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Phase 3 Phonics Alien Word Colouring Pages - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

Phase 3 Phonics Alien Word Colouring Pages - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

These colouring sheets are a great resource to make phonics fun and recognising and reading alien words exciting. Providing a fantastic and engaging way to prepare any child for their end of Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, these pages feature the full range of Phase 3 graphemes; offering the perfect Phase 3 consolidation activity that makes a change for those disengaged by flash cards. These colouring sheets feature the following digraphs/trigraphs throughout: ai, ee, igh, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air. Alien words are a core element of the Phonics Screening Check, ensuring that children are secure in their grapheme/ phoneme correspondence and are able to apply their knowledge of this to false ‘alien’ words. Therefore, incorporating this into enjoyable activities is a great way to practice and further embed this knowledge for each child and ensure they are able to call on their phonics knowledge as opposed to just ‘sight’ reading. •What is included• This purchase will include 12 colouring pages which display the alien words in a variety of formats. Each page will feature aliens and their phase 3 digraph/ trigraph names; some also require a child to match the alien to their name while others adopt a ‘colour by grapheme’ format. Please take a look through all of the images to get a better idea of what you should expect to receive. •Terms of use• This product is able to be used within classroom or home settings as required. However, as you will not own the copyright for this product, it must not be uploaded elsewhere online by yourselves. It may not be shared with others or claimed as your own.