Unit of lessons covering a range of contemporary human geography issues in the UK including…
Population distribution and cities
Ethnic diversity
Windrush migration
Changing Economy
The impact of austerity, cost of living crisis and the COVID pandemic on the population (Global)
North south Divide (National)
Inequality in London- Grenfell Tower (Regional)
Secondary data enquiry using census data (Local)
Differentiated learning objectives, tasks, scaffolding, stretch and challenge and model answers included.
Comprehensive key term list
Work book pages are included for all lessons apart from the secondary data enquiry as this needs to be completed on computers. These can be copied at pasted together along with the key terms to make a complete booklet.
Fully resourced lesson with differentiated learning objectives and model answers. Includes work book to complete tasks in.
Activities include
Describe wealth distribution in London
Explain reasons for links between life expectancy and wealth
Analysis of causes and effects of Grenfell tower and whether or not is is a symbol of inequality in London- video clips, questions, photos.
Differentiated extended writing questions
Differentiated Planning sheet
Model paragraph