Sparkle and Shine in EYFS resourcesAverage Rating4.10(based on 11 reviews)Resources as shown on sparkle and shine in eyfs Edit shopAdd a resource
rebecca_cummins1Making 9 and 10 with Numicon(0)A spring themed resource with 9 and 10 Numicon outlines to find number bonds with Numicon pieces.
rebecca_cummins12D shapes cut and stick Christmas tree(0)2D shapes cut and stick Christmas tree - blank version to colour and coloured
rebecca_cummins1Christmas read and match images(0)Phase 2 words to read a match the images. Perfect for Reception or KS1.
rebecca_cummins1Counting items to 10 - compatible with yellow door number pebbles(1)Natural background counting items to 10, great with magnetic numbers, peggies, or yellow door pebbles
rebecca_cummins1Natural themed 10s frames for teen numbers(1)Natural themed tens frames to make teen numbers and add 2 single digit numbers
rebecca_cummins1Wood effect picture labels for EYFS setting(0)A range of picture labels for EYFS setting
rebecca_cummins1Labelling a Polar Bear(0)A simple labeling a Polar bear activity with space to write what he can do.
rebecca_cummins1Phase 5 sounds on eggs(0)Name the phase 5 sound on the egg and place an easter object ontop (also includes ure from phase 3)
rebecca_cummins1Tiger labeling activity(0)Tiger labeling activity to write about what a tiger can do/ eats etc
rebecca_cummins1Domino match board(0)A board with numbers 0-12 made to match the correct numbers on dominoes
rebecca_cummins1Making numbers to 50 with Numicon(0)Making numbers to 50 with Numicon sheets with 2 different themes
rebecca_cummins1Elmer fine motor fill in(0)An Elmer fine motor fill in that you could use Grapat, pompoms or buttons to complete
rebecca_cummins1Valentines fine motor activity(0)Valentines heart fine motor activity that has options to add number to make or count amount in heart