RP TEACHActivities, worksheets and powerpoints available - teach L1 BTEC Intro Sport/Public Services.Edit shopAdd a resource
rachelpendleton1Train Timetable Worksheet(0)Train timetable worksheet with questions Used for Being Organised A1
rachelpendleton1TV Guide Worksheet Task(0)Task to encourage students to use a tv guide online used as part of being organised
rachelpendleton1Lego Teamwork Task Instructions(0)Working with Others Task Lego Teamwork Task Instructions
rachelpendleton1Keeping Active and Healthy Recap Worksheets(0)Recap on Physical Activity/ Smoking/Alcohol and Healthy Eating
rachelpendleton1Creating a New Law/ Policy(0)What 4 laws/policies would you like to create if you were in power?
rachelpendleton1Phonetic Alphabet Task(0)Phonetic Alphabet Task to support students with learning phonetic alphabet
rachelpendleton1Utility Bills Maths Starter(0)Utility Bills Maths Starter - Used with Post 16 learners Water/Internet +TV/Gas +Elec / Music and Netflix Subscription
rachelpendleton1Wages and Prices - Who earns the most?(0)Comparing 3 wages from 3 different jobs Sports Coach Store Assistant Hospital Porter
rachelpendleton1Coaching Plan(0)Coaching Plan to plan a session Used as part of the assessment for SP8 Coaching Skills in Sport
rachelpendleton1Shopping Budgeting Activity £10 + £100(0)Two worksheets on budgeting £10 + £100 Encouraging students to budget effectively
rachelpendleton1Electronic devices - Organisational tools - A1(0)2X Worksheets for A1 Being Organised
rachelpendleton1What 3 Words Landmarks Task(0)Student worksheet - What 3 Words Tutor instructions included Tutor individually gives each group each location separately and then checks with their answers to check they have got the correct what3words location.
Bundlerachelpendleton1Teamwork Tasks / Working with Others3 ResourcesTasks suitable for teamwork and to promote students working together
rachelpendleton1Flash Cards Public Services (18) Uniformed and Non-Uniformed(0)18 Public Services and their definitions For Public Services students Suitable for Level 1 BTEC/ Level 2
rachelpendleton1Keeping Active and Healthy SP12 Healthy Eating - 2 Lessons + Worksheets(0)2 Lessons + Worksheets