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NCCE Teach Computing - Computing Subject Lead Documents - see description

NCCE Teach Computing - Computing Subject Lead Documents - see description

Documents that are useful as a subject lead when following the NCCE Teach Computing scheme of work. This includes: Progression of skills - Years 1-6 Progression of skills - Early Years (2-5 year olds) Whole School Overview - LTP Year by Year Overviews - Y1-6 Vocabulary overview National Curriculum coverage
Seesaw Skills - Target Tracker Foundation Skills - Y1-6 Excel file

Seesaw Skills - Target Tracker Foundation Skills - Y1-6 Excel file

These skills are taken directly from Target Tracker and placed into the Seesaw Skills format. They can be uploaded to the admin dashboard of any Seesaw for Schools account. See the following link for instructions/ further information. Please note: they will need to be changed to csv files per tab. https://help.seesaw.me/hc/en-us/articles/115000487363-How-to-use-Skills-with-your-school Teachers can then tag their skills in Seesaw posts to be able to align for assessment purposes/ subject leaders. FOUNDATION SKILLS ONLY - SEE OTHER LINK ON PROFILE FOR CORE - includes Science, Art, Computing, DT, Geography, History, Languages, Music and PE.
Seesaw Skills - Target Tracker Core Skills - Y1-6 Excel file

Seesaw Skills - Target Tracker Core Skills - Y1-6 Excel file

These skills are taken directly from Target Tracker and placed into the Seesaw Skills format. They can be uploaded to the admin dashboard of any Seesaw for Schools account. See the following link for instructions/ further information. Please note: they will need to be changed to csv files per tab. https://help.seesaw.me/hc/en-us/articles/115000487363-How-to-use-Skills-with-your-school Teachers can then tag their skills in Seesaw posts to be able to align for assessment purposes/ subject leaders.