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Hi! My name is Rose and I studied A-level Law, Politics and PE. As a student, I know how hard it can be to find good resources, especially revision resources. I am now selling my A grade resources to help others and teachers.

Hi! My name is Rose and I studied A-level Law, Politics and PE. As a student, I know how hard it can be to find good resources, especially revision resources. I am now selling my A grade resources to help others and teachers.
Attribution theory WHOLE UNIT

Attribution theory WHOLE UNIT

This contains my revision resource for Weiner’s attribution theory, in correlation with unit 4.4 of the A-level PE edexcel specification. 4.4.1 A knowledge and understanding of reasons for success and failure in sport. Weiner’s attribution theory and the four attributions: ability, effort, luck, task difficulty. The three main dimensions of attribution: locus of causality, locus of stability and locus of controllability. Strategies to allow for attribution retraining.
Law & morality

Law & morality

This document contains all an A-level student needs to know about law & morality for the nature of law unit in OCR A-level law to achieve an A-A* grade.
Self-confidence & efficacy WHOLE UNIT

Self-confidence & efficacy WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains my revision resources for the self-confidence and self-efficacy unit of A-level edexcel PE (4.5). 4.5.1 Knowledge and understanding of self-confidence. Knowledge and understanding of Vealey’s model of sport-specific confidence, including relevant sporting examples. 4.5.2 Self-efficacy Bandura Self-Efficacy: Explanation and effect of the four factors that build sport-specific self-confidence: past accomplishments, verbal persuasion, emotional arousal and vicarious experiences (modelling). Learned helplessness and its impact on performance.
Coach and performer WHOLE UNIT

Coach and performer WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains all revision resources on the coach and performer unit for A-level PE edexcel specification (3.1). 3.1.1 Coaching styles to improve the performance of learners: command, reciprocal, guided discovery and problem solving. 3.1.2 The development of tactics and strategies in a competition or performance to optimise outcome. 3.1.3 Dissection of a skill in order to identify technical elements: preparation, execution and recovery phases leading to the correct result or outcome. Exploration of how to analyse a skill in order to identify any technical strengths and weaknesses. How to compare to higher-level performer.
Law in society

Law in society

This document contains all the information a A-level student needs to know about law in society for the nature of law unit of OCR A-level law to achieve an A-A*.
Law in society essay plan

Law in society essay plan

The OCR A-level law course requires students to answer a 20 mark evaluation question on the nature of law. With a good essay plan, the student can afford to memorise one essay plan for each section of the nature of law. This examplar essay plan was graded at A-A*.
Law & morality essay plan

Law & morality essay plan

The OCR A-level law course requires students to answer a 20 mark evaluation question on the nature of law. With a good essay plan, the student can afford to memorise one essay plan for each section of the nature of law. This examplar essay plan was graded at A-A*.
Practices WHOLE UNIT

Practices WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains all revision resources for the practices unit for A-level PE edexcel specification (3.4). 3.4.1 Knowledge and understanding of practice methods and structure as a coach and for a performer and their impact on performance. 3.4.2 Practice methods as part, progressive part, whole, whole-part-whole. Practice structure as in massed, distributed, fixed and variable
Talent identification WHOLE UNIT

Talent identification WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains all revision resources on the Development routes from talent identification through to elite performance unit for A-level edexcel PE (5.6). 5.6.1 Knowledge and understanding of UK talent identification and development: novice to elite performer.
Participation in sport WHOLE UNIT

Participation in sport WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains all revsision resources for the participation and health of the nation unit for A-level edexcel PE (5.7). 5.7.1 Knowledge and understanding of barriers to participation, the benefits of mass participation and the impact of wearable technology on participation. 5.7.2 Concept of mass participation and initiatives/programmes to promote community participation in the UK. 5.7.3 Participation trends in the UK in the 21st century


This pack contains all revision resources for the guidance unit of A-level PE edexcel specification (3.5). 3.5.1 The types, purpose and effectiveness of guidance methods: visual, verbal, manual and mechanical. Visual guidance in the form of demonstration and visual materials. Verbal guidance in the form of knowledge of direct, indirect and prompting. Manual and mechanical guidance in the form of physical support and aids, restrictions and forced responses. 3.5.2 Uses of technology to underpin guidance methods in order to optimise performance, e.g. to measure, monitor and evaluate performance.
Group productivity WHOLE UNIT

Group productivity WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains all revision resources for the group dynamics unit of edexcel A-level PE (4.2). 4.2.1 Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of a successful and cohesive group/team. Understanding that group cohesion is based on a combination of task or social cohesion. Theories Carron: the four factors that affect formation and development of a cohesive group/team – environmental, personal, leadership and team factors. Steiner: actual productivity = group productivity – losses due to faulty processes Group dynamics and how they can influence the performance of an individual and/or team. Social loafing: causes and factors that contribute to minimising its effect. Coordination/cooperation factors: Ringlemann Effect Strategies to develop group cohesion.
Tort law evaluation plans

Tort law evaluation plans

The OCR A-level law course requires students to answer a 20 mark evaluation on an area of tort law. With a good essay plan, the student can afford to memorise one essay plan for each question area. These examplar essay plans were graded at A-A*.
Memory models WHOLE UNIT

Memory models WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains revision resources for the memory models unit of A-level PE edexcel specification (3.7). 3.7.1 Information processing Components of information processing, including: input, stimulus identification, perception and selective attention, response selection, response programming, output – based on the models of Welford and Whiting. Detection, comparison and recognition (DCR) phases. 3.7.2 The three memory systems as short-term sensory store (STSS), short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM). 3.7.3 STM and STSS: capacity, duration, encoding, chunking, selective attention. 3.7.4 LTM: capacity, duration, encoding, recall, multi-store memory. 3.7.5 Link between STSS, STM and LTM in terms of retrieval and rehearsal and how this affects output. 3.7.6 Measuring reaction and response times using appropriate technology. Hick’s Law, simple/choice reaction time. Plotting, interpreting and analysing data generated from reaction and response times. Psychological refractory period. Implications to a coach and performer in optimising performance. 3.7.7 Understanding that schema theory is an organised package of information stored in LTM that updates and modifies motor programmes. Recall schema as in information about producing the movement. Recognition schema as in judging the movement. Schemas based on knowledge of the initial conditions, response specifications, sensory consequences and movement outcomes. Implications of schema theory to a coach and performer in optimising performance.
Sports injuries WHOLE UNIT

Sports injuries WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains my lengthy revision pack of information on the injury prevention and the rehabilitation of injuries unit for A-level edexcel PE (2.3). 2.3.1 Knowledge and understanding of the different classifications of common sporting injuries. 2.3.2 Acute injuries: cruciate ligament injury; soft tissue damage, sprain, Achilles tendon injury, fracture, dislocation. 2.3.3 Overuse injuries: strain, shin splints (periostitis), tendonitis (including tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow), stress fractures. 2.3.4 Prevention of injuries Conditioning, muscle balance, technique, protective equipment, managing risks. Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Physical Education Specification – Issue 2 – September 2020 © Pearson Education Limited 2020 13 Subject content What students need to learn 2.3.5 Rehabilitation from injuries Contemporary recovery methods and timescales for return to play for injuries in 2.3.1, e.g. ultrasounds, physiotherapy, hyperbaric chambers, oxygen tents, compression garments, ice baths, nutrition, climate chambers, cryotherapy. POLICE – Protection, Optimal Loading, Ice, Compression, Elevation. RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Advantages and disadvantages of rehabilitation strategies.
Energy systems WHOLE UNIT

Energy systems WHOLE UNIT

This pack contains all revision resources on energy systems (1.4) under the A-level PE edexcel specification. 1.4.1 Knowledge and understanding of the concepts of energy, with specific reference to physical activity and sport. 1.4.2 Understanding of the forms of energy, processes by which it is regenerated, how depletion occurs and the recovery process. 1.4.3 Forms of energy to include: mechanical, electrical, potential, chemical and kinetic. The role of energy as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in muscular contraction and the use of phosphocreatine (PC), glycogen and fat as sources for ATP re-synthesis. 1.4.4 The characteristics and physiology of the three energy pathways (ATP-PC, glycolytic and aerobic). 1.4.5 The characteristics of the three pathways with regards to ease and speed of ATP production, the force of contraction that each will support, the intensity and duration of exercise supported by each as the dominant energy provider, and the regeneration of ATP for each pathway. 1.4.6 The principle of the energy continuum when based around athletic running events. 1.4.7 Use of the continuum as a medium to support understanding of the joint and collaborative role of the three energy pathways in physical activity. 1.4.8 Positioning of athletic running events on the energy continuum. 1.4.9 The concept of fatigue and factors that contribute to fatigue: energy depletion, dehydration and the build-up of waste products (including an exploration of the role of lactic acid in performance). 1.4.10 Stages of recovery and their application to specific physical and sporting contexts. 1.4.11 The fast component of recovery and re-phosphorylisation; the speed and rate of phosphogen replenishment. 1.4.12 The slow component of recovery; the oxidation of lactate (removal of lactate and H+), replenishment of energy stores and the two-hour window of opportunity: rehydration, physical cooling and thermoregulation; the 48-hour window of opportunity: resaturation of myoglobin, re-synthesis of protein, glycogen and carbohydrate (CHO); exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD) and delayed onset muscular soreness (DOMS). 1.4.13 EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), and the stages of recovery. 1.4.14 Understanding of how the energy systems respond acutely to the stress of warming up/priming exercise.
Biomechanics WHOLE UNITS

Biomechanics WHOLE UNITS

This pack contains all revision resources for linear, angular and projectile motion, as well as fluid mechanics. This comes under the edexcel A-level PE specification of sub-topics 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7. 2.4 - Linear motion: 2.4.1 Knowledge and understanding of the factors associated with linear motion and the application of definitions, equations, calculations and units of measurement in a sporting context. 2.4.2 Calculation of the distance and displacement, speed and average speed, velocity and acceleration. Speed = distance/time (s =d/t) Velocity = displacement/time or distance/time (m/s) Acceleration = (final velocity – initial velocity)/time taken (m/s²) 2.5 - Angular motion: 2.5.1 Knowledge and understanding of how angular motion is applied in a sporting context. 2.5.2 Factors affecting moment of inertia: mass and distribution of mass from axis of rotation. 2.5.3 Effects of increasing or decreasing the moment of inertia when rotating about an axis (whole body or specific joint). 2.5.4 Conservation of angular momentum during flight, moment of inertia and its relationship with angular velocity 2.6 - Projectile motion: 2.6.1 Knowledge, understanding and application of projectile motion in refining technique in different sporting contexts. 2.6.2 Forces acting during flight that affect projectile motion: gravity, air resistance and lift forces. 2.6.3 Factors that determine the horizontal displacement of a projectile: velocity of release, height of release, angle of release. 2.6.4 Technique modification through the application of technology by the performer and coach in order to improve performance. 2.7 - Fluid mechanics s 2.7.1 Knowledge, understanding and application of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to appropriate sports contexts. 2.7.2 Factors affecting fluid friction and air resistance: velocity, drag force, mass, streamlining and surface characteristics of body. 2.7.3 Interaction of lift forces with objects: upward and downward lift forces, angle of attack and the Bernoulli effect. 2.7.4 Types of spin: topspin, backspin, sidespin. Magnus effect and how they impact on flight path and bounce. 2.7.5 Principles of fluid mechanics and how it has influenced technological advancements in technique modification, clothing/suits, equipment/apparatus.