This is a 104-page activity booklet made to be used alongside David Crystal’s book “The Story of English in 100 Words”.
I have highlighted on page 2 chapters that are specifically useful to students on the A Level Language course, highlighting particular parts of the book that relate to concepts like borrowing, neologisms, the influence of Latin and Greek on English etc, though of course the whole book is wonderful to read.
This makes an excellent transistion task between either Y11 and Y12, or Y12 to Y13. Of course this also could be used for #homelearning #homeschooling as it is a substantial task which can be completed independently (we buy our sixth formers a copy of the book to take away with them).
This two hour revision session is designed like a walking talking mock, only there is more teacher modelling involved to ensure that students fully understand how to construct an exam answer.
A full scheme of work guiding students through A Christmas Carol. There are two lessons on context, multiple lessons on every stave, and then a series of lessons which walk and talk students through the planning and writing of essays, including exemplar materials. Every lesson also includes a retrieval task to recap prior knowledge and all lessons are presented beautifully to engage. There are also homework tasks for each stave, plus quotation quizzes and vocabulary tasks to support learning.