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Rehana Fazil Saving Teacher's Sundays

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Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.




Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.
Art Drawing Stone Age KS2

Art Drawing Stone Age KS2

KS2 Drawing Art 6 weeks Unit Pupils will learn the following Draw inspiration from history Observe Caves of Lascaux Take notes of animal and human drawings in stone age caves Understand what the symbols represent in the caves and how they may have been created Draw animals and humans in proportion Understand hand prints made in caves Recreate own symbols to represent modern day life e.g Black lives matter Plan and create a composition drawing of Stone Age hunting Work in groups and on large scale drawings Complete 6 weeks planning and medium term overview available with resources. Suitable for year 3 and year 4 art and the national curriculum unit for Art and Design and drawing. Follow the author for more updates on new planning @thisisrehanafazil
Information Text African Snails year 2 TAF

Information Text African Snails year 2 TAF

Year 2 Non Fiction Writing This is 14 page slide powerpoint with apt information about how to write about snails. It includes subheadings for body, eats, habitat, dangers. it gives children enough information about snails so they can research and then write their own information text about how to keep pet snails. This encourages children to apply their learning to a new context. Ideal for a topic unit in science and suitable for keeping pet African snails in class. Otherwise it can be used for English literacy non fiction unit. The text includes suitable sentence level work to incorporate year 2 grammar features such as coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. There are opportunities for children to use questions by addressing the reader e.g. Have you ever wondered how to keep pet snails?
The sound collector and other poems Year 2 Poetry Preview

The sound collector and other poems Year 2 Poetry Preview

Year 2 Reading and Writing Poetry Preview Suitable for GD readers and promote quality reading experiences for all Expected pupils. This is a preview of resources available in the shop. It has an array of classic poetry with comprehensions. The sound collector has targeted comprehension for higher ability (working at greater depth) and then differentiated down so that all the class can access and enjoy classic poetry. Children answer literal, inference and evaluative questions about the poem. After that , they spend a day creating their own verses using similar pattern structures. There are also other many fun and enjoyable poems to learn and perform by Roger McGough, and Valerie Bloom- such as The River, and other sound poems. Children can recite these poems from memory, perform them to an audience and answer comprehension questions. Children will learn how to identify rhyming words and generate their own. They will understand language techniques used by the poet and identify the patterned structures to write their own verse in a similar style. This fun resource can also be used as a poetry unit during English main teaching or guided reading. Please see the shop for complete unit of work and planning with resources.
Changing Materials by Heating Year 2

Changing Materials by Heating Year 2

Changing Materials by heating is an exciting investigation for children to learn about other materials - not just metal, plastic, wood, rubber. They understand that heating makes materials change shape, colour, size. They use their observation skills and predict what changes will happen to chocolate, butter and kernel seeds. This bundle has differentiated recording to allow for observation over time skills. Children can interpret data and then think about follow up questions like what will happen if we now let the heated materials cool down. Suitable for the new science curriculum in year 2.
Raw Scores Conversion against Target Tracker Assessment KS1 Year 2

Raw Scores Conversion against Target Tracker Assessment KS1 Year 2

Year 2 Target Tracker Users. Assessing without levels for the end of KS1 Target Tracker users. This is a useful guide how to interpret raw scales, use the conversion scales to target tracker bands for the end of KS1. Useful for benchmarking Secure and Greater Depth. Reading, Maths and Grammar have been converted to Target Tracker in order to get a Working towards, (W/W+) Working at the expected level (S) and Working at Greater Depth (S+) score. Useful for year 2 teachers administering the 2016 new SATS papers. Children who score less that 3 are awarded N. Please see the Interim Pre Key Stage 1 Guide for assessment on the GOV. website.
Reasoning with Always Sometimes or Never statements Year 2

Reasoning with Always Sometimes or Never statements Year 2

This is a good resources to assess children's ability to reason with number. They have several statements that they have to prove such as if you multiply odd with odd the answer is always odd. Or if you start on the number 14 and count in multiples of 2 you will land on 35. The children write examples of their working out and prove if the statement is true or false - or sometimes, never, always. This is a good activity for children to show independent working out and demonstrate prior knowledge of odds, evens, counting in steps of 2, 5, 10, 3,4s, etc. Suitable for greater depth children and differentiation is available for those working at or below.
DT Shell Structures Knowledge Organiser KS2

DT Shell Structures Knowledge Organiser KS2

Structures Design and Technology Lower KS2 Primary This resources contains a Shell Structures Knowledge Organiser ONLY.It is suitable for years 3 and 4. It outlines the learning objectives from the programmes of study, prior learning, key vocabulary, skills practice visuals, Rights to Respect links, knowledge of shell structures and designers or architects. The Knowledge orgainser is a point of reference for teachers and pupils to support memory, build vocabulary, develop knoweldge, skills and ensure pitch and expectations are correct for DT. This Knowledge organiser corresponds to the unit of work in the shop with the following; - A complete unit of work with lesson planning, Powerpoints and resources. Visuals and photos included for clear instructions. Design inspirations for shell structures e.g natural and manufactured as well as suitable designers and engineers. Opportunities to plan and make a shell structure e.g using 3d nets of varying design as well as CAD (computer aided design). Pupils will develop understanding of technical skills and explore cutting, joining and strengthening techniques. Pupils can construct a prototype food box, a trinket box, or a treasure box using inspiration from nets, nature, and architects. Pupils will evaluate on an ongoing basis to see if the design is fit for purpose. You can purchase the complete unit from the shop. This resource has been used to support staff development in CPD as well as ofsted and School Improvement inspections to show how the curriculum is organised.
Art and Design Tessellation KS2

Art and Design Tessellation KS2

Key Stage Art and Design Tessellation 2 Lesson Design your own tessellation tile lesson and powerpoint. Pupils are inspired by the work of artist Escher. Pupils will understand how a tessellation tile is created using a geometric shape like a square. Pupils will cut into the shapes and then reassemble them on opposing sides. Pupils can make varying tessellating tiles that may look like different animals like dogs, fox, fish, or bird in the style of Escher. Or they may choose to keep their design abstract form. Pupils will need a square card to create their tessellation tile. Video links included. SEN differentiation included Step by step visual guide included Final outcome examples shown on ppt. Suitable for the Art and Design curriculum in Key Stage 2, year 3 and 4 in particular. Can be easily adapted for upper key stage by thinking about positive and negative spaces in final design to create optical illusions. To simplify - the lesson can be used by giving precut card tiles to students so they can create a tessellation and add their own repeating patterns to create animal faces. Thank you for choosing this resource.
Ice Berg Goal Setting Back to School

Ice Berg Goal Setting Back to School

Back to school and part of meet your new class activities. This resource is an ‘Ice berg goal setting’ or Target setting activity for the new academic year. Suitable for all Primary age students as it has been differentiated. It is aimed at setting new targets for the year- such as reading, writing, maths, or other personal targets such as behaviour or learning ( e.g. resilience, mindset). The pupils decide on a target and then think about everything they will need to do to achieve this. There are examples given in the resources Powerpoint for writing and maths too. Teachers can amend according to their year group and even decide if pupils will choose a range of targets. Templates for icebergs available with line and without lines. SEN and LA task is differentiated with caption and visual pictures of achievable tasks. Thank you for choosing this resource and I wish you a happy academic year.
Structures in Design and Technology KS2

Structures in Design and Technology KS2

Shell Structures in Primary Design and Technology - written for lower Key Stage 2. This resource continues from Lesson the 1 and 2 in the shop. It contains lessons 3, 4,5 only. It is suitable for the National Curriculum Programmes of Study in DT. See the complete unit in the shop for all the lessons including planning and Powerpoints and additional resources 0. Design Inspiration from Engineers and Architects Lesson 1 what is a shell structure, natural and manufactured Lesson 2 Explore strengthening joins and techniques Lesson 3 Planning shell structure Lesson 4 Make a net shell structure prototype - using measuring, cutting, joining, strengthening techniques Lesson 5 Evaluate your shell structure Thank you for choosing this resource.
Information Writing Non Fiction Animals Unit Year 2 and Year 1

Information Writing Non Fiction Animals Unit Year 2 and Year 1

This resources is an excellent, differentiated, vibrant information booklet about jungle animals. The children can read the information text to find new and interesting facts about elephants, crocodiles, snakes, parrots and hippos. They can then make their own flap or pop up booklet with headings, captions and interesting facts about jungle animals and then read them to an audience. The text supports learning features of non-fiction text and demonstrates how to engage the reader with questions and interesting facts. This resources is differentiated for early readers working towards band 2 and fluent readers working at greater depth. The reading also supports writing non-fiction and using ambitious and technical vocabulary as well as grammar features (in particular questions). Writers working at greater depth can add their own exclamatory sentences about each animal. The text is presented interestingly and has clear text and visuals.
Mass, weights, scales and problems year 2

Mass, weights, scales and problems year 2

Year 2 Maths Measures - Reading scales in kg and grams. First, the children have the opportunity to think about the different measures of unit required for different purposes, e.g. measuring height of door, amount of liquid in bath, the length of playground, weight of book etc. They then focus on reading scales for mass and find out how to read scales accurately. Some children confuse the dial reading for mass with a clock and these misconceptions must be addressed. There are opportunities for mastery and greater depth problems in these bundle of resources. Children are also required to use > < comparative arrows to show greater understanding of given weights.
Poetry Year 2 Christmas unit

Poetry Year 2 Christmas unit

Poetry for Year 2 focussing on grammar features including varied sentence types. Children can use visuals to support their learning to develop language to describe Christmas imagery. They then use the words to create a structured poem with a statement, exclamatory sentence with How…, a question, command and finally a statement that contains a simile. This will create a great opportunity for children to engage with poetry, learn, perform and enjoy. The lesson matches the demands of the new English curriculum for 2014 for written and spoken language. Although this is a seasonal poem, it can be used as a starting to point to change and innovate to any topic of choice. The structure would still apply to any chosen subject e.g. animals or seasons. Please remember to review. Thank you.
Collage Mosaic Lesson 5 Art and Design Years 3 and 4

Collage Mosaic Lesson 5 Art and Design Years 3 and 4

Lesson 5 Collage Mosaic techniques This is the fifth lesson of a 7 week unit of work It is suitable for years 3 and year 4 The following is included; Lesson Plan 5 Powerpoints and resources Examples of work and tasks included. Key vocabulary for the lesson Differentiation Youtube links with relevant examples. Pupils will learn the origins of mosaic. They will understand that mosaic can be made using clay tiles as well as paper. Pupils will create their own mosaic with a fish, sunset, star and moon, christian cross, or flower inset. Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit. Week 1 Explore collage techniques Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link) Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps) Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps) Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage) Week 7 Finale composition The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish. Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays. @thisisrehanafazil
Collage Zaha Hadid Lesson 3 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Collage Zaha Hadid Lesson 3 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Lesson 3 Collage using newspaper cutouts and designer/ architect Zaha Hadid This is the third lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can be used in isloation too. It is suitable for years 3 and year 4 The following is included; Lesson Plan 3 Powerpoints and resources Examples of work and tasks included. Key vocabulary for the lesson Differentiation Youtube links with relevant examples. Study of diverse artists and designers has been included to add diversity to the curriculum. Pupils will create a building using inspiration from Zaha Hadids work, including the Aquatic Centre in London Olympic Village in Stratford. Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit. Week 1 Explore collage techniques Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link) Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps) Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps) Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage) Week 7 Finale composition The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish. Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays. @thisisrehanafazil
Collage  Tessellation Lesson 4  Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Collage Tessellation Lesson 4 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

**Lesson 4 Collage using tessellation and inspiration from Escher ** This is the fourth lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can be used in isolation too. It is suitable for years 3 and year 4 The following is included; Lesson Plan 4 Powerpoints and resources Examples of work and tasks included. Key vocabulary for the lesson Differentiation You Tube links with relevant examples. Pupils will learn tessellation skills such as translation and rotation. They can create their own tessellation tiles if time permits or use templates like Escher’s fish, and lizard. Overview of the collage unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit. Week 1 Explore collage techniques Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link) Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps) Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps) Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage) Week 7 Finale composition The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish. Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays. @thisisrehanafazil
Collage Canaletto Lesson 2 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Collage Canaletto Lesson 2 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Lesson 2 Collage Overlapping using Canaletto as inspiration This is the second lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can also be used as a standalone lesson It is suitable for years 3 and year 4 The following is included; Lesson Plan Power Points and resources Examples of work and tasks included. Key vocabulary for the lesson Differentiation You Tube links with relevant examples. Pupils will learn the following techniques and explore collage skills; overlapping, layering, foreground, mid ground background, using inspiration from an artist Overview of the unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit. Week 1 Explore collage techniques Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link) Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps) Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps) Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage) Week 7 Finale composition The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish. Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays. @thisisrehanafazil
Collage  Techniques  Lesson 1 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Collage Techniques Lesson 1 Art and Design Year 3 and 4

Lesson 1 Collage techniques for Year 3 and 4 This is the first lesson of a 7 week unit of work although it can be used in isolation too, It is suitable for years 3 and year 4 The following is included; Lesson Plan National curriculum learning objectives and success criteria Power Points and resources Examples of work and tasks included. Key vocabulary for the lesson Differentiation You Tube links with relevant examples. Pupils will learn the following techniques and explore collage skills zigzag, spiral, coil, spiral, twist, and lattice Overview of the unit in the shop is as follows if you want to purchase the complete unit. Week 1 Explore collage techniques Week 2 Use inspiration from Canaletto to create a collage Week 3 Famous Architect Zaha Hadid (newspaper strip collage and BAME link) Week 4 Tessellation and Escher (collage with no gaps) Week 5 Mosaic - (collage with gaps) Week 6 Matisse and (scissors cutout collage) Week 7 Finale composition The theme of the unit was based around buildings and grand designs - but the skills of each lesson can be applied to any focus e.g plants, animals, seaside, world war, landscape, etc The unit can be extended or condensed as you wish. Follow on instagram for more ideas and ways to save your teacher Sundays. @thisisrehanafazil
Guided Reading Year 2 Squash and squeeze

Guided Reading Year 2 Squash and squeeze

This is a great resource to teach a year 2 three week guided reading unit. It starts with the book A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson and then moves onto learning a classic poem about an old woman who swallowed a fly i week 3. The planning has looking (retrieval), clue (inference) and thinking(evaluative) style questions. Its a fun and engaging text to use for year 2 and can also be used for fluent readers in year 1. The planning has excellent ideas for the independent group work so that children can apply grammar skills, sequence text, make predictions, learn the poem from memory and even create their own simple poem. A must to promote reading for pleasure in your classes.
Harry and the Bucket full of dinosaurs InstructionYear 1 and EYFS

Harry and the Bucket full of dinosaurs InstructionYear 1 and EYFS

This is a fantastic way to include a dinosaur topic in your English unit. The resource contains an exemplar text (Instructions) with visuals aimed at the Exceeding in EYFS or Working at in year 1. The children are introduced to the story first - Harry and the bucket full of dinosaurs. It then leads on to learning instructional exemplar text (imitate) about 'How to take care of a pet dino.' This is supported by a text map to sequence and internalise language. The grammar features included are time connectives and prepositional language. The exemplar text is differentiated for SEN or EAL learners who may have little English, or limited writing ability. The unit lends itself well to imitation, innovation and invention. The children may go onto writing instructions for 'How to care for yourself ' or 'How to get ready in the morning.' They may write instructiins about caring for a class pet. There are lots of opportunities to do cross curricular and independent writing opportunities from this book e.g. my first day shopping. Excellent text for relluctant boy writers. ENJOY.