AQA GCSE Physics and Science Trilogy. Differentiated calculation questions from foundation to grade 9.
Designed using colour coding and backwards fading to support and challenge.
GCSE Revision Lesson suitable for Higher Tier and Foundation Tier Students.
Retrieval starter on whiteboards
Guidance on how to structure a 6 mark question (with mark scheme)
Calculation questions using E=mL that use backwards fading and colour coding to provide structure.
The high challenge questions requires students to combine different equations and analyse data.
All answers are inluded.
Links to 2 free activities that I created on wordwall are also included in the lesson.
Differentiated calculation practice worksheet suitable for foundation and higher tier students.
Space for teachers to complete worked examples and colour coding for extra scaffolding.
A collection of worksheets that cover grades from 1-9 for GCSE Physics students.
They contain scaffolding, including colour coding for students who struggle with calculations and extension questions for students aiming for grade 7+
There difficulty is levelled using chillis.
Differentiated worksheet that covers both power equations required for the AQA GCSE Physics and Science Trilogy courses.
We do, You do format with chillis to show the increase in difficulty.
Suitable from foundation level to higher.
This resource is aimed at students with targets of up to grade 5.
There is colour coding used throughout to support students with SEND.
The starter activity links to a wordwall quiz that I have made and shared.
There is a calculation practice activity. Half of the questions require students to rearrange the equation as this is quite common with specific heat capacity.
The final activity provides guidance on how to construct a method.
All the answers are provided.
I normally print out the presentation as a booklet as I use it with a class with high numbers of SEND need.
Revision booklet / lesson
Suitable for foundation students studying the combined science or single science GCSE course.
Contains links to interactive quizzes. Exam question practice. Practice drawing covalent bonds. All answers included.
Covers covalent bonds, metallic bonds, ionic bonds.
Interactive tasks include:
the properties of ionic compounds
comparing diamond and graphite
comparing simple and giant covalent structures
a quiz show for the whole unit
Revision booklet suitable to be used to structure a full lesson or for students’ independent revision. It is suitable for Foundation tier students on the GCSE Physics or Combined Science course.
It contains links to free activities on word wall. There are scaffolded calculation questions that use colour coding and backward fading. (answers included).
There is also guidance on how to breakdown. plan and complete a 6 mark question.
A scaffolded calculation practice worksheet for foundation and higher students.
Colour coded to provide scaffolding, spaces for teachers to complete examples.
A GCSE Science / Physics revision booklet suitable for Foundation students.
The booklet could be used for independent revision or in a lesson as it contains links and QR codes to various useful websites as well as activities.
The final activity provides guidance for students when answering 6 mark comparative questions.
A full lesson on powerpoint that teaches students how to calculate kinetic energy and rearrange the kinetic energy equation.
The lesson starts with a link to a mini whiteboard activity that can be used to identify students’ prior knowledge.
The equation is introduced using the “I do, We do, You do” hand over model.
There are hinge questions aimed at identifying common misconceptions.
The final task is a structured work sheet that uses "backwards fading"to build students’ confidence.
This lesson is suitable for foundation and higher students.
All the answers are included in the presentation.
A full revision lesson including answers that covers resolving forces in a straight line and at right angles.
The starter is a white board activity that links to a shared resource I have created on word wall.
There are worked examples and colour coding to provide structure for LPA students, there are also activities that will stretch students to grade 7+.
There are work sheets included within the power point presentation.
Visual structure strips with key words that can be used to support students write a method for investigating specific heat capacity using a Joulemeter.
Students stick the strip in their books down the margin and then use it to construct their own method.
A differentiated calculation practice work sheet suitable for higher and foundation tier students.
Starts with 2 examples for the teacher to work through and is colour coded to provide scaffolding for the first few questions.
Revision resource suitable for higher tier students. This covers the motor effect, electromagnetic induction, speakers and microphones. The focus is on producing extended written answers that explain how the processes work.
There is a starter white board activity, sequencing activities, a written response and finally a chance for students to use the mark scheme to mark and annotate a prepared extended answer.
All the answers are included, there are also links to a free online simulation.
A revision lesson suitable for Combined science and GCSE Physics students Grade 4-Grade 9.
The lesson starts with a show me board retrieval quiz on word wall.
There is then a set of differentiated questions (with answers provided) about electrical safety.
The final activity requires students to practice a variety of Power calculations to compare 2 microwaves. (answers provided)
This bundle includes a selection of full lessons and calculation practice worksheets that cover a range of topics from AQA Physics (GCSE and Trilogy) Paper 1
The resources are suitable for Higher and Foundation tier students.
There its lots of colour coding used, structure strips and backwards fading
A revision booklet suitable for foundation students following the AQA GCSE Chemistry and Combined Science courses.
A range of activities with links to videos and interactive quizzes.
This covers:
Naming Salts
Making Salts Required Practical
Acids and Alkalis
Displacement Reactions