
Introduction to Superpower Relations (Cold War Edexcel GCSE)
An introduction to the Superpower relations course - with command strips and GCSE practice attached.

Berlin Blockade + Airlift
A lesson which covers the Berlin Blockade, Berlin Airlift, and the impact on international relations. Historical skills practice included.

The troubles a terror study of Ireland
A history lesson looking at the Troubles in Ireland. GCSE practice embedded.

Capitalism and Communism
A lesson introducing the ideas of Capitalism and Communism - and how they contributed towards the Cold War. Historical skills practice included.

Cuban Missile Crisis L2 - Source Skills
A lesson looking at the Cuban Missile Crisis investigating the event looking at different political cartoons. GCSE skills included.

How did the Tudors become the ruling family of England?
A lesson introducing how the Tudors became the ruling family of England (this will need prior knowledge of the War of the Roses) includes Historical interpretation work.

What was the Renaissance?
A lesson introducing the Renaissance and culture. Links to GCSE Medicine through time - using Vesalius as a case study.

Break from Rome
A Year 7 lesson introducing the Break from Rome - links to GCSE History - Henry VIII and his ministers - historical skills embedded.

Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam
A lesson introducing the Yalta and Potsdam conferences - writing practice to finish!

Nuclear weapons 1945
A lesson introducing the Cold War using the American use of nuclear weapons against Japan.

What did the Suffragettes endure to get the vote?
Lesson surrounding what happened to the Suffragettes once arrested - details about Cat and Mouse Act, including I do, You Do, We Do modelling of tasks. Historical interpretation on Emily Davison.

Does violence help? (Suffragettes)
Lesson introducing the WSPU and how they took action. Tasks relating to GCSE skills embedded.

Why did women not want women to have the vote?
Lesson on the position of women in the early 20th century - a variety of discussion activities, then extended writing tasks and source usefulness task to end.

Cuba Missile Crisis L1
A lesson which introduces the Cuban Missile Crisis by looking at the Cuban Revolution + Bay of Pigs invasion. Historical skills embedded.

Women's war work
How war work impacted the lives of women. Embedded tasks which relate to GCSE skills. Scholarship included.

How to answer narrative account
This lesson goes through how to answer an 8 mark narrative account question. Structure strips included and practice.

Cold War - Year 9
An overview of the Cold War - including GCSE exam practice, and a quick overview of the key international events between 1945-1990.