
Book Review Template
Simple template to be used as a follow up activity for Guided Reading. It can be used as a digital activity.

Character, Settings & Theme Template
It can be used as a follow up activity for fictions stories.
It can be used as a planning template for fiction stories.
It can be used as a digital activity.

Compare & Contrast Reading Questions
This worksheet focuses on comparing two characters from the same or different story, and also compares two different stories.
It can be used as a digital activity.

Reading : Opinion Question Template
Guided reading questions that focuses on the students opinion.
It can be used as a digital activity.

Differentiated story mountain
There’s two differentiated story mountain template for students to plan their fiction story.
It can also be used as a follow up activity for reading.
This template can be used as a digital activity, such as Seesaw.

Fiction Stories Follow Up Activities
There’s a bundle of follow up activities for fiction stories. It can also be used as an activity to plan and write a fiction story.

BFG Crossword puzzle (Chapter 3-6)
This cross word puzzle is a fun activity of ensuring that students are familiar with the tricky vocabularies from Chapters 4 to 6 (The Cave, The BFG, The Giants) of The BFG by Roald Dahl.
This puzzle could be a prior knowledge activity for students to familiarize themselves with the tricky vocabularies in these chapters , or it could also be an activity to summaries the vocabularies learned.
The answer sheet is on the second page.

BFG Crossword puzzle (Chapter 1-3)
This cross word puzzle is a fun activity of ensuring that students are familiar with the tricky vocabularies from Chapters 1 to 3 (The Witching Hour, Who?, The Snatch) of The BFG by Roald Dahl.
This puzzle could be a prior knowledge activity for students to familiarize themselves with the tricky vocabularies in these chapters , or it could also be an activity to summaries the vocabularies learned.
The answer sheet is on the second page.

Writing a friendly letter KS2
If you’re looking for activities that allows your students to discover and identify the features of a friendly letter and writing one, then try carrying out these activities in class! This lesson plan will guide you in setting up stations in class and allowing students to identify the features of a friendly letter instead of you telling it to them! It also includes multiple resources!

Teaching Vocabularies - Beach theme
Instead of presenting a list words with its meaning for students to learn, here’s a worksheet that includes a picture for students to identify the objects and label it. There’s also a crossword puzzles attached to reinforce the meaning of each words identified.

Writing Transition Activity
It is a fun writing activity which allows the students to imagine themselves as superheroes and think of a “superpower” they posses. The “superpower” can be the subject that they are good at/ their strength in learning/ anything that suits your purpose of understanding them.
This is product based writing which allows students to describe themselves and also their best friends. (Since the students have written their best friend’s name, teachers can use this as a guideline to plan the students’ seating arrangement)
They can also write down the goals for the following year. *(Teachers can also use the same activity during the first day of school to remind students of the goals they have set) *