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Miss Speight Geography

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Geography teacher in South London. I focus on making lessons on contemporary geographical issues both in the UK and around the world




Geography teacher in South London. I focus on making lessons on contemporary geographical issues both in the UK and around the world
Map Skills End of Topic Assessment

Map Skills End of Topic Assessment

An end of unit test for year 7. Includes all major map skills such as compass points, grid references, scale, longitude/latitude and relief. Also includes mark scheme, self reflection sheet and differentiated. DIRT tasks require foundations textbook or could be adapted to suit.
Sustainable city design

Sustainable city design

A lesson which assigns students the role of urban planners and tasks them with designing a sustainable city. The task is fully scaffolded as students work through a planning booklet , filling it out based on structured class discussions of the different features needed- energy, waste management, nature, food, housing, infrastructure etc. Lots of ideas are included in the notes section of the PPT slides to steer the pupils ideas. Loads of pictures and real world examples too. A design brief outlining what students need to include in their cities is also included, as is a peer assessment sheet
The Windrush Generation Research Project

The Windrush Generation Research Project

A lesson which introduces the Windrush generation. Contains guidance for a research project including sources such as videos, books, podcasts and museums. Taught as part of a geography SOW on the UK which coincides with Black History Month.
The impact of TNCs  on Place (Port Talbot and Tata Steel)

The impact of TNCs on Place (Port Talbot and Tata Steel)

AQA A Level Changing Places: The impact of TNCs on Place. A lesson looking at the impact of Tata Steel on Port Talbot, Wales. Causes of job losses Importance of steel works to community and identity Role of UK government Impacts of job losses Video links, questions, news articles and other sources included for students to complete a case study sheet. Homework task on deindustrialisation and the cycle of deprivation
The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

A lesson which is part of a geography of conflict unit for KS3. It looks at the current conflict between Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt over the construction of the GERD. Lesson includes a video introducing HEP, a video looking at why Egypt and Ethiopia are in disagreement, differentiated card sort looking at reasons for and against the dam for different stakeholders, and a role play/debate activity with peer assessment sheet.
Inequality in London: Grenfell Tower Tragedy

Inequality in London: Grenfell Tower Tragedy

Fully resourced lesson with differentiated learning objectives and model answers. Includes work book to complete tasks in. Activities include Describe wealth distribution in London Explain reasons for links between life expectancy and wealth Analysis of causes and effects of Grenfell tower and whether or not is is a symbol of inequality in London- video clips, questions, photos. Differentiated extended writing questions Differentiated Planning sheet Model paragraph
The Greenhouse Effect

The Greenhouse Effect

Lesson including workbook. Covers- What is the greenhouse effect and diagram Creating a pie chart to show greenhouse gases in atmosphere Links recent CO2 increases to industrial revolution Activities (based on Oxford ks3 heading towards GCSE textbook) Extension activity with scaffolding.
Census data enquiry: What is the population of my local area like?

Census data enquiry: What is the population of my local area like?

A secondary data geographical enquiry whereby students explore the demographic characteristics of their local area using census data. Includes: Key term list for the lesson Web links and step by step instructions to source sites e.g. ONS website and Datashine Modelled examples of how to describe data Extension questions embedded throughout Conclusion structure Template for students to complete on google classroom. Lesson will require individual laptop/computer access. Should cover 2-3 lessons.
Population and Urbanisation Assessment

Population and Urbanisation Assessment

Includes questions on: map skills (from year 7 as recap) population growth- including skills question with a line graph factors affecting population density one child policy types of migrant population pyramids Urbanisation- including skills question to complete bar chart and calculate mean Mark scheme included.
Changing Places: Belfast Rebranding and Regeneration

Changing Places: Belfast Rebranding and Regeneration

Belfast; Troubles; Regeneration; Rebranding; Cultural Heritage; AQA; Changing places; Laganside Lesson made for AQA A level geography- Changing Places. Looks at contrasting perceptions and representations of Belfast and how the city has rebranded and regenerated, capitalising on its cultural heritage. Fully resourced lesson including: 2 video links showing different representations of Belfast- Ross Kemp on gangs and a Tourism video 2 articles on the rebranding and regeneration of Belfast with comprehension questions Photos illustrating divisions in the city 20 mark question linked to the lesson
Introduction to the United Kingdom (UK)

Introduction to the United Kingdom (UK)

First lesson in a SOW on the geography of the UK. Fully differentiated with extension activities. Includes- Workbook to complete tasks in Activity identifying the differences between the UK, GB and British Isles Activity locating major cities in the UK Extension activities Choropleth actvity mapping population density of different regions of the UK Extension activities
What is ethnic diversity like in the UK?- 2021 Census data

What is ethnic diversity like in the UK?- 2021 Census data

Full lesson with workbook and differentiated tasks. Activities include: Recap questions (starter) Video on the census with multiple choice questions Skills- activity to draw pie charts based on 2021 census data. Activity to compare and contrast different regions of the UK Extension: reading and questions on why London is so diverse.
Changing Places: Deindustrialisation in the UK

Changing Places: Deindustrialisation in the UK

A lesson looking at the impact of deindustrialisation on the UK. It specifically looks at the impact on coal mining communities in Wales and the miners strike. Taught as part of AQA A-level Changing places- impact of globalisation on place but could be adapted to suit other exam boards or topics.
Causes of Conflict in Darfur, Sudan

Causes of Conflict in Darfur, Sudan

Part of a unit on the geography of conflict, this lesson looks at the complex causes of war in Sudan. Lesson includes- A cartoon analysis starter A description of the location of Darfur task Two video links looking at the causes of the conflict A differentiated card sort (high and low ability) with venn digram. This gets students thinking about the interconnected causes of conflict- in this instance, ethnicity, climate change and oil. 7 questions and 2 challenge questions based upon the card sort getting students to explain the causes if the war at at both a regional, national and global scale. A true or false activity to be played in pairs. A short homework task. All resources included within the PPT.
Nine Elms Regeneration

Nine Elms Regeneration

A lesson on the regeneration of Nine Elms in London. The lesson looks at the project, the largest in London’s history, and gets the pupils to evaluate its impacts with a 20 mark essay question. Includes links to videos, newspaper articles, photographs and demographic information to enable students to contrast change over time. Made for the AQA Changing places spec but could be used with other exam boards or adapted for GCSE.
Globalisation and the UK highstreet

Globalisation and the UK highstreet

A lesson looking at the impacts of globalisation on the UK high street. It could be used as a stand alone or as part of a SOW on globalisation or the UK economy. Could also be adapted to suit different countries if the shop examples were changed. Lesson starts with an activity which asks students to vote for whether they would shop at a high street shop or an online equivalent for certain items. It is then revealed that all the high street stores shown have recently closed down or announced partial closures and job losses. There is a skills task getting students to describe the changing trend of UK internet sales, a card sort looking at positives and negatives of the trend and an evaluation essay question. Differentiated with extension tasks and sentence starters.