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OCR A Level Liberation Theology Orthodoxy and Orthopraxis
This is the Liberation Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses on whether the three mediations of second act praxis are useful in understanding how to help the poor.
OCR A Level Liberation Theology Christianity and Marx's approach to social Issue
This is the Liberation Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses on understanding Marxism’s approach to social issues and to know Christianity’s approach. It considers reasons why Christianity may be considered more hopeful and relevant than Marx in tackling poverty and evaluates whether Marx , Christianity of a combination of the two should be used to tackle social issues.
OCR A Level Liberation Theology The Catholic Church and Liberation Theology
This is the Liberation Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses on reasons why the Church has reservations about the use of Liberation Theology, whether the Church is correct and whether the Church should use any theories which contain secular ideologies.
OCR A Level Liberation Theology Preferential Treatment for the Poor
This is the Liberation Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses on reasons Christians would choose preferential treatment for the poor, John Paul II’s understanding of preferential treatment for the poor and whether it is right to prioritise the poor over another group from a Christian standpoint.
OCR A Level Liberation Theology's use of Marx
This is the Liberation Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses on understanding ideas from Marx are used in Liberation Theology, Guttierez’s ideas about how the Latin American Church should apply Marxism and whether Christianity should stay out of politics or whether it should try to bring change for the poor.
OCR A Level Liberation Theology Marx and Alienation
This is the Liberation Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses how capitalism, alienation and exploitation are linked.
What is Liberation Theology
This is designed for teachers who are teaching Liberation Theology and Marxism as part of the developments on Christian Thought module at A Level.
Is the UK Christian or Secular? Lesson 6
This is for teachers teaching the challenge of secularism in the module developments in Christian Thought. It focusses on understanding whether the UK is currently Christian or Secular and what the future might hold.
Christianity Fails as a Value System Lesson 5
This is for teachers teaching the challenge of secularism module in developments in Christian Thought. It focusses on challenges posed by secularism towards Christianity’s value system.
Religion should play no part in public life- schools Lesson 4
This is for teaching the Challenge of Secularism in the developments in Christian Thought Module at A Level. It considers whether religion should be present in schools.
Religion should play no part in public Life Lesson 3
This is for teaching the Challenge of Secularism in the developments in Christian Thought Module at A Level. It considers whether religion should play no part in public life particularly the State and Businesses.
Religion Causes Harm to the Mind Lesson 2
This is for teaching the challenge of secularism in developments in Christian Thought. It considers Freud and Dawkins approaches about how religion and religious belief harms the human mind.
Is the world becoming secular Lesson 1
This is for teachers who are teaching the challenge of secularism for developments in Christian Thought. This is for A level religious education OCR. It evaluates whether the world is becoming secular.
Mary Daly's Unholy Trinity
This is for teachers who are teaching A Level developments in Christian thought. This lesson is for the gender and theology section and is designed to understand Mary Daly’s criticism of Christianity.
A Level OCR Gender and Theology Daly and Ruether
This is for teachers of A Level developments in Christian Thought OCR. It compares the Post Christian and Reform Theology approaches to gender and theology
OCR A Level Gender and Theology Rosemary Radford Ruether
This is the Gender and Theology Module in Developments in Christian Thought. It focuses on understanding Ruether’s reasons for wanting to reform Christianity.