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Graphic lettering
A worksheet on drawing letters using a grid. Also includes how to graphically illustrate lettering.
A Powerpoint Presentation about the different types of wood, the properties of each, and uses in design.
Plastics interactive powerpoint
Quiz for pupils to test their knowledge on plastics.
WJEC Hospitality and Catering - The Environmental Health Officer (EHO)
Set of resources on the role of the Environmental Health Officer
Product Analysis Worksheet
Worksheet to encourage thorough analysis of an existing product. Could be used for preparation for CAT
Puff Pastry
A worksheet containing the basic recipe for puff pastry, plus three differentiated recipes for pupils to use( 1 = easy, 2 = medium, 3 = hard) and pupil planning sheet.
Evaluation sheet for practical lesson
Worksheet to aid pupils when evaluating a practical lesson. Includes sensory graph.
The Design Process
A poster showing the stages of the design process with two versions for pupils to complete. In Version One pupils illustrate each stage; in Version Two pupils write what they understand by each stage, and illustrate.
Food Technology - extension or cover work
Food based packaging task
Powerpoint presentation about the 6 R's and a pupil worksheet based on the presentation.
Shortcrust Pastry Recipes
A worksheet containing the basic recipe for shortcrust pastry, plus three differentiated recipes for pupils to use( 1 = easy, 2 = medium, 3 = hard) and pupil planning sheet.
Reduce, reuse, recycle - Desk Tidy
A design task using items of household waste which would usually be recycled.
Health and Social Care - benefits of exercise
Whole lesson set of resources.
Schemes of work covering the entire course for WJEC GCSE Health and Social Care
There is an overview and full lesson breakdown including starter and plenary activities for each lesson for each of the following modules:
Unit 2: Human Growth and Development; Human Growth and Development, Factors affecting growth and development; self concept; sources of support
Unit 1: Controlled Assessment Task
When creating this resource I have used primarily the following text books, and worksheets specified use these:
GCSE Health & Social Care: Student Book (Paperback) - Common Paperback – 2003 by By (author) Stephen Seamons, By (author) Ian Wallace, By (author) David Webb By (author) Angela Fisher (Author)
GCSE health and Social Care for OCR - by Elizabeth Haworth, Carol Forshaw and Neil Moonie
Child Care and Development - by Pamela Minett
Primary and Secondary Processing
Powerpoint presentation and pupil worksheet
Child Development - development of speech milestones
A PowerPoint presentation with links to video clips showing children of different ages communicating. The challenge for the pupils is to correctly link the age of the child with the correct clip. It also encourages pupils to think about other aspects of development in order to identify the age.
Food technology - extension or cover work
Food based design task
WJEC CHild Development - Intellectual development and learning to read
Set of resources for intellectual development and learning to read
Theory of Yeast
Powerpoint presentation and supporting worksheet for pupils
Hazards in food production
Worksheet on biological, chemical and physical hazards in Food Production.