richardfraserFirst year Spanish Lesson 1 introductions. How are you. Como estas. Classroom instructions(3)First year Spanish Lesson 1 introductions. How are you. Como estas. Classroom instructions If you like it please give a rating!
richardfraserY7 Graphics Workbook. Branding, Logos, Typography, CAD CAM 2D design, Sustainability, Block printing(3)Y7 Graphics Workbook. Branding, Logos, Typography, CAD CAM 2D design, Sustainability, Block printing
richardfraserSketching Skills Work Book. Suitable for class work or home work(1)Sketching Skills Work Book. Suitable for class work or home work.
richardfraserY8 Graphics sample work book. Typography. Nets. Branding. Dimensions(2)Y8 Graphics sample work book. Typography. Nets. Branding. Dimensions. The paid version included powerpoints, homework, grid paper, and workbook without lines.
richardfraserLesson 2 Spanish greetings and classroom questions.(0)Lesson 2 Spanish greetings and classroom questions.
richardfraserLesson 24 Spanish Family relations. family tree(0)Lesson 24 Spanish Family relations. family tree
richardfraserPewter Casting lesson(0)Introduction to casting to support teacher demonstration of process.
richardfraserDrawing shells lesson with focus on line(1)Drawing shells lesson with focus on line. Different types of line explored. You will need shells to complete activity.
richardfraserMethods of joining. Wood joints. Screws, bolts. rivets.(0)Methods of joining. Wood joints. Screws, bolts. rivets. Includes starter and gap fill activities.
richardfraserErgonomics and anthropometrics . Exam questions. Design tasks.(0)Ergonomics and anthropometrics . Exam questions. Design tasks. This can be split over 2 lessons or taught together.
richardfraserDesign and technology careers display A3(0)Images of a range of career options for D&T. 11 A3 pages.
richardfraserBlister pack, packaging symbols, typography(0)Graphic design lesson. Redesigning sainsbury’s blister pack. To vacuum form, you will need to make a form.
richardfraserIntroduction to Plastics. Thermoplastics. Thermoforming plastics.(0)Lesson introducing students to plastics.
richardfraserFlow Charts.(0)Lesson about flow charts. The first example is about making a cup of tea. The main task includes vacuum forming.