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Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
Eduqas year 2 Ethics Theme 4 - Predestination

Eduqas year 2 Ethics Theme 4 - Predestination

Visiting PhD student provided our dept with this! (hence the excellent footnotes). What is ‘predestination’? What Biblical support is there for the doctrine? What are the implications for moral responsibility? What did Augustine, Pelagius, Calvin, Arminus, Edwards and John Wesley have to say? This was the handout to his talk. Questions included at the end.
Eduqas RS A level Ethics short tests

Eduqas RS A level Ethics short tests

I designed these to help me assess my students mid - topic before I set them an essay. Intended to take about 40 mins each, the four tests (Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics, Natural Law 1 and Natural Law 2 (Finnis/Hoose) contain a mix of short and longer questions.
Retrieval quizzes on Religious Language

Retrieval quizzes on Religious Language

Four retrieval quizzes, three suitable for mini whiteboards and one on Word, on: Verification Falsification Language Games Based on the Edexcel specification and the Religious Language anthology (university symposium between Flew, Hare and Mitchell) with an additional quiz on early and late Wittgenstein thrown in. Worked well in my classes - enjoy!
Nature of God OCR A2: God's attributes according to Anselm in the Proslogion

Nature of God OCR A2: God's attributes according to Anselm in the Proslogion

I have turned some of the work of Rev. Dr Thomas Williams' entry on Anselm in the SEP into a handout. Focusses on how Anselm develops his discussions of God's impassibility, timelessness and simplicity, from his several statements of the ontological argument in Proslogion 2 and 3. Actually not as complex as it sounds! Full article found at http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/anselm/
J.S. Mill and Natural Evil - criticisms of the Design Argument. OCR AS

J.S. Mill and Natural Evil - criticisms of the Design Argument. OCR AS

Extracts from Mill's 'Three Essays on Religion', focussing on his claim that Nature is excessively cruel. Does the amount of pain in the natural world indicate that the world is not good? Also examines Richard Dawkins' example of the Digger Wasp and his counterclaim that nature is not cruel, merely 'pitilessly indifferent'.
OCR Philosophy of Religion A2 Nature of God: is Hell a just punishment?

OCR Philosophy of Religion A2 Nature of God: is Hell a just punishment?

Dr William Lane Craig (Kalam Cosmological Argument) and Dr Ray Bradley (Possible Worlds) debate on the issue of hell. Can God be loving and just and send people to hell for ever? Do people have a choice in the matter, or are the 'doors of hell locked on the inside?' This resource contains extracts from a stimulating debate, held at Simon Fraser University.
Sexual Ethics OCR A2: The Morality of Contraception

Sexual Ethics OCR A2: The Morality of Contraception

First published by the Christian Medical Fellowship in 1995, and written by a consultant gynaecologist, this piece is a very thoughtful exploration of the different ethical issues raised by various forms of contraception. Not from a Catholic viewpoint, but it explains the papal views on the issues and provides a helpful medical background to the risks of some contraceptive pills, especially in the 1950s. Clear explanations of 'the subtleties of contraception' including the differing effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives on younger and older women. Links to further reading in the bibliography.