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Teaching in Primary for many years. Sharing a selection of some of the resources I've used over this time.




Teaching in Primary for many years. Sharing a selection of some of the resources I've used over this time.
Titanic Literacy Hook - Formal Letters - Invites to board Titanic

Titanic Literacy Hook - Formal Letters - Invites to board Titanic

A hook lesson, inviting pupils to embark on the Titanic’s maiden voyage. Pupil’s can be given a letter for either 1st, 2nd or 3rd class. They then investigate which class their letter is for. And on solving this can be given their boarding pass. Then exploring the features of a formal letter. Ready to write a formal persuasive letter arguing for or against the treatment of the different classes. (Set up class in different classes for extra hook and hands on experience of disparity between experiences on the Titanic.) L.O. - To explore the features found in a formal letter. Achieve - I can identify examples of formal language. Challenge - I can include formal language within my own writing. Aspire - I can describe the impact of formal language.
Literacy - Titanic - Colons for a list and emphasising details - Upper KS2 - year 5 and 6

Literacy - Titanic - Colons for a list and emphasising details - Upper KS2 - year 5 and 6

Titanic themed literacy lesson for upper key stage 2 pupils. (Year 5 and 6) Exploring use of colons, recapping their use to write lists and emphasising how they work differently to lists with commas. Further looking at colons being used to add additional information after a main clause. LO: To incorporate the use of colons in my writing. Achieve: I can use colons correctly in sentences with a list. Challenge: I can use colons to clarify information in a main clause. Aspire: I can explain how colons can be applied as a writing tool to create emphasis.
Year 5 and 6 - Reading Comprehension LIRA lessons - California's Unlikely Warriors Text

Year 5 and 6 - Reading Comprehension LIRA lessons - California's Unlikely Warriors Text

Two LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the California’s Unlikely Warriors Text for Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent. Lesson 2 - focus on answering 3 mark, evidence based questions. Guide Dog text from past SATs paper. Additional spelling, punctuation and grammar questions linked to the text.
Year 5 and 6 - Reading Comprehension LIRA lessons - The Humble Potato Text

Year 5 and 6 - Reading Comprehension LIRA lessons - The Humble Potato Text

Two LIRA lessons for building on reading comprehension skills based on the Humble Potato Text for Year 5 and 6 in Key Stage 2 - KS2. Literal. Inference. Reader Response. Author Intent. The Humble Potato text from past y6 SATs paper. Additional spelling, punctuation and grammar questions linked to the text. Fronted Adverbials Colons for a list.