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Place Value Mats 2,3,4,5,6 Digits
5 place value mats
Tens, Ones
Hundreds, Tens, Ones
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones
Ten Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones
Hundred Thousands, Ten Thousands, Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones
lower ones with place value counters and Dienes visuals
upper ones with place value counter visuals.
Multiplication Scavenger Hunt (2x1 digit)
8 question scavenger hunt on 2 x 1 digit multiplication.
Place Value Mat 4 Digits
Place value mat for Th, H, T, O with Dienes images and place value counter images.
Pi Day - Poster template
A poster template to design the best pie with the greatest maths joke inside it!
Two templates provide:
one with maths joke
one blank pie
Multiplication Arrays Grid up to 12 times table
This grid encompasses the 1 to 12 times table as arrays. Using an L shaped tracer (see file, to be printed A3), pupils can use this resource as a tool for their times tables. It can also be used to aid division. Resource includes Word doc of arrays, PowerPoint doc for whole class teaching (could be used with insertion of L shape on interactive smartboard) and L shape to be printed.
Jesus - Priest, Prophet and King worksheet
Worksheet to use with a lesson on Jesus as Priest, Prophet and King. Links to Literacy and Language.
Coronavirus Info for children (PPE intro)
This resource titled Coronavirus and Keeping People Safe discuses what the coronavirus is, the symptoms and what we can do to help the spread of it. An introduction to PPE is given, with comparisons to things like wearing a helmet to keep you safe on a bike and people wearing masks to help with spread of germs.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAw89CqZL08 (good song to be included at end)