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Seasons Birthday Display / Calendar- natural tree theme
A twelve month transition tree scene, changing over the seasons, perfect for a natural feel/ Reggio/ Jarman/ CFS classroom birthday calendar display!
This birthday display has lots to prompt discussion of changing seasons and your children will have fun spotting differences and similarities! Could be displayed in a circular fashion to show the cyclical nature of the year or in order, depending what you have space for! 4 months to a page to save space in your classroom, with the option of leaves or hessian as a background to the lettering

Emotions/feelings check in- match real pictures with emojis
An emotions/feeling check in activity where children can draw their chosen feeling on a blank face (or they could add cut out eyes/nose/mouth from pictures etc. They can explore pictures of real children experiencing emotions and see if they can name them, and match the emoji faces to the real children. I paired this with exploring the Colour Monster book :)
Hope you enjoy!