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Resources for IGCSE & GCSE History, Business Studies, Tourism and PSHE which are concise, well designed with a variety of activities to engage the student and help develop their understanding. In addition there are some pastoral resources available for KS3 & KS4.




Resources for IGCSE & GCSE History, Business Studies, Tourism and PSHE which are concise, well designed with a variety of activities to engage the student and help develop their understanding. In addition there are some pastoral resources available for KS3 & KS4.
BTEC L2 Business: Unit 1. Enterprise - A. Trends and the business environment

BTEC L2 Business: Unit 1. Enterprise - A. Trends and the business environment

BTEC L2 Business Unit 1. Enterprise in the business world Learning Aim A: Know how trends and the current business environment may impact on a business Powerpoint presentation of over 40 slides - information and varied student activities. Excellent preparation for the assessment. Includes: A.1 Finding information A.2 Factors to consider in the current business environment A.3 Trends affecting business A.4 Size of business and type For further information or for a full preview please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
BTEC L3 Travel + Tourism: Unit 9. Visitor Attractions - A

BTEC L3 Travel + Tourism: Unit 9. Visitor Attractions - A

BTEC L3 Travel + Tourism Unit 9. Visitor Attractions A. Investigate the nature, role and appeal of visitor attractions A1. Type of visitor attractions A2. Scale, scope and appeal of visitor attractions A3. Ways in which visitor attractions are funded A4. Importance of additional revenue generation strategies for visitor attractions Comprehensive set of notes and a range of activities. For a full preview or for further information please email: mail@studytourism.uk
IGCSE Cambridge History: Int. Relations: Were the Peace Treaties of 1919-23 fair?

IGCSE Cambridge History: Int. Relations: Were the Peace Treaties of 1919-23 fair?

Designed for IGCSE Cambridge, International Relations topic: Were the Peace Treaties of 1919-23 fair? Full unit of work covering the topics includes notes and a variety of stimulating exercises. Uniquely designed specifically for this exam board. Excellent layout is very popular with students of all abilities. For further information or to view a full preview please email: infor@resourcesforschools.com
IGCSE  Cambridge History - Int.Relations: Who was to blame for the Cold War?

IGCSE Cambridge History - Int.Relations: Who was to blame for the Cold War?

Specifically designed unit of work for IGCSE Cambridge History - International Relations from 1919 : Who was to blame for the Cold War? Why did the USA-USSR alliance begin to break down in 1945? How had the USSR gained control of Eastern Europe by 1948? How did the USA react to Soviet expansion? Over 20 pages of well laid out notes and a variety of exercises. For a full preview or for further information please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
Cold War: USA's policy of containment - Korea, Cuba and Vietnam

Cold War: USA's policy of containment - Korea, Cuba and Vietnam

Full unit of work covering the International Relations/Cold War topic: USA’s policy of containment Covers: Truman Doctrine; Korean War; Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War Full set of notes and exercises for students of all abilities youtube channel: GCSE History for supporting materials Email for a full preview or for further information: info@resourcesforschools.com
IGCSE Cambridge History - Int. Relations: How effectively did the USA stop the spread of communism?

IGCSE Cambridge History - Int. Relations: How effectively did the USA stop the spread of communism?

Complete unit of work for IGCSE Cambridge History: International Relations - How effectively did the USA stop the spread of communism? Specifically designed for IGCSE Cambridge History, this unit of work extents to over 20 pages. Well laid out notes and a variety of exercises for students of all abilities. Email for a full preview or for further information: info@resourcesforschools.com
Survive & Thrive: teaching strategies

Survive & Thrive: teaching strategies

'“Survive and Thrive” is a collection of strategies designed to help classroom teachers in a number of areas: . behaviour management . teaching strategies . raising achievement Aim is to encourage the teacher to be self-sufficient in the classroom, armed with a range of strategies to motivate and raise the attainment levels of all students. Key areas of focus include: motivating students, language and literacy, assessment for learning, differentiation, and reviewing Excellent collection of strategies, ideas and suggestions for student teachers, newly qualified as well as experienced teachers.
IGCSE Edexcel History: Russia 1914-1924

IGCSE Edexcel History: Russia 1914-1924

Unit of work for: IGCSE Edexcel History: Russia 1914-1924 - Historical Investigation Speficially designed for this examination Well laid out notes, suitable for students of all abilities Comprehensive notes and activities - 24 pages For a full preview or further information please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
Ethics and the global economy

Ethics and the global economy

Ethics and the global economy. Includes: Economy and globalisation: imports and exports Globalisation: advantages and disadvantges Inequality: income and wealth Fairtrade: features of Fairtrade organisations Ethical consumerism Socially responsible investing Six lessons covering Ethica and Global economy. Ideal for PSHE or an introduction for a business course.
Cambridge History O level: Germany 1918-39

Cambridge History O level: Germany 1918-39

Complete unit of work for the Cambridge History O Level: Germany 1918 This is designed for the Cambridge O level and covers everything for this unit. Comprehensive set of notes, well laid out and suitable for all abilities. Assorted activities and exercises. For a full preview or for further information please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
League of Nations

League of Nations

Unit of work for the topic: League of Nations Includes: structure of the League; agencies and commissions and successes and failures of the League in 1920s and 1930s Full set of notes and a variety of exercises for students of all abilities. Supporting material at youtube channel: GCSE History For a full preview or for further information please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
Managing Real World Finances

Managing Real World Finances

Managing Real World Finances An introduction to financial management: . Being a ‘smart consumer’ . Main features of sound financial management . Borrowing and lending Over 40 pages of notes and activities For further information please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
Ethics in the workplace

Ethics in the workplace

‘Ethics in the workplace’ covers: What is corruption and in what areas does it take place? Why does corruption occur? What is the impact of corruption? What sort of unethical behaviour exists in education? What sort of unethical behaviour exists in the workplace? How can you promote ethical and anti-corruption behaviour in yourself and others? Includes learning objectives, activities and lesson reviews Over 40 pages in total For a full preview of for further information please email: info@resourcesforschool.com
Edexcel GCSE History: Russia-Soviet Union, 1917-1941

Edexcel GCSE History: Russia-Soviet Union, 1917-1941

Specifically designed for Edexcel GCSE History syllabus. Comprehensive set of notes and activities for Option 30: Russia and the Soviet Union 1917-41 38 pages of well laid out notes and engaging activities for students of all abilities For a full preview or further information please email: info@resourcesforschools.com
Edexcel IGCSE History: Changes in Medicine 1845 - 1948

Edexcel IGCSE History: Changes in Medicine 1845 - 1948

A unique resource for Edexcel IGCSE History covering the topic of 'Changes in Medicine 1845 -1948. Designed specifically for this exam board, there is a set of well laid out notes plus a variety of activities - some differentiated totalling more than 50 pages. Tried and tested in the classroom these resources are great to use and well received by the students. Includes media recommendations which are available through our youtube channel: GCSE History. Price includes full school use for these resources. Email for a full preview of the resource or for further information: info@resourcesforschools.com