Punctuation game
In this game the child has to answer 15 questions correctly in order to get to fling their teacher.
Each question asks them to find the sentence with a mistake.
The quiz looks at question marks, speech marks, full stops and capital letters (both at the start of a sentence and for names).
Character names from the Oxford Reading Tree are used for familiarity.
I have included a link to the Flash file for you to download, or if it's easier for you a link to the game on our school website. The game has proved to be quite addictive to some of our HAs in Year 1 and to most of year 2.
Grammar and Punctuation Questions similar to the 2016 Sample Test Paper
Grammar and punctuation questions questions designed to look the same as those in the official 2016 sample paper.
The look, difficulty and style of the questions are as close to the sample paper as I could manage.
Personally I have been giving these to my Year 2 children as a lesson starter, two questions a day, then going through them with the class as soon as they have handed them in. Hopefully to prepare them for the actual test and also to use as extra evidence to assist in my teacher assessment.
There is a video on YouTube aimed at children, that walks through these questions and how to answer them. The video can be found by a QR code on the sheets and the URL is on the last page (so it does not appear on the question sheets you may wish to use in class). We have found that putting the file and link to the video on our school website has been appreciated by our parents.
I am creating extra sets of questions each week so keep checking for the next set.
Vocabulary Border with common vocabulary and interesting alternative words.
Bright colourful border ideal for any English display. To save space on the display itself the border contains common vocabulary (said, went, big, small, good, bad, and & then) and a choice of alternatives to those words.
Stop your border being a waste of space and put it to work for you. Giving you more space for a current up-to-date English display.
Please review and share.
Cool Connectives Differentiated Worksheets
These worksheets help to encourage the use of connectives. The first and second allow the child to choose a connective to add to given sentences. The third, for more confident writers, gives them the start of a sentence and asks them to continue using a choice of connective.
I have uploaded Publisher 2010 documents (without my school's logo) or if it's easier for you there are links to the PDF versions on my school website.