This lesson is an Introduction to population. Includes videos, discussions and activities all focusing on the current population and problems this could bring to the people and the planet.
Key words: Use text book or allow students to research key words.
Population handout: This is used to create a graph plotting the worlds population from the year 1800. Works best with graph paper.
This lesson teaches the students how the Earth’s climate has changed throughout history. Students start by creating a graph that shows how the climate has increased during the last few hundred years. They then investigate 4 different factors that have shaped the Earth’s climate through time (learnt through the card sort and card sort hand-out).
The homework gets students to investigate the key words that they will come across during this topic.
Lesson 8 in the AQA GCSE Geography SPEC for tropical rainforests
This lesson is looking at the different ways that we can sustainable manage the rainforest
This is a revision sheet designed for the AQA A Syllabus.
It goes through every detail required to learn for the Population spec and works best when printed double sided onto A5 paper.
The page numbers refer to the AQA A Text Book
This is the second lesson on fracking. Students look at the good and bad points of fracking which is then followed up be having a student lead debate on the issue.
Progression: To show progress from the start to the end of the lesson.
Word sort: Students rank the pros and cons of fracking
Debate Role: Gives students characters to play during the debate.
Debate Handout: Gives students structure in how to form their side of the argument.
This is a revision sheet designed for the AQA A Syllabus.
It goes through every detail required to learn for the Tourism spec and works best when printed double sided onto A5 paper.
The page numbers refer to the AQA A Text Book
This is a lesson that looks at the creation and formation of Stump.
The lesson uses photos to show students the process of the formation of a stump and then gets the students using play dough to recreate their own models.
By the end of the lesson students should have produced a slideshow/movie that shows the process.
This is the final lesson on fracking. This lesson gets students to express their opinion on the issue of fracking via the creation of a newspaper front page.
News Paper Earthquake - Easy/Normal: A news article report looking at earthquakes caused by fracking. This has been differentiated for people with low literacy.
News Paper Water - Easy/Normal: A news article report looking at water contamination caused by fracking. This has been differentiated for people with low literacy.
Newspaper Guide: This is a template for students to set out their newspaper front page.
Lesson 10 is a mixture of lesson.
It contains a revision sheet
End of topic test
Mark scheme for the end of topic test
Feedback lesson
Feedback redraft of 9 mark question taken during assessment
This lesson looks at the 4 different plate margins:
Constructive, destructive, conservative and collision.
It uses a series of animations, diagrams and word fills to further students understanding.
It is normally taught to a year 11 bottom set and as a result contains basic tasks.
This lesson has been created to teach the new AQA GCSE SPEC
This lesson looks at humans being the cause of climate change on earth.
It uses the following three ideas as the main discussion point:
use of fossil Fuels