I am a Secondary Teacher on the North West coast of England. This shop is a collection of resources that I have shared on my Instagram @miss_g_by_the_sea.
Design Technology is my main subject area but there are also a few Teaching and Learning based resources as well as tutor time and PSHE.
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I am a Secondary Teacher on the North West coast of England. This shop is a collection of resources that I have shared on my Instagram @miss_g_by_the_sea.
Design Technology is my main subject area but there are also a few Teaching and Learning based resources as well as tutor time and PSHE.
Please leave a review, any and all feedback welcome :)
The OCR Design Technology GCSE Mark Scheme for NEA on 1 slide.
This prints one 1 sheet of paper for students to use.
Quite small on A4 but readable.
Fits better on A3.
I’ve used a similar format before for AQA where I would highlight each bit I felt they had met. I have just switched to OCR so created a new one.
Display for showcasing Careers in Design Technology. The idea is that each of the carers is part of a ‘Hive’ so you can connect them together like a hive.
Salarys per year are included on each hexagon. Includes links to various sectors including food careers, engineering and construction.
A sheet made to support the use of Techsoft 2D Design, including keyboards.
Aimed at KS3 but would work for any age range. Some of the instructions are specific to my students but can be changed.
Dice faces made to help those who are struggling to think of an idea or a design. These can be used for a 1 off lesson or for GCSE. I have used them for both and they work really well.
Peach = Client you are designing for or target market.
Pink = the genre e.g. modern, classic, retro. There is also the option to have an open ended genre ‘Inspired by…’ where the student picks the inspiration.
Blue = Where or what the design is to be used for e.g. transportation, sport, arcitecture, fashion.
There are 6 faces for each colour. I ordered some large foam dice from ebay, printed then laminated the faces before double sticky taping them to the outside.
If you click the image you can use the menu at the top of PowerPoint to resize the image to the dimensions that you need.
GIANT does not cover it!
I wanted to make an Eat Well Plate/Guide for my colleague - it must be just over 1.2m tall when printed onto A3. I photoshopped the images and the information and based it on the original government guide.
Although, I am biased, this is a lot more visually appealing and great to refer to during lessons.
Files are Adobe Illustrator and PDF to print.
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A sheet I created when I was a technician many years ago!
Just updated to look a little more ‘snazzy’ and to include some Art words as my department is Art Design Technology merged.
This letter is designed to give parents nad guardians advice around the GCSE Design and Technology NEA for AQA. It could be re-worded to work with any examination board as well as any qualification.
If you download, please leave a review.
Thank you! :)
An Excel teacher planner with the 2024-2025 Term Dates on and a column per class. You may need to tweak these to fit your school and colour scheme. I use this document alongside my written planner to keep me on top of things.
There is also space to add on calendar events, assessment dates and after school activities.
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Some generic resources for Exercise Books or Booklets. I have used all of these at various points in my career so far and all have proved useful.
Included is :-
Book Labels
GCSE DT course information (AQA)
Practical Checklist sheet (for classes where you need to monitor their behaviour more)
TAP sheet for recording assessments
Written and Practical work TAP sheet
A short guide complied with all the bare details of the course and common questions students have about the course. All the information is from experience teaching the subject and also includes 4 Quizlets for students to revise keywords from.
Would be a useful resource for Year 10 or Year 11 or even on Parent’s evenings.
A pack of display sheets/work aids/revision cards (whatever you choose to use them for) for AQA DT GCSE.
This resource is also including the 12 new diverse designers added to the list in the specification June 2022.
A help sheet with space for samples of sandpaper to be stuck on. This help sheet was made with a low ability un-resilient group in mind but could be adapted to suit any.
There is a side showing/explaining sandpaper. On the other side are the common excuses or reasons I get for not completing work to standard or ‘complaining’ after 5 minutes graft…
There are also the tips I give to students to maximise the results when they are sanding by hand.
A pack of essential form tutor items.
Good for Year 7 form in particular but any range range would enjoy the bookmarks and cupcakes. Parent letter included for ease.
Bookmarks for student reading books or planners - a nice form activity regardless of age range. One side has inspiration quotes on them, the other is blank for a name.
All are set to print double sided for ease with the fonts embedded into the file. If you go onto slide master after downloading, you will be able to change the background image.
A super simple student guide for the AQA Design Technology GCSE although it could be adapted to meet other specifications.
UPDATED 2024 Simplified to include an A4 booklet version as well.
A page layout guide, tips for each page and guidance on how to write different sections. This was a labour of love and has been the best guide that I have given my students.
Time consuming venture reflected in the price. Workshop tools display showing hand tools and workshop machinery. This was made for my classroom wall where there was nothing visual for the students to look at.
The signs are made with this room in mind but is adaptable for any workshop. The focus of each is to show the tool, a working method and then what the tool is used for. Some tools are similar but show a different technique. Examples are included above.
PowerPoint file included for easier personalisation. Fonts are embedded in the files - I called my display ‘Don’t call it a Thingy!’ as students were regularly forgetting the right word.
Some themed mini cupcakes I drew on Illustrator to use in my form for birthdays. This and matching candles for the names.
Each one is themed around an event that usually takes place in that month. For example, December is a Christmas tree and September is Back to School.
**There are also some blank ones for people who want just one colour cake or rainbow.
Resource is paid based on the amount of time it took for me to draw them individually.