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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Irregular yo verbs paragraph practice

Irregular yo verbs paragraph practice

Irregular yo verbs paragraph practice Part 1: Complete the paragraph with the correct conjugation of the verb in the table. (17 total) *A table with infinitives, their English translation, and the Yo conjugation is included. *All sentences are in the Yo conjugation. Saber and Conocer are used twice. *Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Traer, Decir, Caer, Tener, Oir, Venir, Saber, Conocer, Ser, Estar, Ir, Dar Sample: Poner: to put, to place, to set (pongo) / Dar: to give (doy) / Hacer: to do, to make (hago) Yo (1) __________________ mi tarea. Yo (2) __________________ un regalo (gift) a mi amigo. Yo (3) __________________ la mesa antes de comer. Part 2: Conjugation practice: Write the correct present tense conjugation for each infinitive. Make stem changes and spelling changes, as needed. *Students will write the 6 conjugations of Hacer, Tener, Oir, Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir. *A template is provided to write the conjugations. Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Ser Estar Ir Tener Dar Hacer questions matching practice (Present tense)

Ser Estar Ir Tener Dar Hacer questions matching practice (Present tense)

Ser Estar Ir Tener Dar Hacer questions matching practice (Present tense) For each question and answer, write the correct letter of the conjugation. *There are 4 sets with 6 questions each. (24 total) *Note: The subjects in each set will be the same or similar. Sample: a. vas / voy b. das / doy c. estás / estoy d. haces / hago e. tienes / tengo f. eres / soy _____ 1. ¿Cómo ___________ tú? Yo ___________ inteligente. (Ser) _____ 2. ¿Cómo ___________ tú? Yo ___________ bien. (Estar) _____ 3. ¿A dónde ___________ tú? Yo ___________ al cine. (Ir) _____ 4. ¿Qué ___________ que hacer tú? Yo ___________ que estudiar. (Tener) _____ 5. ¿Qué ___________ tú a Pablo? Yo ___________ un regalo. (Dar) _____ 6. ¿Qué ___________ tú por la tarde? Yo ___________ la tarea. (Hacer) Answer key is included on pags 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Present tense mixed verb types conjugation practice

Present tense mixed verb types conjugation practice

Present tense mixed verb types conjugation practice For each infinitive, write the appropriate verb conjugation. *Students will conjugate each infinitive for all 6 persons. Verb types and Infinitives included: (30 total) Regular: Hablar, Comer, Vivir -Go verbs: Hacer, Poner, Traer, Caer, Salir, Venir, Tener, Oir Irregular verbs: Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir, Ver Stem change (e-ie): Empezar, Querer, Preferir Stem change (o-ue): Almorzar, Poder, Dormir Stem change (e-i): Pedir, Servir, Repetir Reflexive verbs: Lavarse, Despertarse, Vestirse, Acostarse At the end, students will choose any 7 infinitives and write 7 original sentences with the guidelines provided. Answer key is included for the conjugations only on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review before a test or exam, or sub plans.
Realidades 3: Capítulo Para Empezar vocab list and verb practice

Realidades 3: Capítulo Para Empezar vocab list and verb practice

Realidades 3: Capítulo “Para Empezar” Verbos irregulares : ir, hacer, ser, dar etc (15 total) *Write the English translation and Yo from present tense Tu vida diaria (Write the English translation) la revista ______________________ responder _____________________ preguntas ______________________ Pages 3-5 (Verb practice): Students will complete a verb table with all six conjugations in the present tense. Verbs included: ir, hacer, conocer, dar, estar, ser, poner, saber, salir, traer, ver, caer, decir, oir, tener (15 total) Answer key is included for the vocab list and verb conjugations on pages 6-10. *If not using with Realidades 3, this vocab list can be used to teach about chores and irregular and -go verbs present tense.
Ser and -AR, -ER, -IR verbs fill in practice (Present tense)

Ser and -AR, -ER, -IR verbs fill in practice (Present tense)

Ser and -AR, -ER, -IR verbs fill in practice (Present tense) Complete each set of sentences with the correct conjugation using the word bank. *There are 6 sets with 4 sentences each for a total of 24 sentences. The subject for the 4 sentences in each set will be the same. *The English translation for infinitives is included in every set. *Only regular -ar, -er, -ir verbs are used. Example: Set 1 Word bank: como / escribo / soy / hablo Ser: to be / Hablar: to speak / Comer: to eat / Escribir: to write Yo _____________ estudioso. Yo _____________ con mis amigos. Yo _____________ una pizza. Yo _____________ la tarea. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. *The sentences do not link to any particular theme or vocabulary. However, this practice can be used with the Para empezar chapter of Realidades 2.
Irregular yo verbs present tense worksheet (choose and fill)

Irregular yo verbs present tense worksheet (choose and fill)

Irregular yo verbs present tense worksheet (choose and fill) Part 1: For each sentence, write the infinitive in the first blank and the present tense conjugation of that infinitive in the second blank using the word bank below. (15 total) Note: All infinitives will be conjugated in the Yo form. Infinitives included: Venir, Ir, Tener, Hacer, Oír, Conocer, Decir, Estar, Caer, Ver, Ser, Saber, Traer, Salir, dar Sample: Word bank: Hacer: to do / hago, Ir: to go / voy , Venir: to come / vengo ________________ 1. Yo ____________________ a estudiar hoy. ________________ 2. Yo ____________________ mi tarea después de la escuela. Part 2: Write the present tense conjugations for each infinitive. Make stem and spelling changes where needed. *The same 15 infinitives from part 1 are used. *Students will complete a verb table for all conjugations except for Yo (which is already provided). Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip.
La comida y comer saludable vocab matching and questions practice

La comida y comer saludable vocab matching and questions practice

La comida y comer saludable vocab matching and questions practice Part 1: Matching : Write the correct letter of the English translation of each word. (48 total) Example: d. To skip a meal / y. Allergy / g. Junk food _____ 1. La alergia _____ 16. Saltar una comida _____ 23. La comida basura Part 2: Personal questions: Answer in a complete sentence in Spanish in the present tense. No collaboration or on-line translators. Use vocabulary words from pages 1-2, as needed. Vary your answers (do not use the same answers for each question). (18 total) ¿Qué comes tú para el desayuno? (Give 2) ¿Qué es necesario hacer cuando tienes la gripe? (Answer with Es necesario + infinitive) Answer key is included on pages 5-6 for part 1 (Matching) only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip. It can also be used with chapter 3A of Realidades 3. Students can practice the personal questions orally as well.
Realidades 3 Chapter 3A vocab practice

Realidades 3 Chapter 3A vocab practice

Realidades 3 Chapter 3A vocab practice Part 1: Write the correct vocabulary word using the word bank. (17 total) Sample: Word bank: la proteína (protein) / la alergia (allergy) / el hierro (iron) / el antibiótico (antibiotic) / saludable (healthy) / la aspirina (aspirin) / la estatura (height) / tener catarro (to have a cold) / la edad (age) / la fiebre (fever) / el peso (weight) / el jarabe de tos (cough syrup) / la merienda (snack) / la alimentación (nutrition) / los hábitos alimenticios (eating habits) / el calcio (calcium) / la comida basura (junk food) _______________________1. Es una reacción a una cosa en el ambiente (environment). ______________________2. Es una medicina que una persona toma para la gripe ______________________3. Es una medicina que una persona toma para un dolor de cabeza. Part 2: For each situation, give advice by conjugating the infinitive in parenthesis in the present tense and by choosing an appropriate solution from the word bank. (6 total) Sample: Word bank: tomar el jarabe de tos / comer más proteína Tengo tos. ¿Qué recomiendas? Yo ____________________ (recomendar >e-ie) _______________________. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
I-Y verbs present to preterit conversion practice with questions

I-Y verbs present to preterit conversion practice with questions

I-Y verbs present to preterit conversion practice with questions Part 1: Write the preterit tense conjugation for each infinitive. *Infinitives included: Leer, Caer, Creer, Oir, Construir, Distribuir, Influir, Incluir (8 total) *For each infinitive, students will write all 6 conjugations. The present tense conjugation is provided. *A table with preterit verb endings is included for reference. Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the tense of the question (present or preterit). *16 questions total . *For each of the 8 infinitives, one question will be in the present tense and one question will be in the preterit. *A structured template is provided for student answers. Sample: ¿Qué libro leen los estudiantes? (Book title can be in English) / Leer: to read Template for answer: Subject + Conjugated verb + Rest ¿Qué libro leyeron Uds. ayer? (Book title can be in English) / Leer: to read Subject + Conjugated verb + Rest Answer key is included on pages 5-6 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
La niñez easy personal questions practice

La niñez easy personal questions practice

La niñez easy personal questions practice (Imperfect tense) Answer each question with the required information. (18 questions total) Note: 14 of the 18 questions are in the tú conjugation. *The answer is partially filled in with the conjugated verb in the imperfect. Students have to supply the rest. *A list of helpful words with their English translation is included, if students want to use them. *A structured template is provided to write the answers. Sample: ¿Cómo eras tú de niño(a)? (Give 3 adjectives) (Ser: to be) Template for answer: Subject (Yo) + Conjugated verb (era) + Rest ____________ This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans. *Students can also practice orally with the questions.
Preterit conjugation review: Regular, Spelling change, Irregular

Preterit conjugation review: Regular, Spelling change, Irregular

Preterit conjugation review: Regular, Spelling change, Irregular For each infinitive, write the appropriate preterit conjugations. *Students will write all 6 conjugations. Infinitives included: Regular: Hablar, Comer, Vivir Spelling change (-car, -gar, -zar): Buscar, Jugar, Empezar Spelling change (i-y): Leer, Caer, Oir -UIR: Construir, Distribuir, Incluir Clue words matching: Write the correct letter of the translation (10 total) Example: j. Yesterday / e. Last week _____ 1. Ayer Irregular infinitives: Write the correct letter of the conjugation. *All 6 conjugations included. *Infinitives included: Ser / Ir (combined), Ver, Dar, Hacer NOTE: A table with -ar, -er, -ir preterit endings in included for reference. Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, study guide, review, entry / exit slip.
Worksheet: Meaning change verbs in the preterit and imperfect

Worksheet: Meaning change verbs in the preterit and imperfect

Worksheet: Meaning change verbs in the preterit and imperfect Part 1: Write the preterit and imperfect conjugations of the infinitives listed below. *Students will write all 6 conjugations of Querer, Poder, Saber, Conocer, Tener Part 2: Complete each blank with the correct preterit and imperfect conjugation of the appropriate verb in Spanish. *This section has two parts: Preterit (7 sentences) and Imperfect (9 sentences). *A table with the meanings of Querer, Poder, Saber, Conocer, Tener in the preterit and imperfect is included. Sample: Preterit La semana pasada yo ________________ comprar un nuevo coche. (tried to) Imperfect De niña, Luisa siempre _________________ muchas muñecas. (wanted) Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, study guide, entry / exit slip.
Practice: Preterit tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and questions)

Practice: Preterit tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and questions)

Practice: Preterit tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and personal questions) Part 1: Write the preterit (past) tense conjugation of each infinitive. *Infinitives included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Hacer, Ver, Dar, Ir / Ser. *There are 15 subjects (persons). Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the preterit tense. *There are 7 questions total: One question each with Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Hacer, Ver, Dar, Ir. *All questions are in the tú conjugation. *A structured template is provided for student responses. Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Practice: Present tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and questions)

Practice: Present tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and questions)

Practice: Present tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and personal questions) Part 1: Write the present tense conjugation of each infinitive. *Infinitives included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir (7 total) *There are 15 subjects (persons) Part 2: each question in a complete sentence in the present tense. *7 questions total: One question each with Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Ser, Estar, Dar, Ir. *Note: All questions are in the tú conjugation. *A structured template is provided to write the answers. Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Practice: Imperfect tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation / Questions)

Practice: Imperfect tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation / Questions)

Practice: Imperfect tense regular and irregular verbs (Conjugation and personal questions) Part 1: Write the imperfect tense conjugation of each infinitive. *6 infinitives included: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Ser, Ir, Ver *15 subjects total Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the imperfect tense. *6 questions total (one with each of the aforementioned infinitives). *Note: All questions are in the tú conjugation. *A structured template is provided to write the answers. Answer key is included on page 3 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Preterit v Imperfect: On-going and interrupting actions easy practice

Preterit v Imperfect: On-going and interrupting actions easy practice

Preterit v Imperfect: On-going and interrupting actions easy practice Part 1: Simultaneous actions (two actions on-going at the same time): In each sentence, conjugate both infinitives in the imperfect tense. (9 sentences total) Sample: leer / mirar Subject (Yo) ____________ (imperfect tense conjugation) un libro mientras tú ___________ (imperfect tense conjugation) la tele. Part 2: An action in progress interrupted: In each sentence conjugate one infinitive in the imperfect (on-going action) and one infinitive in the preterit (interrupting action), as indicated. (9 sentences total) Sample: hablar / sonar Subject (Yo) ____________ (imperfect tense conjugation) cuando el teléfono_________ (preterit conjugation) en la sala. *A structured template is provided to write the answers. Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Las profesiones y el presente perfecto

Las profesiones y el presente perfecto

Las profesiones y el presente perfecto For each subject, write the present tense of Haber (to have). Then, based on each person’s profession, choose the correct infinitive phrase from the word bank and write the infinitive as a past participle to show what each person has done in their jobs. If there are two infinitives for a profession, change them both to the past participle in your answers. *There are 20 different professions. *This practice has two parts (#1-10) and (#11-20), each with its own word bank. A template is provided to write the answers. Professions included: (#1-10) salvavidas, abogado, médico, enfermera, profesor, contadores, repartidores, secretarias, consejeros de campo, fotógrafo (#11-20) mesera, programadores, piloto, escritora, policía, dentista, bomberos, electricista, arquitecta, mécanicos Sample: Word bank: supervisar y rescatar a la gente en la playa / trabajar en la oficina / defender a los clientes en la corte Subject + Profession + Present tense of Haber + Past participle (-ado / -ido / irregular)+ Rest Yo: salvavidas / _________________ + _______________________ Answer: he supervisado y rescatado a la gente en la playa. Answer key is included on pages 3-4. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans. *It can also be used with chapters 5A / 5B of Realidades 3.
El artista y su obra sentences with present, preterit, and imperfect tenses

El artista y su obra sentences with present, preterit, and imperfect tenses

El artista y su obra sentences with present, preterit, and imperfect tenses Complete each sentence with the present tense conjugation of the infinitive. Then, conjugate the infinitive in the preterit and imperfect tenses. (22 total) Sample: (Trabajar) El artista _________________ en su taller. Preterit conjugation _____________ / Imperfect conjugation ______________ Answer key is included on page 2. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans. *This practice can also be used with chapter 2A of Realidades 3.
Spanish 1 Midterm exam review questions practice

Spanish 1 Midterm exam review questions practice

Spanish 1 Midterm exam review questions practice Answer each question in a complete sentence in Spanish. No collaboration or on-line translators. *40 information questions total. *Verbs included in questions: Ser, Estar (used only once), Tener, Hay, Gustar (singular form only), Necesitar, Hablar, Estudiar, Esuchar, Mirar, Trabajar, Caminar, Nadar, Cocinar, Comprar, Hacer (for weather questions only) *A table with conjugations of Ser, -AR present tense endings, and a list of adjectives with their English translation are included for reference. *This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, test / quiz, or sub plans. *Students can also practice orally with the questions in pairs or small groups.
Present Preterit Imperfect mixed conjugation and questions practice

Present Preterit Imperfect mixed conjugation and questions practice

Present Preterit Imperfect mixed conjugation and questions practice (Spanish) Part 1: Conjugate each infinitive in the appropriate tense. *8 infinitives included: hablar, comer, vivir, ser, ir, dar, ver, hacer *All 8 infinitives will be conjugated in the present, preterit, and imperfect tenses for all 6 persons. *A template is provided to write the conjugations. Part 2: Answer each question in a complete sentence in the appropriate tense (Present, Preterit, Imperfect). *24 questions total. For each of the 8 aforementioned infinitives, there are 3 questions (1 in the present, 1 in the preterit, and 1 in the imperfect). *The subject of each question will be tú (except one question with Ser). *A structured template is provided to write the answers. Sample: ¿Con quién hablas tú cada día? ¿Con quién hablaste tú ayer? ¿Con quién hablabas tú de niño(a)? Answer key is included on pages 6-7 for part 1 only. For part 2, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review for test or exam, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.