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Topic 2.2 and 2.3 IB DP ESS Communities and Ecosystems

Topic 2.2 and 2.3 IB DP ESS Communities and Ecosystems

A series of resources to support Topic 2.2 Communities and Ecosystems and Topic 2.3 Flows of Energy and Matter from the IB Diploma Programme Environmental Systems and Societies course. Five presentations, 110 slides. Fully referenced in Keynote and Powerpoint formats. Comprehensive slides covering Topic 2.2 in 3 parts: Photosynthesis and respiration in Communities, Food webs food chains and ecological pyramids and finally bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Topic 2.3 is detailed as two separate presentations one concentrating on flows of energy and the other on matter. Links to all cited work and additional reading also included.
IB Diploma ESS Topic 2.4 - Biomes, Zonation and Succession in the Pyrenees

IB Diploma ESS Topic 2.4 - Biomes, Zonation and Succession in the Pyrenees

Develops an understanding of Zonation and Succession through a case study of the Garigue ecosystem in the Corbiere range in South East France as part of the Pyrenees. The Garigue is a typical Mediterranean Type ecosystem but its range has been greatly increase historically through human influence. With rural depopulation secondary succession has developed and biodiversity change is occurring. Whilst this resources has been created for IB Diploma ESS, it is also useful for Post 16 Biology and Geography courses. Resources are available in Keynote, Powerpoint and PDF
Topic 3 - Biodiversity and Conservation Skills Project

Topic 3 - Biodiversity and Conservation Skills Project

This resources is designed for Topic 3: Biodiversity and conservation of the IB Diploma Environmental Systems and Societies Course. In particular it is designed to give practical application to 2.5: Investigating ecosystems (measuring biodiversity) and 3.4: Conservation of biodiversity. It cast the student in the role of conservation manager who has to report on the biodiversity of three sites and make a recommendation of which site should be the conservation priority. It includes sample site data for students to manipulate using Simpson’s Index and an opportunity to create Graphs using Standard deviation error bars on mean data. The resource also asks students to: Explain the criteria you used to select which should be protected areas. Evaluate different approaches to protecting biodiversity guides your choice of area. The resource includes a full worked example data sheet for educators as well as notes for educators on how students might respond. There is no marking scheme as this is designed to give students an opportunity to undertake a task which could resemble parts of an Ecological based Survey type IA, very similar to those that Ecologists have to complete in the field every week.
HQ Images

HQ Images

A set of Images (illustrations and diagrams) for use in Biology, environmental sciences and geography related courses. 50 images in total. This is set one and contains mainly lab equipment and illustrations of various plants and animals. All are png on Transparent backgrounds. The collection will download as a zipped file. Balance.png Biotic_abiotic.png Boreal-Food-web.png bung with tubing.png Bung.png Bunsen.png Burette.png Cattle feeding.png cattle skull.png Cattle.png Chernobyl Percentage radiation in Air by days.png Cotton Grass.png cover quadrat.png Cow.png Data logger.png Export crucible.png Flask with Liquid.png Flask.png Funnel.png Ink cap.png Innoculation loop.png Kick sample.png Lemming.png Lightmeter.png Lynx Snowshoe Hare.png Lynx.png measuring cylinder.png mircoscope.png peregrin.png Petri dish growth.png Petri dish.png Plain quadrat.png Point quadrat.png Reindeer moss.png Retort stand.png Round Bottomed flask.png Seed Tray.png sensor.png Snowshoe Hare.png Snowy Owl.png Specimen bottle.png Sprinkle.png Steak.png Syringe.png test tube line.png Test tube.png Thermometer.png Tripod.png watering can.png wolf.png
IB ESS Exam Style Questions Topic 2.4

IB ESS Exam Style Questions Topic 2.4

Exam Style Questions from both Paper 1 and Paper 2 including structured Essay style. These questions are designed to be used with the IB Diploma ESS Topic 2.4 - Biomes, Zonation and Succession in the Pyrenees Slide Deck. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/ib-diploma-ess-topic-2-4-biomes-zonation-and-succession-in-the-pyrenees-12903722