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Protein Poster
Describes general information about proteins as well as describing different types of enzymes in the human digestion system and how plants use proteins. Please note it does not cover all aspects of enzymes in relation to GCSEs.

Hazard case studies: Predictions and Preparations
A brief powerpoint highlighting main points on how Japan and the USA have predicted and prepared for its future hazards.

Leaflet on Limestone quarrying
Mention how limestones are made, advantages and disadvantages of quarrying limestone, uses of limestone, why we use limestone and the effects of extraction. There is a date box on the front page if you need to change it.
Due to no preview, here a links to see the leaflet:
Front - http://prntscr.com/bj9fhi
Back - http://prntscr.com/bj9g84

Carbon Cycle
Brief details on the carbon cycle. Pictures and equations, to make it easier to learn. Copyright

Evolution Poster
Mentions Darwin's theory of evolution, natural selection and some information about fossils.

How Geographers use maps to illustrate development
Talks about the Gini Coefficient, HDI and PPI, gives a brief summary on each.

Ring Networks Power Point Presentation
A very short power point on what a ring network is, also including the advantages and disadvantages of a ring network.