This excellent Literacy resource provides comprehensive short and medium term lesson plan, all teaching resources, power-point presentations, additional workbooks resource and a wealth of time saving teaching and learning resources that will motivate learners while they are engaging in class based learning. The whole unit of planned lessons and resources are based around the story The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith. This valuable differentiated learning Literacy Based resource will is comprehensive to use in Observed lessons and will save you time thinking about how to motivate and engage your learners to show excellent progress. Excellent Value and Cost Effective resource. Enjoy your TEACHING :)
This excellent bank of differentiated work sheets can support engaging and focused GSP learning opportunities that links to the text we’re going on a bear hunt. These work sheets will provide at least 2 weeks of learning focus that will allow children to explore the language used within the text and help them to compose writing opportunities at an independent level.
This outstanding lesson plan and resources provide an excellent Literacy lesson for Year 1/ 2 children with differentiated tasks and ideas to get learners active and engaged in the lesson. The lesson was recently grade a good by inspectors and can be used to promote writing activities linked to the process of stages for talk for writing. This is an excellent time saving lesson plan that can be adapted for your class and edited.