NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies - Mulholland Drive Knowledge Organiser
Component 2D: Experimental Film
David Lynch
Non-linear narratives
Auteur theory
Film Form Analysis
Component 2A - Music Videos and Music Websites
Part 1 - Music Videos
Taylor Swift - The Man
Stormzy - Superheroes
Duran Duran - Rio
Language / Representation / Industry / Audience
NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies - Parasite Knowledge Organiser
Director: Bong Joon-Ho
Component 2A: Global Cinema
Film Form / Meaning and Response / Contexts
NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies - Man With A Movie Camera Knowledge Organiser
The realist vs the expressive debate
Soviet Montage Cinema
Film Form Analysis
Contextual Insight
Auteur theory
Exam response exemplar
A Propos De Nice analysis
Promising Young Woman Knowledge Organiser
Film Form Analysis - textual analysis of three sequences
Overview: Cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing, sound
Specialist Study Areas: Spectatorship & Ideology
Feminist critique, production context, institutional context, narrative
Comprehensive resource
(Quality Street, This Girl Can, The Man With The Golden Gun, No Time To Die (+Industry), GQ, Pride, The Sun (+Industry), The Guardian, The Archers, Fortnite)
Knowledge organisers on all set texts
Glossaries on each Media Form and comprehension tasks
Exam questions and exemplar scaffolds
NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies - Vertigo
Component 1A: Hollywood 1930-1990
Option 1: Classical Hollywood (1930-1960)
Classical Hollywood Film Context Deep Dive
Rigorous textual analysis from the beginning to the end of the film.
NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies - Blade Runner
Component 1A: Hollywood 1930-1990
Option 2: New Hollywood (1960-1990)
Rigorous textual analysis from the beginning to the end of the film.
NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies - No Country For Old Men
Component 1B: American Film Since 2005
Option 1: Mainstream Film
Rigorous textual analysis from the beginning to the end of the film.
NEW! Eduqas A Level Film Studies
Boyhood Textual Analysis
Component 1B: American Film Since 2005
Option 2: Independent Film
Rigorous textual analysis of film from beginning to end.