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Teaching in Primary for many years. Sharing a selection of some of the resources I've used over this time.




Teaching in Primary for many years. Sharing a selection of some of the resources I've used over this time.
Mathematics - KS2 - Rounding numbers in to the millions

Mathematics - KS2 - Rounding numbers in to the millions

Rounding numbers up to values in the millions to different multiples of 10. For numeracy lesson in Key Stage 2 - year 5 and 6. Applying this to rounding the takings of box office films in their first weekend. Maths lesson. Has an arithmetic starter task. 4 questions in 4 minutes. Connection recalling rounding techniques. Activation practise application to numbers in to millions. Demo applies this to sats style question.
KS2 Mathematics - Addition and Subtraction - Calculation of Perimeter

KS2 Mathematics - Addition and Subtraction - Calculation of Perimeter

Lesson for Key Stage 2 pupils - year 5 and 6 (can be adapted to others). Follows a focus of applying previous lessons of addition and subtraction skills to then be applied for the calculation of perimeter. Fully differentiated lessons for lower, middle and higher ability. Use of connection, activation, activity and demonstration. ~Allows for regular use of assessment to feed in to lesson delivery. Applying decimal numbers and allowing for numbers with different numbers of digits and decimals. Higher ability can work towards deducing missing measurements. L.O: To accurately apply addition and subtraction to calculate the perimeter of shapes. Aspire: I can recognise the measurements required to solve missing values from shapes based on their perimeter. Challenge: I can accurately calculate the perimeter of compound shapes. Achieve: I can recognise and calculate the perimeter of common shapes.
Algebra - Notation and Solving Unknown Values - KS2 Numeracy Y6

Algebra - Notation and Solving Unknown Values - KS2 Numeracy Y6

These lessons are designed for Upper Key Stage 2 Maths lessons (year 6 pupils) - Algebra. Main lesson activities are differentiated to allow for higher, middle and lower ability tasks. Mathematics involving algebraic equations. Lesson 1 - Multiple part lesson building through early algebra skills - focuses on children being able to understand common algebra notation. Recognising how mathematicians will emit the multiplication symbol and others. Connection task uses shapes representing numerical values. Before the activation and main activyt start to use alphabetical letters for the use in algebraic equations. BODMAS can be reinforced throughout the lesson. L.O. - To recognise and apply the common notation associated with algebra. Achieve - I can identify the notation used for algebraic equations. Challenge - I ensure I follow the BODMAS order of operations while using algebraic equations. Aspire - I can explore the available solutions for unknown values in algebraic equations. Lesson 2 - Builds on the previous lesson, to start solving algebraic equations where the representative letter is worth an unknown value. Children can be taught how an equation is balanced and the final values for any unknowns should keep the algebraic equation balanced. L.O. - To be able to identify unknown values in algebraic equations. Achieve - I can identify a value for a single unknown in an algebraic equation. Challenge - I explore the values of multiple unknowns in an algebraic equation. Aspire - I can explain a selection of efficient processes for identifying the values of unknowns.
BODMAS and order of operations - KS2 Numeracy - Year 5 and 6 - Algebra

BODMAS and order of operations - KS2 Numeracy - Year 5 and 6 - Algebra

Numeracy lesson for Upper Key Stage 2 pupils. This mathematics lesson is mainly aimed at pupils in year 5 and 6. This lesson would be part of preparing pupils to cover more in depth algebra skills. It builds on understanding that all equations should be solved in a defined order of operations. BODMAS. Brackets, Orders/Indices (squaring, cubing etc.), Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction. Lessons are differentiated, and build the children’s understanding through multiple tasks. L.O: To allow for the correct order of calculation in multi-operation equations. Achieve – I can recall the order of operations from BODMAS/BIDMAS. Challenge - I can apply BODMAS/BIDMAS to correctly solve multi-operation equations. Aspire – I can explain the order of operation that must have occurred to arrive at a given answer.
Mathematics - Place value in  to millions - Upper KS2

Mathematics - Place value in to millions - Upper KS2

Lessons exploring place value for numbers in to the millions. Includes reading and writing them and partitioning them. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity. Connection knowing the columns. Activation reading numbers in the millions. Activity partitioning and comparing value. Demo explaining the grasp of place value for larger numbers. Applied to the theme of youtube view counts.
Mathematics - Negative Numbers - Upper KS2

Mathematics - Negative Numbers - Upper KS2

LO: To explore the application of negative numbers. Calculate an interval across zero. Solve problems including the difference between negative and positive numbers. Explain how to solve number problems based on applying the use of negative numbers. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity.
Mathematics - Place value of decimals to 4dp - Upper KS2

Mathematics - Place value of decimals to 4dp - Upper KS2

LO: To explore the place value of increasingly complex decimal numbers. Read and write decimal numbers to 4 decimal places. Break down the place value of digits within a 4 decimal place number. Explain how to use place value to compare the value of decimal numbers. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity.
Mathematics - Column Addition applied to shopping and total cost - Upper KS2

Mathematics - Column Addition applied to shopping and total cost - Upper KS2

LO: To efficiently apply column addition to problem solving. Achieve – I can set-up and use column addition for a full variety of number combinations. Challenge – I can ensure I am only applying column addition as the most efficient solution. Aspire – I can implement an accurate process when multiple additions are needed in a problem. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity.
Mathematics - multi-step addition and subtraction worded problems - Upper KS2

Mathematics - multi-step addition and subtraction worded problems - Upper KS2

Use of RUDE - read, underline, decide, estimate - the four steps to prepare to solve a worded problem. Finding half way between starter task. L.O.-To utilise addition and subtraction in multi-step problems. Achieve: I can identify when to use addition and subtraction in multi-step worded problems. Challenge: I can use estimation to self-check my working out during multi-step problems. Aspire: I can explain the reasons for my chosen method of solving a multi-step problem. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity.
Numeracy KS2 - Harry Potter Counter Curse Challenge - Estimation - Addition and Subtraction

Numeracy KS2 - Harry Potter Counter Curse Challenge - Estimation - Addition and Subtraction

Children are cursed on entering the classroom and must follow a multi-step addition and subtraction challenge to create the counter-curse that will allow them to safely leave the room. Themed around Harry Potter. Focuses on use of estimation to allow for accurate problem solving and identification of your own errors. Accurate retrieval of information then use of column addition/subtraction also worked on. L.O. - To implement estimation as a self-check for addition and subtraction. Achieve: I can choose appropriate rounded values to perform estimates. Challenge: I can regularly self-check my workings using estimations. Aspire: I can explain why my estimation provides a good self-check for the answer. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Rounding starter activity.
Mathematics - multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 by place value manipulation - Upper KS2

Mathematics - multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 by place value manipulation - Upper KS2

L.O.-To develop the use of place value manipulation for multiplication. Achieve – I can multiply whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Challenge – I can manipulate place value to multiply decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Aspire – I can explain the process of place value manipulation for the multiplication of complex decimals. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity.
Mathematics - Column Subtraction applied to shopping and change left over - Upper KS2

Mathematics - Column Subtraction applied to shopping and change left over - Upper KS2

LO: To efficiently apply column subtraction to problem solving. Achieve – I can set-up column subtraction for a full variety of number combinations. Challenge – I can accurately carry out the column subtraction process for increasing complexity. Aspire – I can explain how to most efficiently utilise a mix of mental and written methods. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Arithmetic starter activity.
Number Property Lessons

Number Property Lessons

4 Resources
Four fully resourced lessons building on deeper concepts of place value, decimal numbers, negative numbers and rounding. All lessons consist of an accelerated learning cycle task list: mental starter, connection, activation, activity, demo, demo/consolidate Aimed at Upper KS2. All lessons offer differentiation, but could be further adapted to aim at year 4, 5 or 6 maths.
Mathematics - dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 by place value manipulation - Upper KS2

Mathematics - dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 by place value manipulation - Upper KS2

LO: To use place value manipulation in mental division. Achieve – I can divide multiples of 10,100 and 1000 by 10, 100 and 1000. Challenge – I can manipulate place value to divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. Aspire – I can apply place value manipulation for the division of complex decimals Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Multiplications starter activity. Connection, removing zeros trick. Activation building on place value shift - have pupils working with number cards. Activity - differentiated to three levels. Demo - applying to SATs style question. Additional sats style questions for appropriate skills.
Mathematics - dividing by use of inverse multiplication facts - Upper KS2

Mathematics - dividing by use of inverse multiplication facts - Upper KS2

LO: To use the recall of multiplication facts in solving division. Achieve – I can use multiplication facts to solve their inverse division. Challenge – I can use multiplication facts to solve divisions where the multiples of 10, 100 and 1000. Aspire – I can apply a process of cancelling down for the dividend and divisor. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Multiplications starter activity. Connection. Activation Activity. Demo
Mathematics - column multiplication formal written methods - Upper KS2

Mathematics - column multiplication formal written methods - Upper KS2

L.O.-To develop an accurate application of written multiplication methods. Achieve – I can set-up column multiplication in a functional form. Challenge – I can solve column multiplications covering a variety of number forms. Aspire – I can explain how I am applying column multiplication in an efficient method. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Multiplications starter activity. Connection. Activation Activity. Demo
Mathematics - Column Multiplication for calculating area - upper ks2

Mathematics - Column Multiplication for calculating area - upper ks2

L.O.- To make efficient use of written multiplication as a problem-solving tool. Achieve – I can set-up column multiplication in a functional form. Challenge – I can solve column multiplications covering a variety of number forms. Aspire – I can explain how I am applying column multiplication in an efficient method. Maths. Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. arithmetic starter activity. Connection. Activation. Activity. Demo Working towards multi digit column multiplication and use with decimals. Calculating the area of room floor space.
Mathematics - dividing fractions - Upper KS2

Mathematics - dividing fractions - Upper KS2

L.O: To explore the methods for dividing with fractions. Aspire – I can explain the process of ensuring my answers are in their most efficient form. Challenge - I can divide mixed number fractions by a whole number. Achieve – I can divide a proper fraction by a whole number or proper fraction. Maths/Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Dividing fractions with a focus on using a method called… Keep, change, flip, so that the same methods for handling the multiplication of fractions can be used.
Mathematics -  Introduction to angles - measuring, types of angle, missing angles - Upper KS2

Mathematics - Introduction to angles - measuring, types of angle, missing angles - Upper KS2

L.O.-To explore the use of angles. Achieve – I can understand that an angle is measuring the quantity of a turn in degrees. Challenge - I can identify the different types of angles. Aspire – I can explain how the properties of angles allow me to infer facts about them. Maths/Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Understanding what an angle is and how to measure them using a protractor. Recognising the different types of angles. Then a focus on right-angles, straight lines and a full turn and how they will always be 90, 180 and 360. Calculating missing angles if these a broken up.
Mathematics - deducing missing angles - total of angles in triangles and quadrilaterals - Upper KS2

Mathematics - deducing missing angles - total of angles in triangles and quadrilaterals - Upper KS2

L.O.-To deduce missing angles of shapes. Achieve – I can identify the relevant expected total of the inner angles for common shapes. Challenge - I can calculate missing angles for common shapes when provided the other relevant angles. Aspire – I can explain how to blend the technique for solving multi-step missing angles with multiple linked shapes. Maths/Numeracy lesson for KS2, year 4, 5 or 6 depending on how you aim it. Plenty of differentiation through various tasks. Recap angles in right angles, straight lines and full turns. Building on understanding of total angles in quadrilaterals and triangles. Using the corners of the shapes to make a straight line or full turn to help reinforce why they add up to 180 or 360. Deducing missing angles. Combining multiple shapes.