My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Los quehaceres super easy reading practice
Read each person’s chore. Then, answer each question using A or B. (10 total)
Me llamo Rosa. En la cocina yo lavo y seco los platos. También ayudo a mi madre a cocinar la cena.
_____ 1. ¿Qué hace Rosa en la cocina?
a. lava y seca los platos, ayuda a cocinar
b. juega los video juegos
Me llamo Paco. Yo doy de comer a mi perro. También yo paseo a mi perro en el parque.
_____ 2. ¿Qué hace Paco?
a. mira la tele
b. da comida y pasea a su perro
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
*This practice can also be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 3
Reflexive verbs super easy intro practice
Conjugate each reflexive infinitive using the appropriate reflexive pronoun and the present tense conjugation. Note: Reflexive pronouns are placed after the subject / subject pronoun (Yo, Tú, Pablo etc) and before the conjugated verb.
*6 infinitives included: Lavarse, Ponerse, Vestirse, Despertarse, Acostarse, Divertirse
*A structured template is provided to write the conjugations. Depending on the infinitive ending (-ar, -er, -ir), a table with present tense -ar, -er, -ir endings is included as well.
Lavarse: to wash one self
Yo ________ / ______________________ (Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is me)
Tú________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is te)
Él ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is se)
Ella ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is se)
Ud. ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is se)
Nosotros ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is nos)
Vosotros ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is os)
Ellos________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is se)
Ellas ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is se)
Uds. ________ / ______________________(Hint: In the first blank, the reflexive pronoun is se)
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for note taking, study guide, practice, entry / exit slip, or homework.
El tiempo libre fill in practice
Complete each sentence using the correct verb conjugation from the word bank based on what each person does in their free time.
*There are 20 sentences total broken up in two parts. There is a word bank for sentences #1-10 and another one for sentences for #11-20.
Word bank for #1-10: hace / leo / miramos / sacas / van / juega / salen / ve / navegáis / jugamos
Yo ________________ una revista.
Word bank for #11-20: hace / escucha / escribe / toca / jugáis / aprenden / juegan / patinan / hacen / montan
Tina ________________ música.
Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
*This practice can also be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 2 and Realidades 3.
This worksheet is a matching practice on telling time in Spanish.
There are 20 clock times and answer key is included.
r. son las seis menos cuarto / quince de la tarde t. es la una de la mañana
1:00 am
5: 5:45 pm
Length: 2 pages including answer key
La hora: Telling time structured practice
Write the appropriate clock time in the template provided. (21 clock times total)
*Note: All questions are the same as shown in the example. Only the clock time will be different.
*A structured template is provided for student responses. Prior to the practice, notes on telling time are included for reference.
¿Qué hora es? (1:00 am)
Template: Es / Son + la / las + hour + rest
Answer: Es la una de la mañana.
Answer key is included on pages 5-7. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip (broken up in smaller sections).
Students can also do this practice orally in pairs or in small groups.
Clock time: ¿Qué hora es? Identification practice
Read each clock time spelled out and write an X under the appropriate hour.
*There are 12 sets with 6 clock times per set. Numbers 1-12 on the clock are included.
Answer choices: 1:37 / 1:00 / 1:10 / 1:15 / 1:30 / 1:45
Es la una
Es la una y diez
Es la una y quince (cuarto)
Es la una y media (treinta)
Son las dos menos quince (cuarto)
Son las dos menos veintidós
Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, study guide, review, entry / exit slip.
Stem change verbs simple identification practice
For each stem change type: E-IE / O-UE / E-I, students will write an X under the appropriate conjugation.
Then, they will conjugate 3 infinitives for all 6 persons.
Infinitives included:
Pages 1-2: (E-IE): Pensar, Querer, Preferir (Students will write an X under the appropriate conjugation)
*Students will conjugate Cerrar, Entender, Mentir
Page 3: (U-UE): Jugar
For each subject, write an X under the appropriate conjugation
Complete the table with the correct conjugation of jugar, al, and a sport from the word bank.
Pages 4-5: (O-UE): Almorzar, Poder, Dormir (Students will write an X under the appropriate conjugation)
*Students will conjugate Contar, Volver, Morir
Pages 6-7: (E-I): Pedir, Servir, Repetir (Students will write an X under the appropriate conjugation)
*Students will conjugate Decir, Competir, Medir
Answer key is included on pages 8-14. This practice can be used for classwork, review, study guide, entry / exit slip.
Mis actividades: Sentences, speaking, and paragraph
Part 1: Write the Yo conjugation of each infinitive: -ar, -er, -ir. Then, add 4-5 words to create an original sentence. No translators or unauthorized resources.
*There are 23 infinitives included.
to dance - Bailar - Yo conjugation _______ + Add 4-5 words __________________
to walk - Caminar - Yo conjugation _______ + Add 4-5 words __________________
to listen to music - Escuchar música - Yo conjugation _______ + Add 4-5 words _____
Part 2: Speaking
Students will interview each other with 6 questions about what they are like and what activities they normally do. Questions 1-5 are with Ser. For question 6, students will say 7 sentences about their activities.
A table with list of adjectives of personality, physical traits, and nationalities with English translation is included.
¿Cómo eres tú? (Give 3 adjectives)
Según (according to) tus amigos(as), ¿Cómo eres tú? (Give 3 adjectives)
Part 3: Paragraph
Students will write a paragraph answering questions 1-6 from part 2. Guidelines are provided.
This practice can be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 2.
Length: 3 pages
Spanish nationalities selection practice
For each subject, write the correct letter of the nationality. (21 total)
M: masculine / F: feminine
_____ 1. Yo (m) soy
a. mexicana b. mexicano c. mexicanos d. mexicanas
_____ 5. Marcos es
a. cubana b. cubanas c. cubanos d. cubano
_____ 9. Vosotros (m) sois
a. puertorriqueño b. puertorriqueña c. puertorriqueñas d. puertorriqueños
At the end, students will answer two personal questions with Ser about where they are from and their nationality.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
*This practice can also be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 2.
Preterit tense -AR verbs conjugation and sentence practice
For each set of infinitives, write the preterit tense conjugation. Then, write an original sentence using any one -ar infinitive from the set. Sentences must be 9 words minimum including the subject (Yo, Tú etc) and clue word (ayer, anoche etc). Sentences should not be repetitive (using the same words over and over) and must make sense.
Note: All clue words (italicized) count as one word only.
*Each set has 3 infinitives (6 sets total).
*A structured template is provided to write the conjugations and the sentences.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Length: 3 pages
E-I stem change verbs super mini review
For each infinitive, students will write the stem change (i) for all conjugations except nosotros and vostoros. For the nosotros and vosotros conjugations, students will write the ending only.
3 infinitives included: Pedir, Servir, Decir
Yo: p____ do Nosotros: ped_____________
Tú: p____ des Vosotros: ped_____________
Él / Ella / Ud.: p____ de Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: p____ den
At the end, students will complete a verb table with all 6 conjugations of Competir, Repetir, and Medir.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for review, study guide, graphic organizer, warm up, entry / exit slip.
Go and stem change verbs mixed practice
Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the infinitive in parenthesis. Make stem and spelling changes, where needed.
*There are 24 mini conversations broken up in 8 sets of 3 conversations.
*Each set will have one -go verb and 2 stem change verbs except for the last set.
Verbs included:
-Go: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Tener, Venir, Traer, Decir, Caer, Oir
E-IE stem change: Pensar, Empezar, Querer, Entender, Preferir, Mentir
O-UE: Almorzar, Contar, Poder, Volver, Dormir
U-UE: Jugar
E-I: Pedir, Servir, Repetir
Hacer: to do, to make / Pensar: to think / Empezar: to start
Rosa: ¿Qué ___________________ tú después de la escuela? (hacer)
Marcos: Yo ___________________ mi tarea. (hacer)
Rosa: ¿En qué ___________________ tú? (pensar>e-ie)
Marcos: Yo ___________________ en el fin de semana. (pensar>e-ie)
Rosa: ¿A qué hora ___________________ tú la clase de español? (empezar>e-ie)
Marcos: Yo ___________________la clase a las nueve. (empezar>e-ie)
Second part (pages 4-5): Students will write all 6 conjugations of the following infinitives: Hacer, Tener, Oir, Empezar, Querer, Preferir, Almorzar, Poder, Dormir, Pedir
*A template is provided to write the conjguations.
Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
E-IE stem change verbs super mini review
*Infinitives included: Empezar, Querer, Preferir
For each infinitive:
Write “ie” stem change for the following conjugations: Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud. , Ellos / Ellas / Uds.
For the nosotros conjugation write the ending “amos” and for the vosotros conjugation write the ending “áis”.
Yo: emp______ zo Nosotros: empez _____________
Tú: emp______ zas Vosotros: empez _____________
Él / Ella / Ud.: emp______ za Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: emp______ zan
At the end, students will complete a verb table with all 6 conjugations of Pensar, Entender, and Sentir.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for review, study guide, graphic organizer, warm up, entry / exit slip.
O-UE stem change verbs super mini review
For each infinitive, students will write the stem change (ue) for all conjugations except nosotros and vostoros. For the nosotros and vosotros conjugations, students will write the ending only.
3 infinitives included: Almorzar, Volver, Dormir
Yo: alm______ rzo Nosotros: almorz _____________
Tú: alm______ rzas Vosotros: almorz _____________
Él / Ella / Ud.: alm______ rza Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: alm______ rzan
At the end, students will complete a verb table with all 6 conjugations of Encontrar, Poder, and Morir.
Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for review, study guide, graphic organizer, warm up, entry / exit slip.
Days of the week and dates practice (Los días de la semana y las fechas)
Write each sentence in Spanish with the day and the date, using the word bank below. Write your sentence in the template. For dates, the number must be spelled out in Spanish.
*31 dates total (numbers 1-31, all 12 months, and all 7 days of the week are inlcluded).
*Word bank includes numbers 1-31, all 12 months, all 7 days of the week, and words Hoy, es, el, de). Everything in the word bank is spelled out in Spanish.
Today is Monday, the 1st of January
Template: Today + is + Monday + the + 1st + of + January
Answer key is included on pages 6-12. This is a good structured practice for Spanish 1 students.
*This practice can be used for classwork, homework, graphic organizer, study guide, review, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
This is a practice with 25 personal questions using different reflexive verbs. Students can do the activity orally in pairs. All questions are in the tu form. Some helpful words for students to use in their responses are provided (ex: el champu , el jabon, la navaja etc)
Verbs included: despertarse / cepillarse / ducharse / lavarse / secarse / afeitarse / sentarse / desayunarse / irse / ponerse / marcharse / despedirse / probarse / vestirse / quitarse / cortarse /quedarse / preocuparse / enojarse/ divertirse / reunirse / acostarse
A second set of the same practice is included if teachers want to use it for written classwork, homework, sub plans, or quiz / test.
Part 1: Conjugate the 5 reflexive infinitives for all 6 persons.
Part 2: 25 personal questions with reflexive verbs.
Pages 1-2: 25 personal questions using reflexive verbs
Pages 3-5: Second set (conjugate 5 infinitives) and the 25 personal questions with lines for student responses, if teachers want to assign them for classwork, homework, or use for quiz / sub plans.
E-IE / U-UE Stem change verbs super easy practice
For each stem change infinitive, follow these guidelines:
For the subjects Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud., Ellos / Ellas / Uds., write the stem change “ie” in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank.
For the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations, write the appropriate verb ending only.
Choose any one subject (person) and write a short sentence in the template provided.
INFINITIVES INCLUDED: Pensar, Empezar, Querer, Entender, Preferir, Mentir, Jugar (7 total)
Pensar (en): to think (about) STEM CHANGE: E-IE
Yo: p______ ns_____ Nosotros: pens ___________
Tú: p______ ns____ Vosotros: pens ___________
Él / Ella / Ud.: p______ns_____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: p______ ns______
Template for sentence: Subject + Conjugation + Add 3-4 words
Answer key is included on pages 4-6 for conjugations only. For sentences, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, study guide, or graphic organizer.
O-UE Stem change verbs super easy practice
For each stem change infinitive, follow these guidelines:
For the subjects Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud., Ellos / Ellas / Uds., write the stem change “ie” in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank.
For the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations, write the appropriate verb ending only.
Choose any one subject (person) and write a short sentence in the template provided.
Infinitives included: Almorzar, Encontrar, Poder, Volver, Dormir, Morir (6 total)
Almorzar: to have lunch STEM CHANGE: O-UE
Yo: alm______ rz_____ Nosotros: almorz ___________
Tú: alm______ rz_____ Vosotros: almorz ___________
Él / Ella / Ud.: alm______ rz_____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: alm______ rz_____
Template for sentence: Subject + Conjugation + Add 3-4 words
Answer key is included on pages 3-4 for conjugations only. For sentences, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, study guide, or graphic organizer.
E-I Stem change verbs super easy practice
For each stem change infinitive, follow these guidelines:
For the subjects Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud., Ellos / Ellas / Uds., write the stem change “ie” in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank.
For the Nosotros and Vosotros conjugations, write the appropriate verb ending only.
Choose any one subject (person) and write a short sentence in the template provided.
Infinitives included: Pedir, Servir, Repetir, Competir, Decir, Vestirse (6 total)
Pedir: to ask for, to order STEM CHANGE: E-I
Yo: p______ d_____ Nosotros: ped ___________
Tú: p______ d_____ Vosotros: ped___________
Él / Ella / Ud.: p______ d_____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: p______ d_____
Template for sentence: Subject + Conjugation + Add 3-4 words
Answer key is included on pages 3-4 for conjugations only. For sentences, student answers will vary.
This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, study guide, or graphic organizer.
Reflexive verbs practice (Conjugation and personal questions)
10 questions total with 10 different verbs
*Verbs included: lavarse / despertarse / desayunarse / irse / ponerse / vestirse / afeitarse / cepillarse / acostarse / divertirse
Write the present tense conjugations of each reflexive verb. Be sure to include the appropriate reflexive pronoun for each subject. Make stem changes, where needed.
*Student will write all 6 conjugations for each verb.
Answer each personal question in a complete sentence. Use phrases from the word bank, as needed.
*A structured template is provided for student responses.
Word bank: el jabón: soap / el agua: water / el cepillo de dientes: tooth brush / la pasta dentífrica: tooth paste / la navaja: razor / la crema de afeitar: shaving cream / un abrigo: coat / un suéter: sweater / los jeans: jeans / los pantalones: pants / una camiseta: T shirt / una blusa: blouse / una gorra: hat / los guantes: gloves / solo: alone
Lavarse: to wash oneself
Template for conjugations: Subject (Yo, Tú, Él / Ella / Ud., Nosotros, Vosotros,Ellos / Ellas / Uds. ) + Reflexive pronoun + Conjugation
¿Con qué te lavas tú las manos? (Give 2 things)
Template for answer: Subject (Yo) + Reflexive pronoun + Conjugation + Rest
Answer key is included on pages 7-12 for the conjugations only. For personal questions, student answers will vary.
*This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans. Students can also practice orally with the personal questions.