This resource is to help teach the Live Theatre review acting section, of the AQA GCSE Drama exam.
In order to not infringe copyright, I have removed all pictures, not copied any questions from the Component 1 exam paper - but these could be added to help to teach the review further.
The example answer at the end is made up and can be edited in places or entirely. Please feel free to tweak and print whatever you feel is required. All of this work is entirely my own, including the example answer.
please insert pictures of the live piece of theatre you are focusing on to help teach the proxemics, etc.
Also, if you have a copy of the play, print outs of the dialogue may help with the physical and vocal skills characters use.
I have found teaching this section difficult and have found that this structure supported all abilities. The breakdown of this, I have found, helped me to break down all sections of of teaching.
Enjoy! Hope it helps!