I teach 6th grade math at a Title One School. I think instruction should be student led and inquiry based. I have a Master's in Math and Science Curriculum and Instruction. Visit my blog at www.teachingwithstowe.blogspot.com
I teach 6th grade math at a Title One School. I think instruction should be student led and inquiry based. I have a Master's in Math and Science Curriculum and Instruction. Visit my blog at www.teachingwithstowe.blogspot.com
Inequality Sort--Real World Situations
Introduce inequalities to your students using this inequality sort. Students will take real world situations like-- "You must be at least 36 inches to ride the roller coaster"-- and assign it to an inequality sign.
There are 6 situations per sign and 1 blank card for students to write their own.
There is also a page for the equal sign so students see the difference.
This product contains one file where the cards are sorted by sign and one file contains cards that are shuffled so students can be given original copies and sort themselves.
Use this as a interactive notebook page or as a station in your classroom.
Solving One Step Inequalities Puzzle
For students learning how to solve and graph inequality word problems, they can practice with this puzzle and can self check.
There are 16 puzzles. Some of the puzzles contain similar numbers so student's can't just match numbers together; they will need to interpret equations and word problems in order to find a match. Each one contains a word problem, inequality problem, inequality solution, and a number line. Students will need to match all four together. Includes an answer document for students to record their matches.
You can use these as a math station or for small group instruction. These are similar to task cards and you could give students part of the puzzle and have them complete the missing steps.
Print on cardstock and laminate for long-term use. To save paper, print 4 puzzles to a page and students will still be able to read everything clearly.
Rational Number Math Notebook Bundle includes:
Absolute Value and Opposites
Coordinate Graphing
Classifying Numbers
Whole, Integers, Rational Numbers
Multiply by a Fraction
Fraction, Decimal Percent
Ordering and Comparing Numbers
8 different files for interactive notebook pages. All (except Fraction, Decimal, Percent) include exit tickets. The can be doodle notes--with spots for students to color and be creative while learning math.
To print the notes to make a booklet, print the two pages you want two sided and select “flip on the short side.” You could also print and copy 1 to 2 sided on a copier.
There is no cutting for students, only a simple fold. Students could also color as they take notes. find that students are more engaged when they have something to color.