
Stick Man (first half of the book only) by Julia Donaldson powerpoint presentation
Stick Man (first half of the book only) by Julia Donaldson powerpoint presentation for whole class read, Literacy, Reading

Phonics Read Write Inc Set 1 sounds powerpoint
Linked to Sound Mat writing resource. Powerpoint presentation of Set 1 sounds Read Write Inc. Suitable for daily phonics revision/ lessons. EYFS/ KS1

Phonics Read Write Inc Set 2& 3 Sounds Powerpoint
Powerpoint presentation version of the Sound Mat linked to Read Write Inc. Set 2 & 3 Sounds. Flash and say the sounds to recap/ revise or use to show the day’s phonics focus. 35 slides

Transport Poetry Powerpoint (3 transport poems)
For EYFS/ Key Stage 1 Good for ‘Transport and Travel’ topics. A powerpoint presentation of three transport poems with images.

All about C powerpoint
All about sound and letter c, slides linked to Read Write Inc/ Jolly Phonics, alphabet, upper/ lower case, objects beginning with c, handwriting etc. Good for introducing the letter and sound or revision.