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Drama Fun Times Store

Average Rating2.00
(based on 4 reviews)

A shop selling drama schemes of work, assessment sheets and activities. Perfect for all Key Stages. Get in quick to grab a bargain and get yourself sorted for next year. Please review any downloaded resources.




A shop selling drama schemes of work, assessment sheets and activities. Perfect for all Key Stages. Get in quick to grab a bargain and get yourself sorted for next year. Please review any downloaded resources.
Technical Cue Sheets

Technical Cue Sheets

Technical cue sheet templates for lighting, sound or projections. Easy to print and distribute to students. Great to use with all age groups and abilities. Key Vocabulary Lighting Design Sound Design Projections Technical Design Theatre
Tongue Twisters Randomizer

Tongue Twisters Randomizer

An excellent resource for a starter activity in drama. Press the button and it will select one of 36 different tongue twisters for your class.
John Lewis Christmas Advert

John Lewis Christmas Advert

A brilliant final lesson activity for last week of term. students work to create their own John Lewis Christmas advert. Happy Christmas all.
Status in Drama Worksheet

Status in Drama Worksheet

An excellent worksheet which explores status in drama. Good for use in Key Stage 3 or 4. Key Vocabulary Status Physical Skills Facial Expressions Body Language Posture
Real Life Computer Games

Real Life Computer Games

An excellent free resource for a one off lesson at the end of term or between schemes of work. Gets students to consider skills of physical theatre and apply them to creating a side scrolling video game. Enjoy it and be sure to review and check out other schemes of work in the shop.
Role on the Wall

Role on the Wall

An excellent resource for all ages of students. Complete the document for improving understanding of character.
GCSE and A Level Stage/Set Design Booklet

GCSE and A Level Stage/Set Design Booklet

This is an excellent resource to use with GCSE and A Level Drama students. Clear templates for different types of staging and helpful key vocabulary to develop written exam responses. Key Words Staging Set Design Props
Third Form Drama Assessment Booklet

Third Form Drama Assessment Booklet

Third Form/Year 7 Assessment Booklet for assessing students work. Includes criteria for 3 levels of attainment. Linked to sows which are also on sale. Criteria can also be used for your own assessment
A Midsummer Nights Dream Scheme of Work

A Midsummer Nights Dream Scheme of Work

A full series of 6 full lessons on Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Scheme explores themes of the play and ends with assessment of skills with duologue between Hermia and Helena adapted from the play. Contains 3 versions of script, assessment booklets and complete powerpoint. Key Skills Pace Proxemics Pause Body Language Facial Expressions Movement
Popstars Scheme of Work/Intro to Drama - Key Stage 3

Popstars Scheme of Work/Intro to Drama - Key Stage 3

This is a fantastic scheme of work for a Year 7 class or younger. This allows students to build confidence in a fun way whilst learning new drama skills and how to use them effectively. Also includes assessment booklets and criteria. A series of of 6 lessons including introduction to class and games and assessment.
Banning Energy Drink's Policy

Banning Energy Drink's Policy

Lots of documents to provide you with the chance to introduce a policy on banning energy drinks in school. Contents Whole school assembly Tutor time activities Letter to parents Policy documents An excellent resource pack to use across the whole school.
Bugsy Malone Scheme of Work

Bugsy Malone Scheme of Work

A brilliant resource for you today. Full 6-7 Lesson Scheme of Work including assessment criteria, scripts and full powerpoint. Great for using with Key Stage 3.