Experienced AQA A-level and OCR GCSE psychology teacher and examiner, with a 1st class Psychology degree from Durham university. My lessons are engaging, challenging and accessible for all teachers.
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Experienced AQA A-level and OCR GCSE psychology teacher and examiner, with a 1st class Psychology degree from Durham university. My lessons are engaging, challenging and accessible for all teachers.
*** Any user who leaves a positive review when they download ANY resource will receive a GCSE OCR 13 mark model essay for free!***
Six catch up or revision lessons on the criminal behaviour topic, including a mindmap for students to complete as they go through to help create a revision resources.
Lessons include practice questions including AO1, AO2 and AO3 questions and a 13 mark question.
Overall there are 6 lessons, which include:
key concepts
core theory
core study
alternative theory
alternative study
Each lesson should take one hour to complete or could be done at a slower pace for less able students.
Student booklet for Psychopathology AQA A level psychology.
Students can use during class, or outside of class, to help develop their understanding and to consolidate their learning.
The work booklet enables teachers to no longer worry about creating worksheets for students for each lesson. The students can work through the booklet whilst being taught directly or by using a textbook. The work book helps students to keep their notes organised as well as reducing planning for teachers.
The work booklet comes as a pdf document.
A work booklet for students covering all areas of research methods in the GCSE Psychology spec.
This work booklet allows students to complete activities to test and secure their knowledge is research methods.
There is also an additional page attached which enables students to practice the math requirements in GCSE psychology.
Lessons for the entire social influence topic for the 9-1 OCR GCSE specification.
The bundle also comes with a booklet for the students to work through and a homework booklet which contains activities for each lesson in social influence.
The lessons are well organised and engaging, they contain activities and exam practice questions for the students.
All topics lesson’s and booklet’s for paper 2 for the 9-1 spec OCR psychology.
This includes social influence, memory and sleep and dreaming.
Resources include all lessons, activities and work booklets.
The lessons are engaging and challenging for students year 9 to year11 with lots of activities and chances for them to test and apply their knowledge.
*** All users who leave a positive review will receive a 13 mark model essay for free!***
Revision or catch up lessons for Psychology GCSE OCR 9-1 development topic.
Each lesson contains activities to test students knowledge, challenge activities, exam practice questions and a mindmap for them to complete during or after the lesson.
Overall there are 6 lessons, which include:
key concepts
core theory
core study
alternative theory
alternative study
Each lesson should take one hour to complete or could be done at a slower pace for less able students.
Student booklet for Social influence AQA A level psychology.
Students can use during class, or outside of class, to help develop their understanding and to consolidate their learning.
The work booklet enables teachers to no longer worry about creating worksheets for students for each lesson. The students can work through the booklet whilst being taught directly or by using a textbook. The work book helps students to keep their notes organised as well as reducing planning for teachers.
The work booklet comes as a pdf document.
Ideal for AQA and OCR GCSE psychology.
Quiz rounds include:
Music - identify the term or concept from songs
Picture round - identify the psychologist/theory/study from pictures
General knowledge - identify the correct answer from a range of psychology focused questions
Anagram round - rearrange letters to identify research method terms
Task master round
16 mark essay frames for students to complete to help them prepare for 16 mark essays, for each section of the schizophrenia topic:
Reliability and validity of the diagnosis and classification of schizophrenia
Biological explanations of schizophrenia
Psychological explanations of schizophrenia
Biological treatments of schizophrenia
Psychological treatments of schizophrenia
Token economies as management for schizophrenia
Interactionist approach to explaining and treating schizophrenia
Essay frame includes AO1-6 marks and AO3 PEELs - 10 marks.
Essay frames are perfect for flipped learning and also for weaker students. Consider getting weaker students to focus on just 2 PEELs, whereas higher achieving students focusing on developing the counter arguments to develop their discussion. Also a great revision tool.
Ensure students focus on tailoring their links to the essay question at the top.
Once student has completed the essay frame, they can use this to create a brief essay plan, reducing the content by 80%.
Check out the essay frames for biopsychology and issues and debates topic too!
A worksheet for students to complete either in class, or for homework, covering the essential mathematical content indicated in the GCSE Psychology specifications for OCR and AQA.
A great activity for students to work on independently in class or during a cover lesson.
Catch up or Revision lessons for memory topic for the new 9-1 ocr GCSE in psychology.
Each lesson contains activities to test students knowledge, challenge activities, exam practice questions and a mindmap for them to complete during or after the lesson.
Overall there are 6 lessons, which include:
key concepts
core theory
core study
alternative theory
alternative study
Each lesson should take one hour to complete or could be done at a slower pace for less able students.
All lessons (15) and workbook for psychopathology topic, including model answers.
Lesson structure includes -retrieval quiz for each starter, plenty of student practice for each lesson, including developing AO3 evaluation skills and a plenary with feedback.
Revision lessons focusing on advanced information only. Lessons include revision activities, model answers - including a 13 marker model answer, exam practice questions and retrieval questions.
Student booklet for Forensic topic AQA A level psychology.
Students can use during class, or outside of class, to help develop their understanding and to consolidate their learning.
The work booklet enables teachers to no longer worry about creating worksheets for students for each lesson. The students can work through the booklet whilst being taught directly or by using a textbook. The work book helps students to keep their notes organised as well as reducing planning for teachers.
The work booklet comes as a pdf document.
Ideal for OCR GCSE psychology.
With Christmas themed slides, it’s perfect for a knowledge check before you break for christmas!
Quiz rounds include:
Music - identify the term or concept from songs
Picture round - identify the psychologist/theory/study from pictures
General knowledge - identify the correct answer from a range of psychology focused questions
Anagram round - rearrange letters to identify research method terms
Task master round
Knowledge organiser for GCSE 9-1 psychology.
Covers the following areas:
Planning research
Doing research
Analysing research
Can be used for both OCR and AQA psychology.
If you leave a positive review you will receive a free 13 mark model essay
All topics lesson’s and student work booklet’s for paper 1 and 2 for the GCSE 9-1 spec OCR psychology course.
This bundles includes:
Criminal behaviour,
Psychological problems
Social influence,
Sleep and dreaming
Research methods
Resources include all lessons, activities and work booklets.
Bundle also includes a free year 10 scheme of work and 13 mark essay revision lesson.
The lessons are engaging and challenging for students year 9 to year 11 with lots of activities and chances for them to test and apply their knowledge.
*** All users who leave a positive review will receive a 13 mark model essay for free!***
All topics lesson’s and booklet’s for entire paper 1 for the 9-1 spec OCR psychology.
This includes criminal behaviour, psychological problems and development.
Resources include all lessons, activities and work booklets.
The lessons are engaging and challenging for students year 9 to year11.
*** All users who leave a positive review will receive a 13 mark model essay for free!***
All lessons and resources for the memory topic for the new 9-1 psychology spec.Lessons are well organised with lots of opportunities for students to test and apply their knowledge. Lessons have lots of activities and are challenging, engaging and differentiated. Topic comes with a booklet for students to work through.
A set of work booklets for students to use during class, or outside of class, to help develop their understanding and to consolidate their learning.
This resource contains the following student work booklet for all topics for the OCR GCSE Psychology 9-1 course:
Research methods
Criminal behaviour
Social influence
Psychological problems
Sleep and dreaming
The booklets contain activities for students to complete, as well as exam practice questions.
The work booklets enable teachers to no longer worry about creating worksheets for students for each lesson. The students can work through the booklets whilst being taught directly or by using a textbook. The work books help students to keep their notes organised as well as reducing planning for teachers.
The work booklets come as a word and pdf document.
*** All users who leave a positive review will receive a 13 mark model essay for free!***