Maths resources.
Working on Project-A-Lesson. A full lesson in a PowerPoint. For busy teachers who still want outstanding engaging tasks and learning checks
Maths resources.
Working on Project-A-Lesson. A full lesson in a PowerPoint. For busy teachers who still want outstanding engaging tasks and learning checks
Quadrilaterals/kites/exterior angles.
Need to add something on algebra when I come to update.
NOTE: Everything is a work in progress. The latest version of this file can always be found at this link.
Full lessons. Covers a few discussion points, and goes through how to find experimental probabilities from tables. You should probably print off the questions as they go over two pages.
A lesson (or six) on adding and subtracting fractions. A shed load of stuff here. Example problem pairs. Tons of practice and puzzles and problem solving exercises. Pick what you want to show and go.
CHANGELOG : 3/3/25 : Changed the LCM questions and smartened up some formatting
Full unit that covers HCF, LCM, mixing them up and everything else.
Includes worded questions and questions where the numbers are given already written as the product of their primes.
Lots of stuff.
Trying to use variation theory
My thinking
A question to start
Reversing the terms. Does balancing still work?
A subtraction. How does this effect our balance.
Does reversing the terms still lead us to the same answer
Increasing the constant by one. What happens? Also: a decimal answer.
We can have a negative answer
Divide x, instead of multiplying it.
Increasing co-efficient of x by one. What happens to our answer?
Doubling co-efficient of x. Not sure about these last two. I think they may be a step back from question 7. This is the problem with presenting these in a linear format. These questions are variations on question 1, not question 7. I might experiment with some kind of spider diagram.
Doubling the divisor from 7. Again, maybe the linear way these are written is a bit rubbish.
Don’t know how I like the order of these questions, but there’s lots to think about and something to tweak.
I have found the transition to asking ‘why have they asked you that question? What are they trying to tell you?’ has been difficult for some students, but I think it’s worth devoting time to it. If students are inspecting questions for things like this, maybe they’re more likely to read the question thoroughly and pick out it’s mathematics. Big hope, I know.
Covers how to draw a frequency table, continuous and discrete data and finding the mode from grouped and ungrouped frequency tables.
Has a starter, some example problem pairs, some questions (that aren’t amazing tbh) and a plenary.
My annual Christmaths maths quiz is back for 2022.
Includes a Shakin Stevens video. Why not. 5 rounds linking maths and Christmas. Should take you about an hour.
Trying to aim for a mastery/in depth lesson, rather than getting all the index laws done in one lesson.
Huge credit to Jo Morgan (@mathsjem). Nicked a lot from her for this resource.
CHANGELOG : 10/3/2022 Changed to new format, a bit of cleaning up
Simple ppt.
Some example problem pairs, an exercise, a quick learning check and a link to a blooket for practice.
CHANGELOG : 9/15/22 : Added a miniwhiteboard task
Changelog: 2 new sections. Changed some answers to address more misconceptions.
Completely redone version of maths pointless.
The countdown is now much, much quicker (as requested).
New questions will also be coming in an update over the following weeks.
Play over numerous rounds and keep score on the board.
All credit to Paul Collins.
Simple PowerPoint
Multiplying decimals both from scratch and using previous facts. Ie 43 x 56 = 2408, what is 4.3 x 5.6?
Includes example problem pairs and two exercises. Everything you need to teach this topic.
Lots and lots of stuff on Column addition and subtraction along with talk about efficient calculations like shifts, using the correct language talk about association and commutativity. Some example problem pairs, loads of exercises with answers and some plenaries. Enough for 2/3 lessons here.