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I am a senior years Film, Media Studies, History and English teacher from Australia. I enjoy making engaging resources for my students and would love to share them. Please contact me if you have any feedback, or resource requests.

I am a senior years Film, Media Studies, History and English teacher from Australia. I enjoy making engaging resources for my students and would love to share them. Please contact me if you have any feedback, or resource requests.
Making meaning from cinematic lighting styles

Making meaning from cinematic lighting styles

This simple Powerpoint presentation will demonstrate how different lighting techniques create meaning for audiences of moving image media. Using Disney’s *Beauty and the Beast *as an example, students will be introduced to eight common cinematic lighting techniques. This presentation also includes some questions and activities to deepen student learning. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to analyse and appraise the lighting techniques of an animated narrative.
Advertising: Identifying Your Target Audience

Advertising: Identifying Your Target Audience

This resource introduces students to market segmentation through demographics and psychographics. It includes engaging ideas for individual and group activities. Students will: Create their own customer profile Conduct close analysis of an advertising campaign Design a Coca Cola poster for a target audience
Learning about Mise En Scene

Learning about Mise En Scene

This Power Point workbook defines and explaines the different components of mise en scene. It has four activities: BBC Mise En Scene Quiz Critique Deconstruction Close Film Analysis Critique Paragraph Students can use this Power Point as a workbook, or it can be used as a presentation.
Interactive Canva Whiteboard Story / Narrative Arc / Plot Diagram

Interactive Canva Whiteboard Story / Narrative Arc / Plot Diagram

This is an interactive plot diagram created on Canva Whiteboard. You can project it onto your whiteboard and students can write plot details over the speech bubbles. This resource has a picture frame that you can edit to include an image of the text your class is studying. This resource also includes a printable worksheet. Once you have purchased the resource, I will share the Canva Whiteboard with you. You will need a Canva account to view it.
Online Learning Interactive Game: Match the camera shot sizes

Online Learning Interactive Game: Match the camera shot sizes

This interactive game helps students match the correct shot size name with its corresponding visual. It provides the correct answers and definitions for each shot size. This is a great resource for students who are beginning to learn about film and media conventions. The shot sizes included are: Extreme close-up Big close-up Close-up Medium close-up Mid Shot Medium Long Shot Long Shot Very Long Shot The link to the resource will be included in the Power Point that you download. Please email me with any questions, feedback etc. I am also open to collaborations if you have any interactive resource ideas!