Sparkle and Shine in EYFS resourcesAverage Rating4.10(based on 11 reviews)Resources as shown on sparkle and shine in eyfs Edit shopAdd a resource
rebecca_cummins110s frames with 1-10 on, on a natural background(0)Great to add playdough on, counters etc
rebecca_cummins1Array prompt cards year 1(0)Array prompt cards for year 1 to make different examples of arrays With a leaf themed backing
rebecca_cummins1PIN initial sound writing/ matching activity(0)Real life images to write/ place images for the p/i/n sounds
rebecca_cummins1Christmas counting to 10 - yellow door compatible(0)Counting Christmas items - up to 10
rebecca_cummins1Draw the other half -under the sea theme(0)Draw the other half -under the sea theme activity
rebecca_cummins1Design a pancake(0)Design a pancake activity with space to write what is on their pancake
rebecca_cummins1Draw the other half of the Easter image(0)Draw the other half of the Easter image activity
rebecca_cummins1phase 2 and 3 tricky words on flies(0)phase 2 and 3 tricky words on flies, great to cut out an swat with a fly swatter
rebecca_cummins1Roll and draw hair(0)Either roll a dice and draw amount of hairs or roll a mark making dice for different designs
rebecca_cummins1Copying art work activity(0)Copying art work activity with famous art work and boxes for them to do it themselves in a box
rebecca_cummins1Complete the drawing activities(0)A range of activities to either draw the other half or draw the image
rebecca_cummins1Fine motor eggs for Easter(0)A pair off eggs for Easter fine motor activity. Compatible with Grapat mandala pieces or you could use pom poms etc
rebecca_cummins1Father Christmas sound song(0)A Christmas themed song based on Old Macdonald had a farm