National Award winning Science teacher, providing proven resources across all Science disciplines, KS3 and KS4, for all abilities.
Presentations and Displays
Worksheets, Class activities and lesson plans
Homework tasks
Revision materials
National Award winning Science teacher, providing proven resources across all Science disciplines, KS3 and KS4, for all abilities.
Presentations and Displays
Worksheets, Class activities and lesson plans
Homework tasks
Revision materials
This contains 120 individual homework/intervention questions with associated model answers differentiated for foundation and higher tier with success and marking criteria included on the questions. The questions can be either self or peer assessed in line with the model answers attached. Also included is a booklet containing all the Physics equations required for the KS4 exams with worked examples for illustration. These equations are also broken down into individual lesson starters as a powerpoint.
38 individual GCSE homework/intervention questions (Higher and Foundation), all the same format, including success criteria linked to the new specifications. Each homework question has an associated MODEL ANSWER. Both the question and the model answer have been formatted to fit an A4 page in exercise books. All are produced in WORD are are fully editable, so you can remove logos, week numbers, set own marking criteria etc. Included in this pack of questions and model answers is…
Sub-atomic particles
Atoms and Compounds
History of the Atom
Atoms and Fossil Fuels
Periodic Table
Fractional Distillation
Nanotubules and Metallic Structure
Giant Covalent Compounds
Ionic Compounds
Neutralisation and Salts
Neutralisation Practical
Rates of Reactions
Bond Energy and Calculations
Hydrogen as a Fuel
Energy Resources
Relative Formula Masses and Reacting Mass Calculations
Mole Calculations
Experimental Procedure and Planning
Presentation covering all the topics for the Pressure Physics Only AQA New Syllabus 2016. Incorporates GCSE questions and lesson objectives and outcomes. Topics included.......
Pressure on surfaces
Pressure in liquids and gases with questions.
Pressure equation with questions
Proof of the pressure equation (Grade 8/9)
Pressure and depth with questions
Hydraulics (force multipliers)
Braking sysytems
Atmospheric pressure
Using atmospheric pressure, suction cups.
Pressure diferences used to measure forces acting on objects
Mercury Barometers and Manometers with GCSE questions
Upthrust and flotation
Archimedes principle
Floating and sinking
Floating in detail, impact of weight and density.
P8 - P10 Forces AQA covering topics needed for Combined Science. Powerpoint presentation with lesson objectives and outcomes + assessment documents with and without answers, homeworks and worksheets. Suitable for foundation and higher with differentiation. Topics covered......
Vectors and Scalars
Forces between Objects
Resultant Forces
Moments at Work (GCSE Physics Triple Only)
Levers and Gears (GCSE Physics Triple Only)
Centre of Mass
Moments and Equilibrium (GCSE Physics Triple Only)
Parallelogram of Forces
Resolution of Forces
Speed and Distance-Time graphs
Velocity and Acceleration
Velocity-Time graphs
Analysing motion graphs
Force and Acceleration (Required Practical)
Weight vs Mass: the difference
Weight and Terminal Velocity
Forces and Braking
Momentum including concept of conservation
Using Conservation of Momentum (GCSE Physics Triple Only)
Impact Forces (GCSE Physics Triple Only)
Safety features (GCSE Physics Triple Only)
Forces and Elasticity: Hookes Law (Required Practical)
This does not include Pressure
44 individual GCSE homework/intervention questions (Higher and Foundation), all the same format, including success criteria linked to the new specifications. Each homework question has an associated MODEL ANSWER. Both the question and the model answer have been formatted to fit an A4 page in exercise books. All are produced in WORD are are fully editable, so you can remove logos, week numbers, set own marking criteria etc. Included in this pack of questions and model answers is…
Gravitational Potential Energy and Power
Elastic Potential Energy
Hookes Law
Specific Heat Capacity Calculations
Properties of Waves
The Wave Equation
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Light and Sound
Reflection and Refraction
The National Grid
Energy Transfer
Kinetic Energy
Energy Efficiency
Forces and Acceleration
Terminal Velocity
Particle and Kinetic Theory
Motor Effect
Magnetic Flux Density
Atoms and Radioactive Particles
Radioactive Decay
Radiation and Half Life
Power Station Comparisons
Hydroelectric Power
Fossil Fuel vs Nuclear Power Stations
States of Matter
Specific Heat Capacity Investigation
Latent Heat of Vaporisation and Fusion
Solar Panels and Solar Cells
Resistors in a circuit
Current and Voltage in a circuit
Motor and Generator Effect
Flemings Left Hand Rule
Worked examples of the kind of calculations students can expect to face from A* - to very basic Grade E and above, included is.............
The use of moles in calculations: gases and solutions
Working out the formula of a compound using moles
Calculating the percentage mass of each element present in a compound
Working out the EMPIRICAL formula of a compound
Using balanced equations to predict the masses of reactants and products.
A calculations worksheet on MOMENTS for the higher ability student Yr9 Physics.
Requires the ability to rearrange equations.
Question 3 requires the student to convert numbers into correct units before calculating the moment and therefore the solution to the question.
Designed for Yr9 but would also lend itself to a brief refresher/starter for P3 physics in KS4
Powerpoint covering the entire P1 - P3 Energy topics with lesson outcomes for specific content.
Includes the two required practicals (Insulation and Specific Heat Capacity).
Also incudes worksheets that go along with the lessons and homeworks to supplement classwork.
Summary presentation of factors affecting the rate of a reaction including.....
Factors: Temperature, Surface Area, Pressure, Concentration and use of Catalysts
Activation Energy
Energy Level Diagrams: Endo and Exothermic reactions
Making and Breaking Bonds
Reversible Reactions
The Haber Process
Factors affecting the position of equilibrium
Save yourself some of that precious time, no need to trawl the interweb, use this package of Physics JPEGS (69 individual items) covering Yr7 - Yr11 Physics to support your presentations, documents, revision aids, classroom teaching resources etc
Presentation covering all the topics within the AQA Chemistry 3 Unit:
Rates of Reaction
Energy Level Diagrams
Making and Breaking Bonds
Identifying Substances; Flame tests, Precipitation reactions etc
Hydrogen as a fuel
Carboxylic Acids
The Haber Process
Reversible Reactions
Electrolysis of Brine: The Chlor Alkali Industry
To support literacy across the curriculum and obviously Science in particular here, these sentence construction frames are extremely useful in a number of different contexts. Students find this quite a challenge but do engage with this in an extremely positive manner. A good opportunity for collaborative work.
They can be edited for differentiation purposes, with significant challenge for the most able and also access for the weakest/SEND.
They have been used very successfully as starters, plenaries, end of topic summaries, revision tools, homework and also extensions and they can be adapted for any topic across the entire curriculum from Yr7 to Yr13.
I have attached a number of examples with associated powerpoints to have up on the board as the students attempt the task, including.....
Hydrocarbons, Fractional Distillation and Cracking
Respiratory and Circulatory System
The Atom, Reacting Masses and Rates of Reaction
Transformers and Power
Save yourself some of that precious time, no need to trawl the interweb, use this package of Biology JPEGS (75 individual items) covering Yr7 - Yr11 Biology to support your presentations, documents, revision aids, classroom teaching resources etc.
Save yourself some of that precious time, no need to trawl the interweb, use this package of Chemistry JPEGS (62 individual items) covering Yr7 - Yr11 Chemistry to support your presentations, documents, revision aids, classroom teaching resources etc.
This covers the complete Waves and Electromagnetic Spectrum course content for TRIPLE and TRILOGY students.
Split into 17 different lessons with associated power-points, including objectives and outcomes with each, and every slide referencing the specific part of the syllabus to which it pertains, covering.....
Wave properties of transverse and longitudinal waves
The wave equation and periodicity
Investigating waves (Required Practical)
Refraction of Mechanical Waves
Reflection and Refraction of Light (PHYSICS ONLY Required Practical)
Light and Colour (PHYSICS ONLY)
Lenses and Types of Images (PHYSICS ONLY)
Ray diagrams for different lens (PHYSICS ONLY)
Sound waves and Hearing (PHYSICS ONLY)
Ultrasound (PHYSICS ONLY)
Seismic waves (PHYSICS ONLY)
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Investigating absorption and emission of infrared radiation (Required Practical)
Radio waves and microwaves
Ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma waves
Dangers of electromagnetic radiation
This presentation covers aspects of the C2 and C3 Units of AQA Chemistry:
Collision Theory
Activation Energy
Factors affecting rates of reaction.
Endo thermic and Exothermic Reactions
Making and Breaking bonds
Reversible reactions.
Factors affecting the position of Equilibrium
The Haber Process
Basic Electrolysis
Explaining ions and electrolysis
Half Equations
Extraction of aluminium
Redox Reactions and OIL RIG
Electrolysis of Brine
This presentation covers all the different topics in Physics Unit 3:
Moments and Levers
Circular Motion (Centripetal Force)
Hydraulics (Pressure in liquids, force multipliers)
Braking systems
Refraction and Refractive Index
Ray diagrams
The camera and the eye
Total Internal Reflection (Critical angles)
X Rays and CT scans
Medical uses of waves
Motor Effect and Flemings Left Hand Rule
Electric Motors and Split Ring Commutators
Electromagnetc Induction and Generators
Transformers and Conservation of Energy
Switch Mode Transformers
A lesson originally put together for OCR 21st Century Science C1 (Foundation - weak students) with significant challenge but would be equally applicable for any exam board (AQA, EDEXCEL etc) to illustrate the concept of Cause and Correlation. Observed during inspection with this lesson. Very successful outcome.
Potentially dry topic. Use a clearly incongruous link, in this case ice cream sales and hayfever cases lnked to pollen count to illustrate the difference between a 'cause' and a 'correlation'. The graphs for this are in the attached powerpoint.
Once the difference has been highlighted, move on to collaborative work in the class with the attached work on nitrogen monoxide levels and hayfever and the instances of asthma in a given area. Graphs to be completed using the data on the sheets and the questions about the completed graphs also to be done.
Differentiated starter questions are also attached (D- B grade).