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Senormarron's Shop

A Spanish and EAL teacher with over 10 years experience in the sector. Former engineer. Based in the UK, born and raised in Malta.

A Spanish and EAL teacher with over 10 years experience in the sector. Former engineer. Based in the UK, born and raised in Malta.
Marksheet for essays - mark scheme criteria for pieces of writing

Marksheet for essays - mark scheme criteria for pieces of writing

Used this for IELTS essays, but it’s good for pretty much any subject and long pieces of writing / essays. Easily adaptable; my criteria is describe, explain and evaluate. Each worth 5 marks tops (1 mark for grade E, 2 for D, 3 for C, 4 for B and 5 for A/A*). Total worth is 15 points. Works really well with students if they are familiar with it. At the end of the doc they get a WWW and EBI, plus an improvement task we can give them to action upon getting the feedback.
Halloween chit chat: starter activity for EAL students

Halloween chit chat: starter activity for EAL students

15 Halloween-related questions to break the ice at the start of the lesson. Students are meant to talk in pairs, then share their own or their peer’s opinions with the rest of the group. Easily adaptable if necessary; I use this resource every year with B1 and B2 students. Give them a couple of minutes to respond, then move onto the next question. The idea is they spend a good amount of time talking about Halloween, practising their aural and spoken skills. This task practises a range of tenses.