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I am an English teacher and AQA examiner and I create English Language, English Literature and Media Studies resources from KS3 up to KS5. My resources are all focused around the AQA success criteria and they aim to make it accessible and engaging for students in order to help them achieve their potential.

I am an English teacher and AQA examiner and I create English Language, English Literature and Media Studies resources from KS3 up to KS5. My resources are all focused around the AQA success criteria and they aim to make it accessible and engaging for students in order to help them achieve their potential.
Lord of the Flies Comprehensive Scheme of Work

Lord of the Flies Comprehensive Scheme of Work

This is a full scheme of work focusing on the Lord of the Flies. This 268 slide power point offers 33 lessons on the novel and works on both reading analysis (on blue background slides) and creative writing skills (on green background slides). Each lesson follows the same structure of: Lesson Objective Engaging starter task Activities Review tasks Lessons cover: contextual background of the novel plot understanding and comprehension -analysis of setting/characters/relationships exploration of themes writing in role Lessons have a variety of tasks. Tasks are supported with modeled examples where necessary. Lessons also include literacy boosters focusing on ambitious vocabulary within the text. Success criteria is provided throughout. It is aimed at KS3 students but can easily be adapted to suit KS4 as both the reading and writing criteria used to inform the scheme is taken from the AQA Literature exam board criteria. All the resources needed are included within the scheme. There is an additional section at the end of the scheme that offers more challenging (Political, Psychological and Biblical readings) interpretations of the text in order to stretch more able KS3 students or to help cater to KS4 students.
Literacy scheme - Shadow by Michael Morpurgo

Literacy scheme - Shadow by Michael Morpurgo

This scheme of work has been designed to help students develop their literacy skills. It is designed for low ability KS3 students to work alongside their KS3 English curriculum, helping them build upon areas of weakness that will hold them back from fully accessing the regular curriculum. The scheme is over 30 lessons (223 slides) and it incorporates: literacy skills (focusing on elements of SPaG) whole text comprehension) knowledge of context, plot and character. ambitious vocabulary analytical reading skills creative writing skills Each lesson is divided in to an engaging/ starter task, main activities and a review/ plenary task.
English Language Paper 2 Question guideline overview sheet

English Language Paper 2 Question guideline overview sheet

This is a condensed overview of AQA English Language Paper 2. It offers a question by question breakdown, reminding the students of: the time allowance the amount of marks available the success criteria for each questions, the techniques and devices to look out for in this question and offering sentence starters and prompts to guide their responses. This resource is perfect as a a guidance and revision tool for students as they are completing practice assessments or as a display sheet. It is also a useful reminder for teachers to become familiar with the papers structure.
English Language Paper 1 Question guideline overview sheet

English Language Paper 1 Question guideline overview sheet

This is a condensed overview of AQA English Language Paper 1. It offers a question by question breakdown, reminding the students of: the time allowance the amount of marks available the success criteria for each questions, the techniques and devices to look out for in this question and offering sentence starters and prompts to guide their responses. This resource is perfect as a a guidance and revision tool for students as they are completing practice assessments or as a display sheet. It is also a useful reminder for teachers to become familiar with the papers structure.
An Inspector Calls Selected Character Quotes

An Inspector Calls Selected Character Quotes

This resource offers a condensed selection of 65 key quotations from An Inspector Calls. It offers a page of important quotes for each of the characters (Sheila, Eric, Mr B, Mrs B, Gerald & The Inspector) and has a further condensed selection of highlighted quotes to cater to the lower ability. These quotes have been chosen to help students revise the character’s role, their involvement and contribution to key themes within the play and to link to the contextual background of the play.
Gothic Literature - A full KS3 scheme of work

Gothic Literature - A full KS3 scheme of work

This is a complete scheme of work covering Gothic Literature. It is best suited to KS3, years 7/8 or lower ability year 9 classes. The scheme covers both reading and writing skills and prepares students for and assesses students in both sets of skills. The first half of the scheme introduces the Gothic genre within literature (conventions and features) and then moves on to analyse the use of these features, language and structure in several Gothic extracts. These lessons include all extracts, along with tasks, annotated and colour coded model paragraphs and student friendly success criteria. The second part of the scheme focuses on developing students’ creative writing skills and offers resourced lessons on using descriptive techniques, using punctuation, creating effective settings, characterisation, and using pathetic fallacy.
An Inspector Calls Theme Revision Sheets

An Inspector Calls Theme Revision Sheets

This resource includes a revision sheet for four key themes within the play: Social Responsibility Social Class Age / Generation differences Gender Each sheet has a summary of the theme and its importance within the play, an outline of how the theme is demonstrated within the play and key quotes from the characters with some analysis.
Reading and Writing feedback tokens  for peer or self assesment

Reading and Writing feedback tokens for peer or self assesment

This resource offers two feedback tokens that guide students through effective and purposeful peer or self assessment of English reading analysis and creative writing. They use the same success criteria set by the exam board but they are tailored to suit KS3 classes or lower ability students who cannot engage with the phrasing of the exam criteria. They are designed in two halves - one where students highlight the success criteria achieved and the other where they can indicate which criteria needs further development. They offer space for target setting also. They are perfect as a review style task.
Macbeth revision booklet - plot and key quotes

Macbeth revision booklet - plot and key quotes

This 16 page booklet offers a summary of each and every scene within Macbeth. Summaries also include: key quotes and short extracts to aid revision analytical comments on some quotes/ methods highlighted This resource is perfect for students to revise from or as a resource to include within lessons.
Othello Plot and Quote  Revision  Guide

Othello Plot and Quote Revision Guide

This resource offers a 26 page (size 11 font) revision guide designed to aid A Level students in revising the plot of Othello. It details each scene of the play with a comprehensive summary of the scene, key quotations from the scene to revise and analytical comments to support this. Each section is coloured for clarity and to help students categorise their revision.
English Language GCSE AQA Papers 1 & 2  - Starters and homework tasks

English Language GCSE AQA Papers 1 & 2 - Starters and homework tasks

This is a 93 slide power point that contains a variety of starter tasks, short lesson activies and homework tasks that can be used to develop the skills required for AQA GCSE English Language Papers 1 & 2. Each slide contains a different task and focuses on the skills required for a particular question. Each slide explain which question and skill it is helping t develop and they are all are colour coded to match the skills being assessed in accordance with the AQA skills assessment grid.
An Inspector Calls Full Scheme of Work

An Inspector Calls Full Scheme of Work

This is a full scheme of work that consists of 18 lessons (165 slides). Lessons cover: The plot The social and historical context of the play Key scenes Characters (Sheila, Eric, Mr B, Mrs B, Gerald and The Inspector) Themes Each lessons is fully planned and resourced with starters, activities, any necessary quote sheets, work sheets, model responses, differentiated and extension tasks.
AQA English Language Paper 1  - Homework booklet

AQA English Language Paper 1 - Homework booklet

This booklet is comprised of 16 homework tasks focusing on AQA English Language Paper 1. Each homework task focuses on one particular question and skill from the paper. Each task explains which question and which skill it is helping to develop. The homework booklet is designed to be stand alone tasks that do not use AQA examples and therefore can be used alongside any scheme of work.
English Language Paper 2 Scheme of Work 2

English Language Paper 2 Scheme of Work 2

A comprehensive set of lessons that focus on AQA English Language Paper 2 ‘Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives’ . Created by an AQA Examiner and tailored specifically to the marking criteria of the exam. This scheme of work hat covers both the ‘Reading’ and ‘Writing’ sections of the exam. It is a follow on scheme from the introductory scheme on ‘Farming and Famine’ howver I have included recaps of the questions so it can be used as a stand alone scheme. The extracts used in this scheme focus on South Africa. This resource comprises of fully planned lessons that have: Objectives Starter tasks Subject knowlege slides to explain the criteria for each of the exam questions Activities and application tasks Review (plenary) tasks Each slide is clearly labelled to indicate which stage of the lesson it is in order to help students see their progression. Differentiation is offered throughout the tasks using a colour coded traffic light system to cater to various levels of ability. Red = most accessible tasks Orange = tasks to help develop understanding and responses Green = challenging tasks to push higher ability students. The texts are included and the power point offers various help sheets that can be printed and given to students as additional forms of differentiation. All questions use timings that coincide with the AQA GCSE mark scheme.
Language Techniques Match Up Tasks

Language Techniques Match Up Tasks

This resource offers 11 match up grids to encourage students to think more carefully about the effect of the Language devices / language techniques being used by the writers, rather than to simply feature spot. Each grid focuses on a different language device and offers several detailed examples and detailed, specific examples of anaylsis. They are perfect as starters, extensions or homework tasks for KS3 and KS4 to help students become more confident with the terminology they need.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Revision Quotations

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Revision Quotations

This resource offers 30 key quotes selected from Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in order to revise the text. The quotes are in chronological order to aid plot revision and there is a guide to help students analyse them.
An Inspector Calls

An Inspector Calls

3 Resources
This bundle includes an entire scheme of work for An Inspector Calls. It has been created for AQA GCSE English Literature. It offers differentiated lessons that focus on: plot context characters key themes To compliment this unit of work, this bundle also includes: plot revision sheets sheets of key quotations for each of the characters revision sheets for each of the themes within the play.
English Language Paper 2 Scheme of Work 1

English Language Paper 2 Scheme of Work 1

A comprehensive set of lessons that focus on AQA English Language Paper 2 ’ Writer’s Viewpoints and Perspectives ’ . Created by an AQA Examiner and tailored specifically to the marking criteria of the exam. This scheme of work is an introductory scheme that covers both the ‘Reading’ and ‘Writing’ sections of the exam. The extracts used in this scheme focus on Farming & Famine. This resource comprises of fully planned lessons that have: Objectives Starter tasks Subject knowledge slides to explain the criteria for each of the exam questions Activities and application tasks Review (plenary) tasks Each slide is clearly labelled to indicate which stage of the lesson it is in order to help students see their progression. Differentiation is offered throughout the tasks using a colour coded traffic light system to cater to various levels of ability. Red = most accessible tasks Orange = tasks to help develop understanding and responses Green = challenging tasks to push higher ability students. The texts are included and the power point offers various help sheets that can be printed and given to students as additional forms of differentiation. All questions use timings that coincide with the AQA GCSE mark scheme.
English Language Paper 2 Revision

English Language Paper 2 Revision

This power point serves as a tool to help students revise for their English Language Paper 2 exam (AQA) . I have used my knowledge and experience as an experienced AQA marker to create a resource for my own students in the run up to their exam. It gives a clear over view of the paper, breaking it down into colour coded individual questions and skills. It includes: A revision sheet that outlines each question, the skills assessed, the best way to approach it, timings etc. Examples of each question with tips to help the students tackle it and ensure they are using the correct skills/ methods. A practise task/skill builder task for each question. Mark schemes Model answers that do not quite achieve full marks but have been annotated to show how they could be improved. Exemplar answers that achieve full marks/ the highest mark band - annotated to show why they are being awarded such marks.