This Tall Tales Unit (81 pages) includes activities for these Tall Tales: John Henry, Annie Oakley, Babe the Ox, Calamity Jane, Davy Crockett, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind and Slue-foot Sue. The versions of the Tall Tales can vary somewhat, so I made the worksheets so they should be able to be used with any version, including a video version.
There is general information about Tall Tales, Vocabulary Word Wall Word cards for Tall Tales and a section for each Tall Tale story.
For each Tall Tale, there is a cover page (which can be used on a bulletin board), general information about that Tall Tale (although there may be different versions out there), Student Worksheets: Exaggerations, Writing a Letter to that character, a Story Map and a Web. There are additional worksheets: 3 pages of Making Connections between different Tall Tales with characters that are interacted together in their Tall Tales, a page for students to write their Schema about Tall Tales before you start your unit, a K-W-L chart page and 3 pages to help students write their own Tall Tales (pre-writing page, planning page, and writing page)
SDH Creations
This is a Unit to use when studying Legends. It has general information about Legends and their characteristics and then has activities for 8 different books.
In this unit...
A list of the 8 books used in this unit.
Pages to display or discuss with students: What is a Legend? , About Legends…, Questions to ask about legends
Vocabulary Cards for Legends - 4 pages: 11 words
Paper: Legends…Are and Have- for students to fill out
For each of the 8 Legend books:
A Character Map
Story Map
Legend Elements Chart
Writing Prompt paper
Vocabulary Cards
73 pages total
Monster Theme Fluency Kit: This is a monster-themed set for helping students learn addition and subtraction facts fluently.
Contents include: (74 pages total)
Bulletin Board Display
Chart for File Folders
Chart for Teacher
Addition Fact Cards for Sums to 5
Addition Fact cards for Sums to 20
Subtraction Fact cards for each number
4 game boards for addition & subtraction games (color and black and white)
Papers for 1 or 2 minute timed test
Paper for student's Take Home Folders
Thanks for looking!
This is a bundle of Tropical Fun themed items to help set up your classroom. It includes: a Calendar set, Math bin and notebook labels, teacher toolbox labels, bulletin board and background paper, Schedule cards (including editable cards), word wall letters and Welcome banners.