE/tutorial topics which require little planning.
The price of this bundle means that you are getting each resource for less than £1

Introduction to Writing
This bundle features introductory lessons on the following areas:
Travel Brochure Writing
Imaginative Writing
Play Script Writing
Writing to Argue and Persuade

Introduction to Imaginative/ Creative Writing
This lesson introduces students or can act as a refresher for students on how to write imaginatively.
Students will recap the terms: Alliteration, Simile, Metaphor and Adjectives and will use these terms to analyse examples of imaginative writing, guiding them into choosing an imaginative writing task in order to produce their own piece.
The lesson objectives are:
1. To recap writing to imagine, explore and entertain
2. To consider how to approach imaginative tasks
3. To practise responding to imaginative tasks

Introduction to Writing Play Scripts
This is an introductory lesson designed to show learners the key features of play scripts. The lesson covers the key features students need to know and finishes with a task designed to get students to write part of their own script.
A practical performing lesson could follow on from this lesson where students act out parts in each others plays or lead into students writing a full play script.
The lesson objectives are:
1. To explore the conventions and features of a play script.
2. To examine a play script
3. To practise writing a play script