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Ruth Messenger's Shop

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I've been teaching history for four years, and I aim to provide lessons that are ready to go with minimal tweaking just to personalise the resource to your class and their prior learning. I'm a big fan of paired discussion, group work, debates, living graphs and hot seating, and I provide a variety of tasks in each lesson to ensure learning happens at a pace and that all learning styles are catered for. All feedback gratefully received.




I've been teaching history for four years, and I aim to provide lessons that are ready to go with minimal tweaking just to personalise the resource to your class and their prior learning. I'm a big fan of paired discussion, group work, debates, living graphs and hot seating, and I provide a variety of tasks in each lesson to ensure learning happens at a pace and that all learning styles are catered for. All feedback gratefully received.
Edexcel A Level Paper 1 Option F: In search of the American Dream: the USA 1917-1996 LESSON 1: Intro

Edexcel A Level Paper 1 Option F: In search of the American Dream: the USA 1917-1996 LESSON 1: Intro

Edexcel A Level Paper 1 Option F: In search of the American Dream: the USA 1917-1996 This lesson is an introduction to the course, it gives the teacher an idea of what students already know about the USA and gives a snapshot of what the USA is like at the moment. There are also slides on the structure of the US government, but I usually give my own description with the slides as illustrations. - Students name US states - Students use own tech and existing knowledge to answer general knowledge questions - homework which asks students to find an existing article about the USA today - slides on structure of government
Edexcel  Paper 1, Option F: In search of the American Dream LESSON 2 What is the American Dream?

Edexcel Paper 1, Option F: In search of the American Dream LESSON 2 What is the American Dream?

Edexcel Paper 1, Option F: In search of the American Dream LESSON 2 What is the American Dream? Follow on from the intro lesson, this lesson uses the homework students were set in the first lesson as a task in this lesson. You could just print off some articles about the US in the news though and students could use those instead. - Students identify themes in the news articles - definitions of the American dream used and discussed as a basis for finding a class definition
Communism and The First Red Scare in the USA 1917-1920

Communism and The First Red Scare in the USA 1917-1920

This is an active lesson that meets the following objectives: ALL will be able to detail events of the scare MOST will be able to explain why Americans were threatened by Communism SOME will be able to predict its ramifications on the political system. I taught this to my year 12 class two weeks ago and it was easily the best lesson I have taught so far this year, they loved it and they refer back to it still to inform their understanding of the fear of communism in the US. There is no writing involved in this lesson, it is purely talking and listening, questioning and thinking. It allows students to move around the room, investigating like in a murder mystery, and ad libbing for their own characters. Overview of the lesson: Set up the classroom like a 1920's speak easy, or at least create a big space in the middle with some chairs around the edge. Students get a character card, these include steelworkers, anarchists etc. They are allowed to tell the truth about their character, but they aren't obliged to - they can lie as much as they like. They have to find out who the communists are in the room and they do this by making conversation. One student is a journalist and this student moves events along by informing other students. You give them each event as it happens (eg bombs in the post) and they have to stir up a fuss with other students. All other instructions are included in the downloads including the character cards, events, and questions for you to use to consolidate learning and pull out the themes necessary to help students achieve the objectives. I will admit I used chocolates to get students going, but motivation really wasn't a problem - they got fully into their characters and the whole witch hunt. enjoy!
How did Roosevelt's Presidential Style differ from his predecessors?

How did Roosevelt's Presidential Style differ from his predecessors?

Students analyse change using continuum bars. will also need previous learning on previous Presidents (Wilson onwards) and a textbook to refer to on Roosevelt's presidency. The 'Edexcel Paper 1: Searching for rights and freedoms in the 20th century' is what I use. Tasks include: chronological placing of Presidents recall of previous facts learned about that President an examination of FDR from the textbook completing the worksheet on the continuum of change
How far did the New Deal change the Presidency?

How far did the New Deal change the Presidency?

You need a textbook resource on the New Deal, or access to internet research for students to complete one of the tasks in this lesson. They just need basic information on the provisions of the new deal so they can summarise individual elements such as the NRA for each other. Learning Outcomes ALL Will be able to recall key facts about the New Deal MOST Will be able to explain how the New Deal helped the economy SOME Will be able to analyse the extent to which the New Deal altered the Presidency Lesson includes: Source analysis of a political cartoon Student paired research Student paired presentations individual students select evidence to support the point that the New Deal changed the Presidency in its relationship with Congress and business.
Why did the Spanish Armada Fail? PEN FREE standalone lesson

Why did the Spanish Armada Fail? PEN FREE standalone lesson

Looking for a pen free stand alone lesson with KS3? This one has flipped learning, a kinaesthetic task, group work and absolutely no pens! (Unless you want them to fill out a self assessment) If you want FREE access to these resources, drop me an email at ruth.messenger@yahoo.com and I will send them through to you in exchange for a review of what you thought of it below. No prior knowledge required, but it is essential that you set the homework in this PP in the previous lesson as students will be making their own paper boats to re-enact the events of the Spanish Armada. By the end of this lesson: ALL will be able to re-enact the story of what happened – L3/4 depending on detail MOST groups will be able to say why they think the Armada failed and include this in their re-enactment – L4/5 depending on whether they can explain their reason SOME groups will be able to keep referring to why the Armada failed throughout their re-enactment, making connections between their reason and what happened next. - L5 EXCEPTIONAL groups will be able to make links between the reasons, showing that they all had an impact, but that one reason stands out as the main reason the Armada failed. L6+ depending on depth of analysis NB. To make this lesson even more exciting, use masking tape to mark out a rough shape of the British isles on the floor before the lesson. Students can use this as their map for their re-enactment. Alternately, go and make friends with the geography department and ask if they have a big map students could use.
Toussaint L'Ouverture, Slave Rebellion and Haitan Independence

Toussaint L'Ouverture, Slave Rebellion and Haitan Independence

This resource provides a one lesson overview of the slave revolt on St Dominique (later Haiti) and asks students to make a judgement as to how far it was the actions of Toussaint L'Ouverture that gave Haiti its independence, and how far it was events in and ideas coming from France. Tasks include: source based starter living graph identifying information to make an argument with speaking to persuade in pairs writing a structured paragraph that has been differentiated for learners between L3-L6 and may easily be adapted for SEN, or be part of an extended essay for the most able to achieve L7. If you download this, please review! I'd love so WWW/EBI so I know what works well.
The Battle of Stamford Bridge

The Battle of Stamford Bridge

This lesson follows from my 'xfactor contenders' lesson, but so long as students have been introduced already to William, Harold and Harald, they will have easy access to this lesson. Target Skill - Cause and Continuity Learning Objectives: ALL: will be able to describe who the armies fought for at Stamford Bridge and begin to say who should win MOST: Will be able to make predictions based on evidence SOME: Will be able to use connectives to explain how one advantage or disadvantage would lead to the victor winning. This lesson features a brief teacher talk (with numeracy element), then a sorting task and a writing task with self-assessment.
Life in the Hitler Youth Game

Life in the Hitler Youth Game

This game gives students the chance to be a boy in the Hitler youth following the Nazi policies. Board spaces are either events such as reading aloud from Mein Kampf, or questions from the sheet provided to test students knowledge, allowing them either to move forwards or remain. Great consolidation game for KS3 and KS4, especially when revision pressure starts! Thanks to Paul Durnall who gave me this.
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot - Innocent or Guilty?

Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot - Innocent or Guilty?

This is my absolute favourite lesson to teach to year 8 - I hope you enjoy it! It is quite a long one though, so either keep the pace up, use fewer sources, or break it into two lessons. Lesson objectives: LO: To know the story of the Gunpowder plot LO: To use evidence to find out more about the Gunpowder Plot LO: To use evidence to question whether the story as we know it is true. LO: To decide whether Guy Fawkes was innocent or guilty and use the evidence to prove it This lesson works best if you have students working in groups of 4, but I have done this in pairs and it works fine as well. You will need a focus on good group work, praise for groups that are working well together and rewards for groups who are really discussing and getting into the evidence. One year, I did have to set this lesson as cover so I have also included that as a resource in case you need a quick cover, or need work for a student in inclusion. Enjoy! Ruth
Edexcel Paper 1, Option F: Why didn't Hoover win the 1932 election?

Edexcel Paper 1, Option F: Why didn't Hoover win the 1932 election?

ALL Will be able to describe why Hoover didn’t win MOST Will be able to identify detailed and relevant material to support their points SOME Will be able to analyse the factors to show how they are connected This lesson includes differentiated questions on the values and promises of Franklin D Roosevelt compared with the disaster Presidency of Hoover. Students will either need the textbook for this, or another resource on the Bonus Army.
Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad

This resource is designed for a KS3 class and covers the following lesson objectives: LO: To find out information from primary sources LO: To describe the underground rail road using detail LO: To make inferences from combining sources LO: To explain significance using PEE It may be used as a standalone resource, or in combination with other resources on freedom fighters such as Toussaint L'Ouverture, Nanny of the Maroons, Sam Sharpe or Bussa. It contains a variety of tasks such as source analysis, and links to literacy objectives of using metaphors, clarifying the meaning of words using a partner, and refining a PEE paragraph. US teachers - this resources is designed for UK students who have little existing knowledge of the underground railroad and haven't heard of Harriet Tubman. As such, it provides an overview rather than an in depth examination of Tubman which you might want to go to if your classes have a higher level of pre-existing knowledge. NB I have made a map for students on which I have roughly drawn borders and rivers freehand. In case this isn't precise enough, I included a hyperlink to an online map with more precise borders - I didn't use this in the first instance because my whiteboard isn't too great and I don't think many students will be able to see the borders. All feedback gratefully received! Ruth
Roman Trading Game

Roman Trading Game

This is a great game for introducing numeracy into a history topic. Students work their way around a Roman Empire trading map and at each port they are offered opportunities to trade goods that the Romans would have traded, for denarii. Once they get to the next port, they flip a coin or roll a dice to find out what price they receive for their goods, then they have options to buy more goods of a different time and move on to the next port to find out what their luck brings. The accountancy sheet helps them to keep track of their money, they will need counters to indicate their position on the map and coins and a dice to help them work out what happens with their products. As mentioned, this game is great for numeracy, but also in giving students an idea of the scope of the Roman Empire and how trade opportunities were increased by the stability offered by the Empire. Perfect for KS3, but not too tough for the top end of KS2. Many thanks to Paul Durnall who gave me this.
The Windrush and migration to the UK after the Second World War - Black History Month

The Windrush and migration to the UK after the Second World War - Black History Month

All necessary resources included, this lesson includes a music based starter, questions on a British Pathe clip, a cart sort exercise, a structured literary task and a guided research homework task that asks them to assess the prediction they made in the plenary. The big question that students can answer following this lesson is 'Why did people migrate to Britain after the Second World War?' The lesson covers both push and pull factors and examines why Britain wanted immigrants to come in the first place. Lesson Objectives: ALL: Will be able to identify reasons why Britain wanted immigrants and why people in the West Indies wanted to emigrate MOST: Will be able to describe the push and pull factors and come to a conclusion as to why people migrated in the 1950’s SOME: Will be able to bring their ideas together to explain why so many people migrated in the 1950’s and predict what effect this might have on communities in the UK Suitable for all KS3, HA KS2 or LA KS4 All activities are differentiated and resourced, this lesson can be a standalone lesson or part of a series of lessons on either migration, race or post war recontstruction.
Children in Factories during the Industrial Revolution

Children in Factories during the Industrial Revolution

Straightforward lesson on factory conditions with the following tasks: A picture source starter, a 6 minute clip with accompanying questions, then a source analysis of a grisly factory death. Its totally gross, but year 8 love this disgusting source, particularly the bloodthirsty ones! Learning Objectives: ALL students will be able to describe how factories were dangerous for children MOST students will be able to explain why factory owners employed children and how the children ended up there. SOME students will be able to analyse the caption of a source to assess reliability.
Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA for KS5

Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA for KS5

3 Resources
These are resources I created for an AS spec focusing on US presidents and changes in society between 1968-2001. To make use of these resources you need a textbook by Vivienne Sanders 'Access to History: Politics, Presidency and Society in the USA 1968-2001' These resources challenge students to analyse the reasons various presidents triumphed in each election, and why they failed in others.
The Lives of Peasant Women in Medieval Times/The Middle Ages

The Lives of Peasant Women in Medieval Times/The Middle Ages

This lesson should follow a previous lesson on peasants as this lesson highlights the differences in gender roles. Learning Objectives: ALL: Will be able to describe the traditional roles of men and women in medieval times MOST: Will be able to do so in detail SOME: Will make inferences from a source that they will include in their detailed description. This lesson is highly visual with pictures and a matching task for LA students. There is an element of numeracy in interpreting two graphs on the causes of death of each gender, and a literacy based task in which students write a diary entry of a peasant. I usually allow them to pick their gender, but it would be equally more valuable to make them all be women. I've put on two PowerPoints as I taught this to two classes of differing abilities. There are no monumental differences. If you like this lesson, have a look at my other Medieval Resources in my shop - I have a big chunk of resources that could form a large part of your scheme of work.
The Life of the Medieval Peasant/Villein

The Life of the Medieval Peasant/Villein

This lesson has a large visual element as pictures are used to illustrate peasant tasks. There is a moving around the room to find out information element and a structured literacy tasks with literacy challenges such as 'include three adjectives in this answer'. Resources fully differentiated, just print and go. ALL: Will be able to describe aspects of a peasant’s life MOST: Will be confident using keywords in their explanations SOME: Will write a detailed account using keywords and grammar challenges to describe the life of a peasant
Crime and Punishment - What was the Role of the Church in Medieval Law Enforcement?

Crime and Punishment - What was the Role of the Church in Medieval Law Enforcement?

Designed to be used for GCSE Crime and Punishment either Edexcel or OCR, you will need a textbook to support learning from this lesson as students will be prompted to find out information for themselves. This PowerPoint is essentially a focal point for the lesson, it covers Thomas Beckett and Benefit of the Clergy, Church Courts and moral crimes. It covers the following Learning Objectives: ALL will be able to describe how the Church affected law and order in Medieval England MOST will be able to used precise historical detail to describe the role of the church SOME will be able to evaluate who had more power over law and order; the church or the King.
Role Play and Creative Writing on the Black Death/ Plague

Role Play and Creative Writing on the Black Death/ Plague

Too often do year 7 arrive in my classroom having learned the basics of the 1664 plague at primary school and so thinking they already know about the 1348 plague as the symptoms were the same. This creative writing task and role play revitalises what can for some students be a surprisingly well trodden topic. NB: Primary school teachers - this task is equally appropriate for KS2 when covering the 1664 plague, although I imagine you will want to add more structure to the writing task. Melton Task: Students will write a short story detailing the events in the fictional village of Melton when the Plague arrives. The story will be in three distinct stages that are already prestructured for students: What happens when the Black Death reaches Melton, how the villagers respond and what happens to the survivors. Melton Background - this is the beginning of the story, or the prelude. You can get students to read this, read it too them or do a 'knock and read' to keep students following along. (This is where you begin to read and circle the room, knock on the table of a student you want to read next, then keep walking and knocking so as many as possible get to read. the uncertainty of knowing who is next makes all students keep up with the reading in front of them.) Melton Role Play - the second part of the play asks students to detail a discussion the villagers might have had in the village church when they knew what they were up against. This task allows students to role play in groups, you will want to prompt them to be finding solutions - what 'cures' were on offer? What did people believe caused the Black Death? Finally students will write up their story, most likely they will do this for homework. There is great potential for you to use your own success criteria to generate a relatively painless level for this work. Thanks to Paul Durnall who gave me these.